Your IP :
import math
INF = float("inf")
MINUS_INF = float("-inf")
NaN = float("NaN")
def floatToGoString(d):
d = float(d)
if d == INF:
return '+Inf'
elif d == MINUS_INF:
return '-Inf'
elif math.isnan(d):
return 'NaN'
s = repr(d)
dot = s.find('.')
# Go switches to exponents sooner than Python.
# We only need to care about positive values for le/quantile.
if d > 0 and dot > 6:
mantissa = '{0}.{1}{2}'.format(s[0], s[1:dot], s[dot + 1:]).rstrip('0.')
return '{0}e+0{1}'.format(mantissa, dot - 1)
return s