Your IP :
import inspect
import sys
import os
import tempfile
from io import StringIO
from unittest import mock
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (
assert_, assert_equal, assert_raises, assert_raises_regex)
from numpy.core.overrides import (
_get_implementing_args, array_function_dispatch,
from numpy.compat import pickle
import pytest
def _return_not_implemented(self, *args, **kwargs):
return NotImplemented
# need to define this at the top level to test pickling
@array_function_dispatch(lambda array: (array,))
def dispatched_one_arg(array):
return 'original'
@array_function_dispatch(lambda array1, array2: (array1, array2))
def dispatched_two_arg(array1, array2):
return 'original'
class TestGetImplementingArgs:
def test_ndarray(self):
array = np.array(1)
args = _get_implementing_args([array])
assert_equal(list(args), [array])
args = _get_implementing_args([array, array])
assert_equal(list(args), [array])
args = _get_implementing_args([array, 1])
assert_equal(list(args), [array])
args = _get_implementing_args([1, array])
assert_equal(list(args), [array])
def test_ndarray_subclasses(self):
class OverrideSub(np.ndarray):
__array_function__ = _return_not_implemented
class NoOverrideSub(np.ndarray):
array = np.array(1).view(np.ndarray)
override_sub = np.array(1).view(OverrideSub)
no_override_sub = np.array(1).view(NoOverrideSub)
args = _get_implementing_args([array, override_sub])
assert_equal(list(args), [override_sub, array])
args = _get_implementing_args([array, no_override_sub])
assert_equal(list(args), [no_override_sub, array])
args = _get_implementing_args(
[override_sub, no_override_sub])
assert_equal(list(args), [override_sub, no_override_sub])
def test_ndarray_and_duck_array(self):
class Other:
__array_function__ = _return_not_implemented
array = np.array(1)
other = Other()
args = _get_implementing_args([other, array])
assert_equal(list(args), [other, array])
args = _get_implementing_args([array, other])
assert_equal(list(args), [array, other])
def test_ndarray_subclass_and_duck_array(self):
class OverrideSub(np.ndarray):
__array_function__ = _return_not_implemented
class Other:
__array_function__ = _return_not_implemented
array = np.array(1)
subarray = np.array(1).view(OverrideSub)
other = Other()
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([array, subarray, other]),
[subarray, array, other])
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([array, other, subarray]),
[subarray, array, other])
def test_many_duck_arrays(self):
class A:
__array_function__ = _return_not_implemented
class B(A):
__array_function__ = _return_not_implemented
class C(A):
__array_function__ = _return_not_implemented
class D:
__array_function__ = _return_not_implemented
a = A()
b = B()
c = C()
d = D()
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([1]), [])
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([a]), [a])
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([a, 1]), [a])
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([a, a, a]), [a])
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([a, d, a]), [a, d])
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([a, b]), [b, a])
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([b, a]), [b, a])
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([a, b, c]), [b, c, a])
assert_equal(_get_implementing_args([a, c, b]), [c, b, a])
def test_too_many_duck_arrays(self):
namespace = dict(__array_function__=_return_not_implemented)
types = [type('A' + str(i), (object,), namespace) for i in range(33)]
relevant_args = [t() for t in types]
actual = _get_implementing_args(relevant_args[:32])
assert_equal(actual, relevant_args[:32])
with assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'distinct argument types'):
class TestNDArrayArrayFunction:
def test_method(self):
class Other:
__array_function__ = _return_not_implemented
class NoOverrideSub(np.ndarray):
class OverrideSub(np.ndarray):
__array_function__ = _return_not_implemented
array = np.array([1])
other = Other()
no_override_sub = array.view(NoOverrideSub)
override_sub = array.view(OverrideSub)
result = array.__array_function__(func=dispatched_two_arg,
args=(array, 1.), kwargs={})
assert_equal(result, 'original')
result = array.__array_function__(func=dispatched_two_arg,
types=(np.ndarray, Other),
args=(array, other), kwargs={})
assert_(result is NotImplemented)
result = array.__array_function__(func=dispatched_two_arg,
types=(np.ndarray, NoOverrideSub),
args=(array, no_override_sub),
assert_equal(result, 'original')
result = array.__array_function__(func=dispatched_two_arg,
types=(np.ndarray, OverrideSub),
args=(array, override_sub),
assert_equal(result, 'original')
with assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'no implementation found'):
np.concatenate((array, other))
expected = np.concatenate((array, array))
result = np.concatenate((array, no_override_sub))
assert_equal(result, expected.view(NoOverrideSub))
result = np.concatenate((array, override_sub))
assert_equal(result, expected.view(OverrideSub))
def test_no_wrapper(self):
