Your IP :
""" Test printing of scalar types.
import code
import platform
import pytest
import sys
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_equal, assert_raises, IS_MUSL
class TestRealScalars:
def test_str(self):
svals = [0.0, -0.0, 1, -1, np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan]
styps = [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.longdouble]
wanted = [
['0.0', '0.0', '0.0', '0.0' ],
['-0.0', '-0.0', '-0.0', '-0.0'],
['1.0', '1.0', '1.0', '1.0' ],
['-1.0', '-1.0', '-1.0', '-1.0'],
['inf', 'inf', 'inf', 'inf' ],
['-inf', '-inf', '-inf', '-inf'],
['nan', 'nan', 'nan', 'nan']]
for wants, val in zip(wanted, svals):
for want, styp in zip(wants, styps):
msg = 'for str({}({}))'.format(np.dtype(styp).name, repr(val))
assert_equal(str(styp(val)), want, err_msg=msg)
def test_scalar_cutoffs(self):
# test that both the str and repr of np.float64 behaves
# like python floats in python3.
def check(v):
assert_equal(str(np.float64(v)), str(v))
assert_equal(str(np.float64(v)), repr(v))
assert_equal(repr(np.float64(v)), repr(v))
assert_equal(repr(np.float64(v)), str(v))
# check we use the same number of significant digits
# check switch from scientific output to positional and back
def test_py2_float_print(self):
# gh-10753
# In python2, the python float type implements an obsolete method
# tp_print, which overrides tp_repr and tp_str when using "print" to
# output to a "real file" (ie, not a StringIO). Make sure we don't
# inherit it.
x = np.double(0.1999999999999)
with TemporaryFile('r+t') as f:
print(x, file=f)
output =
assert_equal(output, str(x) + '\n')
# In python2 the value float('0.1999999999999') prints with reduced
# precision as '0.2', but we want numpy's np.double('0.1999999999999')
# to print the unique value, '0.1999999999999'.
# gh-11031
# Only in the python2 interactive shell and when stdout is a "real"
# file, the output of the last command is printed to stdout without
# Py_PRINT_RAW (unlike the print statement) so `>>> x` and `>>> print
# x` are potentially different. Make sure they are the same. The only
# way I found to get prompt-like output is using an actual prompt from
# the 'code' module. Again, must use tempfile to get a "real" file.
# dummy user-input which enters one line and then ctrl-Ds.
def userinput():
yield 'np.sqrt(2)'
raise EOFError
gen = userinput()
input_func = lambda prompt="": next(gen)
with TemporaryFile('r+t') as fo, TemporaryFile('r+t') as fe:
orig_stdout, orig_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = fo, fe
code.interact(local={'np': np}, readfunc=input_func, banner='')
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = orig_stdout, orig_stderr
capture =
assert_equal(capture, repr(np.sqrt(2)))
def test_dragon4(self):
# these tests are adapted from Ryan Juckett's dragon4 implementation,
# see dragon4.c for details.
fpos32 = lambda x, **k: np.format_float_positional(np.float32(x), **k)
fsci32 = lambda x, **k: np.format_float_scientific(np.float32(x), **k)
fpos64 = lambda x, **k: np.format_float_positional(np.float64(x), **k)
fsci64 = lambda x, **k: np.format_float_scientific(np.float64(x), **k)
preckwd = lambda prec: {'unique': False, 'precision': prec}
assert_equal(fpos32('1.0'), "1.")
assert_equal(fsci32('1.0'), "1.e+00")
assert_equal(fpos32('10.234'), "10.234")
assert_equal(fpos32('-10.234'), "-10.234")
assert_equal(fsci32('10.234'), "1.0234e+01")
assert_equal(fsci32('-10.234'), "-1.0234e+01")
assert_equal(fpos32('1000.0'), "1000.")
assert_equal(fpos32('1.0', precision=0), "1.")
assert_equal(fsci32('1.0', precision=0), "1.e+00")
assert_equal(fpos32('10.234', precision=0), "10.")
assert_equal(fpos32('-10.234', precision=0), "-10.")
assert_equal(fsci32('10.234', precision=0), "1.e+01")
assert_equal(fsci32('-10.234', precision=0), "-1.e+01")
assert_equal(fpos32('10.234', precision=2), "10.23")
assert_equal(fsci32('-10.234', precision=2), "-1.02e+01")
assert_equal(fsci64('9.9999999999999995e-08', **preckwd(16)),
assert_equal(fsci64('9.8813129168249309e-324', **preckwd(16)),
assert_equal(fsci64('9.9999999999999694e-311', **preckwd(16)),
# test rounding
# 3.1415927410 is closest float32 to np.pi
assert_equal(fpos32('3.14159265358979323846', **preckwd(10)),
assert_equal(fsci32('3.14159265358979323846', **preckwd(10)),
assert_equal(fpos64('3.14159265358979323846', **preckwd(10)),
assert_equal(fsci64('3.14159265358979323846', **preckwd(10)),
# 299792448 is closest float32 to 299792458
assert_equal(fpos32('299792458.0', **preckwd(5)), "299792448.00000")
assert_equal(fsci32('299792458.0', **preckwd(5)), "2.99792e+08")
assert_equal(fpos64('299792458.0', **preckwd(5)), "299792458.00000")
assert_equal(fsci64('299792458.0', **preckwd(5)), "2.99792e+08")
assert_equal(fpos32('3.14159265358979323846', **preckwd(25)),
assert_equal(fpos64('3.14159265358979323846', **preckwd(50)),
assert_equal(fpos64('3.14159265358979323846'), "3.141592653589793")
