Your IP :
import inspect
import sys
import pytest
import numpy as np
from numpy.core import arange
from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_equal, assert_raises_regex
from numpy.lib import deprecate, deprecate_with_doc
import numpy.lib.utils as utils
from io import StringIO
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.flags.optimize == 2, reason="Python running -OO")
sys.version_info == (3, 10, 0, "candidate", 1),
reason="Broken as of bpo-44524",
def test_lookfor():
out = StringIO()
utils.lookfor('eigenvalue', module='numpy', output=out,
out = out.getvalue()
assert_('numpy.linalg.eig' in out)
def old_func(self, x):
return x
@deprecate(message="Rather use new_func2")
def old_func2(self, x):
return x
def old_func3(self, x):
return x
new_func3 = deprecate(old_func3, old_name="old_func3", new_name="new_func3")
def old_func4(self, x):
Further info.
return x
new_func4 = deprecate(old_func4)
def old_func5(self, x):
Bizarre indentation.
return x
new_func5 = deprecate(old_func5, message="This function is\ndeprecated.")
def old_func6(self, x):
Also in PEP-257.
return x
new_func6 = deprecate(old_func6)
@deprecate_with_doc(msg="Rather use new_func7")
def old_func7(self,x):
return x
def test_deprecate_decorator():
assert_('deprecated' in old_func.__doc__)
def test_deprecate_decorator_message():
assert_('Rather use new_func2' in old_func2.__doc__)
def test_deprecate_fn():
assert_('old_func3' in new_func3.__doc__)
assert_('new_func3' in new_func3.__doc__)
def test_deprecate_with_doc_decorator_message():
assert_('Rather use new_func7' in old_func7.__doc__)
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.flags.optimize == 2, reason="-OO discards docstrings")
@pytest.mark.parametrize('old_func, new_func', [
(old_func4, new_func4),
(old_func5, new_func5),
(old_func6, new_func6),
def test_deprecate_help_indentation(old_func, new_func):
_compare_docs(old_func, new_func)
# Ensure we don't mess up the indentation
for knd, func in (('old', old_func), ('new', new_func)):
for li, line in enumerate(func.__doc__.split('\n')):
if li == 0:
assert line.startswith(' ') or not line.startswith(' '), knd
elif line:
assert line.startswith(' '), knd
def _compare_docs(old_func, new_func):
old_doc = inspect.getdoc(old_func)
new_doc = inspect.getdoc(new_func)
index = new_doc.index('\n\n') + 2
assert_equal(new_doc[index:], old_doc)
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.flags.optimize == 2, reason="-OO discards docstrings")
def test_deprecate_preserve_whitespace():
assert_('\n Bizarre' in new_func5.__doc__)
def test_deprecate_module():
assert_(old_func.__module__ == __name__)
def test_safe_eval_nameconstant():
# Test if safe_eval supports Python 3.4 _ast.NameConstant
class TestByteBounds:
def test_byte_bounds(self):
# pointer difference matches size * itemsize
# due to contiguity
a = arange(12).reshape(3, 4)
low, high = utils.byte_bounds(a)
assert_equal(high - low, a.size * a.itemsize)
def test_unusual_order_positive_stride(self):
a = arange(12).reshape(3, 4)
b = a.T
low, high = utils.byte_bounds(b)
assert_equal(high - low, b.size * b.itemsize)
def test_unusual_order_negative_stride(self):
a = arange(12).reshape(3, 4)
b = a.T[::-1]
low, high = utils.byte_bounds(b)
assert_equal(high - low, b.size * b.itemsize)
def test_strided(self):
a = arange(12)
b = a[::2]
low, high = utils.byte_bounds(b)
# the largest pointer address is lost (even numbers only in the
# stride), and compensate addresses for striding by 2
assert_equal(high - low, b.size * 2 * b.itemsize - b.itemsize)
def test_assert_raises_regex_context_manager():
with assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'no deprecation warning'):
raise ValueError('no deprecation warning')
def test_info_method_heading():
# info(class) should only print "Methods:" heading if methods exist
class NoPublicMethods:
class WithPublicMethods:
def first_method():
def _has_method_heading(cls):
out = StringIO(), output=out)
return 'Methods:' in out.getvalue()
assert _has_method_heading(WithPublicMethods)
assert not _has_method_heading(NoPublicMethods)
def test_drop_metadata():
def _compare_dtypes(dt1, dt2):
return np.can_cast(dt1, dt2, casting='no')
# structured dtype
dt = np.dtype([('l1', [('l2', np.dtype('S8', metadata={'msg': 'toto'}))])],
metadata={'msg': 'titi'})
dt_m = utils.drop_metadata(dt)
assert _compare_dtypes(dt, dt_m) is True
assert dt_m.metadata is None
assert dt_m['l1'].metadata is None
assert dt_m['l1']['l2'].metadata is None
# alignement
dt = np.dtype([('x', '<f8'), ('y', '<i4')],
metadata={'msg': 'toto'})
dt_m = utils.drop_metadata(dt)
assert _compare_dtypes(dt, dt_m) is True
assert dt_m.metadata is None
# subdtype
dt = np.dtype('8f',
metadata={'msg': 'toto'})
dt_m = utils.drop_metadata(dt)
assert _compare_dtypes(dt, dt_m) is True
assert dt_m.metadata is None
# scalar
dt = np.dtype('uint32',
metadata={'msg': 'toto'})
dt_m = utils.drop_metadata(dt)
assert _compare_dtypes(dt, dt_m) is True
assert dt_m.metadata is None
[np.dtype("i,i,i,i")[["f1", "f3"]],
def test_drop_metadata_identity_and_copy(dtype):
# If there is no metadata, the identity is preserved:
assert utils.drop_metadata(dtype) is dtype
# If there is any, it is dropped (subforms are checked above)
dtype = np.dtype(dtype, metadata={1: 2})
assert utils.drop_metadata(dtype).metadata is None