# This shouldn't happen unless a user intentionally calls
# __array_function__ with invalid arguments, but check that we raise
# an appropriate error all the same.
array = np.array(1)
func = lambda x: x
with assert_raises_regex(AttributeError, '_implementation'):
array.__array_function__(func=func, types=(np.ndarray,),
args=(array,), kwargs={})
class TestArrayFunctionDispatch:
def test_pickle(self):
for proto in range(2, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
roundtripped = pickle.loads(
pickle.dumps(dispatched_one_arg, protocol=proto))
assert_(roundtripped is dispatched_one_arg)
def test_name_and_docstring(self):
assert_equal(dispatched_one_arg.__name__, 'dispatched_one_arg')
if sys.flags.optimize < 2:
assert_equal(dispatched_one_arg.__doc__, 'Docstring.')
def test_interface(self):
class MyArray:
def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs):
return (self, func, types, args, kwargs)
original = MyArray()
(obj, func, types, args, kwargs) = dispatched_one_arg(original)
assert_(obj is original)
assert_(func is dispatched_one_arg)
assert_equal(set(types), {MyArray})
# assert_equal uses the overloaded np.iscomplexobj() internally
assert_(args == (original,))
assert_equal(kwargs, {})
def test_not_implemented(self):
class MyArray:
def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs):
return NotImplemented
array = MyArray()
with assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'no implementation found'):
def test_where_dispatch(self):
class DuckArray:
def __array_function__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
return "overridden"
array = np.array(1)
duck_array = DuckArray()
result = np.std(array, where=duck_array)
assert_equal(result, "overridden")
class TestVerifyMatchingSignatures:
def test_verify_matching_signatures(self):
verify_matching_signatures(lambda x: 0, lambda x: 0)
verify_matching_signatures(lambda x=None: 0, lambda x=None: 0)
verify_matching_signatures(lambda x=1: 0, lambda x=None: 0)
with assert_raises(RuntimeError):
verify_matching_signatures(lambda a: 0, lambda b: 0)
with assert_raises(RuntimeError):
verify_matching_signatures(lambda x: 0, lambda x=None: 0)
with assert_raises(RuntimeError):
verify_matching_signatures(lambda x=None: 0, lambda y=None: 0)
with assert_raises(RuntimeError):
verify_matching_signatures(lambda x=1: 0, lambda y=1: 0)
def test_array_function_dispatch(self):
with assert_raises(RuntimeError):
@array_function_dispatch(lambda x: (x,))
def f(y):
# should not raise
@array_function_dispatch(lambda x: (x,), verify=False)
def f(y):
def _new_duck_type_and_implements():
"""Create a duck array type and implements functions."""
class MyArray:
def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs):
if func not in HANDLED_FUNCTIONS:
return NotImplemented
if not all(issubclass(t, MyArray) for t in types):
return NotImplemented
return HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[func](*args, **kwargs)
def implements(numpy_function):
"""Register an __array_function__ implementations."""