# smallest numbers
assert_equal(fpos32(0.5**(126 + 23), unique=False, precision=149),
assert_equal(fpos64(5e-324, unique=False, precision=1074),
# largest numbers
f32x = np.finfo(np.float32).max
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, **preckwd(0)),
assert_equal(fpos64(np.finfo(np.float64).max, **preckwd(0)),
# Warning: In unique mode only the integer digits necessary for
# uniqueness are computed, the rest are 0.
# Further tests of zero-padding vs rounding in different combinations
# of unique, fractional, precision, min_digits
# precision can only reduce digits, not add them.
# min_digits can only extend digits, not reduce them.
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=True, fractional=True, precision=0),
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=True, fractional=True, precision=4),
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=True, fractional=True, min_digits=0),
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=True, fractional=True, min_digits=4),
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=True, fractional=True,
min_digits=4, precision=4),
assert_raises(ValueError, fpos32, f32x, unique=True, fractional=False,
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=True, fractional=False, precision=4),
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=True, fractional=False, precision=20),
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=True, fractional=False, min_digits=4),
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=True, fractional=False,
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=True, fractional=False,
assert_equal(fpos32(f32x, unique=False, fractional=False, precision=4),
# test that unique rounding is preserved when precision is supplied
# but no extra digits need to be printed (gh-18609)
a = np.float64.fromhex('-1p-97')
assert_equal(fsci64(a, unique=True), '-6.310887241768095e-30')
assert_equal(fsci64(a, unique=False, precision=15),
assert_equal(fsci64(a, unique=True, precision=15),
assert_equal(fsci64(a, unique=True, min_digits=15),
assert_equal(fsci64(a, unique=True, precision=15, min_digits=15),
# adds/remove digits in unique mode with unbiased rnding
assert_equal(fsci64(a, unique=True, precision=14),
assert_equal(fsci64(a, unique=True, min_digits=16),
assert_equal(fsci64(a, unique=True, precision=16),
assert_equal(fsci64(a, unique=True, min_digits=14),
# test min_digits in unique mode with different rounding cases
assert_equal(fsci64('1e120', min_digits=3), '1.000e+120')
assert_equal(fsci64('1e100', min_digits=3), '1.000e+100')
# test trailing zeros
assert_equal(fpos32('1.0', unique=False, precision=3), "1.000")
assert_equal(fpos64('1.0', unique=False, precision=3), "1.000")
assert_equal(fsci32('1.0', unique=False, precision=3), "1.000e+00")
assert_equal(fsci64('1.0', unique=False, precision=3), "1.000e+00")
assert_equal(fpos32('1.5', unique=False, precision=3), "1.500")
assert_equal(fpos64('1.5', unique=False, precision=3), "1.500")
assert_equal(fsci32('1.5', unique=False, precision=3), "1.500e+00")
assert_equal(fsci64('1.5', unique=False, precision=3), "1.500e+00")
# gh-10713
assert_equal(fpos64('324', unique=False, precision=5,
fractional=False), "324.00")
def test_dragon4_interface(self):
tps = [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]
# test is flaky for musllinux on np.float128
if hasattr(np, 'float128') and not IS_MUSL:
fpos = np.format_float_positional
fsci = np.format_float_scientific
for tp in tps:
# test padding
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.0'), pad_left=4, pad_right=4), " 1. ")
assert_equal(fpos(tp('-1.0'), pad_left=4, pad_right=4), " -1. ")
pad_left=4, pad_right=4), " -10.2 ")
# test exp_digits
assert_equal(fsci(tp('1.23e1'), exp_digits=5), "1.23e+00001")
# test fixed (non-unique) mode
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.0'), unique=False, precision=4), "1.0000")
assert_equal(fsci(tp('1.0'), unique=False, precision=4),
# test trimming
# trim of 'k' or '.' only affects non-unique mode, since unique
# mode will not output trailing 0s.
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.'), unique=False, precision=4, trim='k'),
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.'), unique=False, precision=4, trim='.'),
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.2'), unique=False, precision=4, trim='.'),
"1.2" if tp != np.float16 else "1.2002")
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.'), unique=False, precision=4, trim='0'),
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.2'), unique=False, precision=4, trim='0'),
"1.2" if tp != np.float16 else "1.2002")
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.'), trim='0'), "1.0")
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.'), unique=False, precision=4, trim='-'),
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.2'), unique=False, precision=4, trim='-'),
"1.2" if tp != np.float16 else "1.2002")
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.'), trim='-'), "1")
assert_equal(fpos(tp('1.001'), precision=1, trim='-'), "1")
@pytest.mark.skipif(not platform.machine().startswith("ppc64"),
reason="only applies to ppc float128 values")
def test_ppc64_ibm_double_double128(self):
# check that the precision decreases once we get into the subnormal
# range. Unlike float64, this starts around 1e-292 instead of 1e-308,
# which happens when the first double is normal and the second is
# subnormal.
x = np.float128('2.123123123123123123123123123123123e-286')
got = [str(x/np.float128('2e' + str(i))) for i in range(0,40)]
expected = [
assert_equal(got, expected)
# Note: we follow glibc behavior, but it (or gcc) might not be right.
# In particular we can get two values that print the same but are not
# equal:
a = np.float128('2')/np.float128('3')
b = np.float128(str(a))
assert_equal(str(a), str(b))
assert_(a != b)
def float32_roundtrip(self):
# gh-9360
x = np.float32(1024 - 2**-14)
y = np.float32(1024 - 2**-13)
assert_(repr(x) != repr(y))
assert_equal(np.float32(repr(x)), x)
assert_equal(np.float32(repr(y)), y)
def float64_vs_python(self):
# gh-2643, gh-6136, gh-6908
assert_equal(repr(np.float64(0.1)), repr(0.1))
assert_(repr(np.float64(0.20000000000000004)) != repr(0.2))