def decorator(func):
HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[numpy_function] = func
return func
return decorator
return (MyArray, implements)
class TestArrayFunctionImplementation:
def test_one_arg(self):
MyArray, implements = _new_duck_type_and_implements()
def _(array):
return 'myarray'
assert_equal(dispatched_one_arg(1), 'original')
assert_equal(dispatched_one_arg(MyArray()), 'myarray')
def test_optional_args(self):
MyArray, implements = _new_duck_type_and_implements()
@array_function_dispatch(lambda array, option=None: (array,))
def func_with_option(array, option='default'):
return option
def my_array_func_with_option(array, new_option='myarray'):
return new_option
# we don't need to implement every option on __array_function__
# implementations
assert_equal(func_with_option(1), 'default')
assert_equal(func_with_option(1, option='extra'), 'extra')
assert_equal(func_with_option(MyArray()), 'myarray')
with assert_raises(TypeError):
func_with_option(MyArray(), option='extra')
# but new options on implementations can't be used
result = my_array_func_with_option(MyArray(), new_option='yes')
assert_equal(result, 'yes')
with assert_raises(TypeError):
func_with_option(MyArray(), new_option='no')
def test_not_implemented(self):
MyArray, implements = _new_duck_type_and_implements()
@array_function_dispatch(lambda array: (array,), module='my')
def func(array):
return array
array = np.array(1)
assert_(func(array) is array)
assert_equal(func.__module__, 'my')
with assert_raises_regex(
TypeError, "no implementation found for 'my.func'"):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("name", ["concatenate", "mean", "asarray"])
def test_signature_error_message_simple(self, name):
func = getattr(np, name)
# all of these functions need an argument:
except TypeError as e:
exc = e
assert exc.args[0].startswith(f"{name}()")
def test_signature_error_message(self):
# The lambda function will be named "<lambda>", but the TypeError
# should show the name as "func"
def _dispatcher():
return ()
def func():
except TypeError as e:
expected_exception = e
raise AssertionError("must fail")
except TypeError as exc:
if exc.args[0].startswith("_dispatcher"):
# We replace the qualname currently, but it used `__name__`
# (relevant functions have the same name and qualname anyway)
pytest.skip("Python version is not using __qualname__ for "
"TypeError formatting.")
assert exc.args == expected_exception.args
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", [234, "this func is not replaced"])
def test_dispatcher_error(self, value):
# If the dispatcher raises an error, we must not attempt to mutate it
error = TypeError(value)
def dispatcher():
raise error
def func():
return 3
raise AssertionError("must fail")
except TypeError as exc:
assert exc is error # unmodified exception
def test_properties(self):
# Check that str and repr are sensible
func = dispatched_two_arg
assert str(func) == str(func._implementation)
repr_no_id = repr(func).split("at ")[0]
repr_no_id_impl = repr(func._implementation).split("at ")[0]
assert repr_no_id == repr_no_id_impl
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func", [
lambda x, y: 0, # no like argument
lambda like=None: 0, # not keyword only
lambda *, like=None, a=3: 0, # not last (not that it matters)
def test_bad_like_sig(self, func):
# We sanity check the signature, and these should fail.
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
def test_bad_like_passing(self):
# Cover internal sanity check for passing like as first positional arg
def func(*, like=None):
func_with_like = array_function_dispatch()(func)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_too_many_args(self):
# Mainly a unit-test to increase coverage
objs = []
for i in range(40):
class MyArr:
def __array_function__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return NotImplemented
def _dispatch(*args):
return args
def func(*args):
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="maximum number"):
class TestNDArrayMethods:
def test_repr(self):
# gh-12162: should still be defined even if __array_function__ doesn't
# implement np.array_repr()
class MyArray(np.ndarray):
def __array_function__(*args, **kwargs):
return NotImplemented
array = np.array(1).view(MyArray)
assert_equal(repr(array), 'MyArray(1)')
assert_equal(str(array), '1')
class TestNumPyFunctions:
def test_set_module(self):
assert_equal(np.sum.__module__, 'numpy')
assert_equal(np.char.equal.__module__, 'numpy.char')
assert_equal(np.fft.fft.__module__, 'numpy.fft')
assert_equal(np.linalg.solve.__module__, 'numpy.linalg')
def test_inspect_sum(self):
signature = inspect.signature(np.sum)
assert_('axis' in signature.parameters)
def test_override_sum(self):
MyArray, implements = _new_duck_type_and_implements()
def _(array):
return 'yes'
assert_equal(np.sum(MyArray()), 'yes')
def test_sum_on_mock_array(self):
# We need a proxy for mocks because __array_function__ is only looked
# up in the class dict
class ArrayProxy:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __array_function__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.value.__array_function__(*args, **kwargs)
def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.value.__array__(*args, **kwargs)
proxy = ArrayProxy(mock.Mock(spec=ArrayProxy))
proxy.value.__array_function__.return_value = 1
result = np.sum(proxy)
assert_equal(result, 1)
np.sum, (ArrayProxy,), (proxy,), {})
def test_sum_forwarding_implementation(self):
class MyArray(np.ndarray):
def sum(self, axis, out):
return 'summed'
def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs):
return super().__array_function__(func, types, args, kwargs)
# note: the internal implementation of np.sum() calls the .sum() method
array = np.array(1).view(MyArray)
assert_equal(np.sum(array), 'summed')
class TestArrayLike:
def setup_method(self):
class MyArray():
def __init__(self, function=None):
self.function = function
def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs):
assert func is getattr(np, func.__name__)
my_func = getattr(self, func.__name__)
except AttributeError:
return NotImplemented
return my_func(*args, **kwargs)
self.MyArray = MyArray
class MyNoArrayFunctionArray():
def __init__(self, function=None):
self.function = function
self.MyNoArrayFunctionArray = MyNoArrayFunctionArray
def add_method(self, name, arr_class, enable_value_error=False):
def _definition(*args, **kwargs):
# Check that `like=` isn't propagated downstream
assert 'like' not in kwargs
if enable_value_error and 'value_error' in kwargs:
raise ValueError
return arr_class(getattr(arr_class, name))
setattr(arr_class, name, _definition)
def func_args(*args, **kwargs):
return args, kwargs
def test_array_like_not_implemented(self):
self.add_method('array', self.MyArray)
ref = self.MyArray.array()
with assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'no implementation found'):
array_like = np.asarray(1, like=ref)
_array_tests = [
('array', *func_args((1,))),
('asarray', *func_args((1,))),
('asanyarray', *func_args((1,))),
('ascontiguousarray', *func_args((2, 3))),
('asfortranarray', *func_args((2, 3))),
('require', *func_args((np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),),
requirements=['A', 'F'])),
('empty', *func_args((1,))),
('full', *func_args((1,), 2)),
('ones', *func_args((1,))),
('zeros', *func_args((1,))),
('arange', *func_args(3)),
('frombuffer', *func_args(b'\x00' * 8, dtype=int)),
('fromiter', *func_args(range(3), dtype=int)),
('fromstring', *func_args('1,2', dtype=int, sep=',')),
('loadtxt', *func_args(lambda: StringIO('0 1\n2 3'))),
('genfromtxt', *func_args(lambda: StringIO('1,2.1'),
dtype=[('int', 'i8'), ('float', 'f8')],
@pytest.mark.parametrize('function, args, kwargs', _array_tests)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('numpy_ref', [True, False])
def test_array_like(self, function, args, kwargs, numpy_ref):
self.add_method('array', self.MyArray)
self.add_method(function, self.MyArray)
np_func = getattr(np, function)
my_func = getattr(self.MyArray, function)
if numpy_ref is True:
ref = np.array(1)
ref = self.MyArray.array()
like_args = tuple(a() if callable(a) else a for a in args)
array_like = np_func(*like_args, **kwargs, like=ref)
if numpy_ref is True:
assert type(array_like) is np.ndarray
np_args = tuple(a() if callable(a) else a for a in args)
np_arr = np_func(*np_args, **kwargs)
# Special-case np.empty to ensure values match
if function == "empty":
assert_equal(array_like, np_arr)
assert type(array_like) is self.MyArray
assert array_like.function is my_func
@pytest.mark.parametrize('function, args, kwargs', _array_tests)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ref', [1, [1], "MyNoArrayFunctionArray"])
def test_no_array_function_like(self, function, args, kwargs, ref):
self.add_method('array', self.MyNoArrayFunctionArray)
self.add_method(function, self.MyNoArrayFunctionArray)
np_func = getattr(np, function)
# Instantiate ref if it's the MyNoArrayFunctionArray class
if ref == "MyNoArrayFunctionArray":
ref = self.MyNoArrayFunctionArray.array()
like_args = tuple(a() if callable(a) else a for a in args)
with assert_raises_regex(TypeError,
'The `like` argument must be an array-like that implements'):
np_func(*like_args, **kwargs, like=ref)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('numpy_ref', [True, False])
def test_array_like_fromfile(self, numpy_ref):
self.add_method('array', self.MyArray)
self.add_method("fromfile", self.MyArray)
if numpy_ref is True:
ref = np.array(1)
ref = self.MyArray.array()
data = np.random.random(5)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, "testfile")
array_like = np.fromfile(fname, like=ref)
if numpy_ref is True:
assert type(array_like) is np.ndarray
np_res = np.fromfile(fname, like=ref)
assert_equal(np_res, data)
assert_equal(array_like, np_res)
assert type(array_like) is self.MyArray
assert array_like.function is self.MyArray.fromfile
def test_exception_handling(self):
self.add_method('array', self.MyArray, enable_value_error=True)
ref = self.MyArray.array()
with assert_raises(TypeError):
# Raises the error about `value_error` being invalid first
np.array(1, value_error=True, like=ref)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('function, args, kwargs', _array_tests)
def test_like_as_none(self, function, args, kwargs):
self.add_method('array', self.MyArray)
self.add_method(function, self.MyArray)
np_func = getattr(np, function)
like_args = tuple(a() if callable(a) else a for a in args)
# required for loadtxt and genfromtxt to init w/o error.
like_args_exp = tuple(a() if callable(a) else a for a in args)
array_like = np_func(*like_args, **kwargs, like=None)
expected = np_func(*like_args_exp, **kwargs)
# Special-case np.empty to ensure values match
if function == "empty":
assert_equal(array_like, expected)
def test_function_like():
# We provide a `__get__` implementation, make sure it works
assert type(np.mean) is np.core._multiarray_umath._ArrayFunctionDispatcher
class MyClass:
def __array__(self):
# valid argument to mean:
return np.arange(3)
func1 = staticmethod(np.mean)
func2 = np.mean
func3 = classmethod(np.mean)
m = MyClass()
assert m.func1([10]) == 10
assert m.func2() == 1 # mean of the arange
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="unsupported operand type"):
# Tries to operate on the class
# Manual binding also works (the above may shortcut):
bound = np.mean.__get__(m, MyClass)
assert bound() == 1
bound = np.mean.__get__(None, MyClass) # unbound actually
assert bound([10]) == 10
bound = np.mean.__get__(MyClass) # classmethod
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="unsupported operand type"):
def test_scipy_trapz_support_shim():
# SciPy 1.10 and earlier "clone" trapz in this way, so we have a
# support shim in place:
# That should be removed eventually. This test copies what SciPy does.
# Hopefully removable 1 year after SciPy 1.11; shim added to NumPy 1.25.
import types
import functools
def _copy_func(f):
# Based on (Glenn Maynard)
g = types.FunctionType(f.__code__, f.__globals__, name=f.__name__,
argdefs=f.__defaults__, closure=f.__closure__)
g = functools.update_wrapper(g, f)
g.__kwdefaults__ = f.__kwdefaults__
return g
trapezoid = _copy_func(np.trapz)
assert np.trapz([1, 2]) == trapezoid([1, 2])