Your IP :
import itertools
import contextlib
import operator
import pytest
import numpy as np
import numpy.core._multiarray_tests as mt
from numpy.testing import assert_raises, assert_equal
INT64_MAX = np.iinfo(np.int64).max
INT64_MIN = np.iinfo(np.int64).min
INT64_MID = 2**32
# int128 is not two's complement, the sign bit is separate
INT128_MAX = 2**128 - 1
INT128_MIN = -INT128_MAX
INT128_MID = 2**64
[INT64_MIN + j for j in range(20)] +
[INT64_MAX - j for j in range(20)] +
[INT64_MID + j for j in range(-20, 20)] +
[2*INT64_MID + j for j in range(-20, 20)] +
[INT64_MID//2 + j for j in range(-20, 20)] +
list(range(-70, 70))
[INT128_MIN + j for j in range(20)] +
[INT128_MAX - j for j in range(20)] +
[INT128_MID + j for j in range(-20, 20)] +
[2*INT128_MID + j for j in range(-20, 20)] +
[INT128_MID//2 + j for j in range(-20, 20)] +
list(range(-70, 70)) +
[False] # negative zero
INT64_POS_VALUES = [x for x in INT64_VALUES if x > 0]
def exc_iter(*args):
Iterate over Cartesian product of *args, and if an exception is raised,
add information of the current iterate.
value = [None]
def iterate():
for v in itertools.product(*args):
value[0] = v
yield v
yield iterate()
except Exception:
import traceback
msg = "At: %r\n%s" % (repr(value[0]),
raise AssertionError(msg)
def test_safe_binop():
# Test checked arithmetic routines
ops = [
(operator.add, 1),
(operator.sub, 2),
(operator.mul, 3)
with exc_iter(ops, INT64_VALUES, INT64_VALUES) as it:
for xop, a, b in it:
pyop, op = xop
c = pyop(a, b)
if not (INT64_MIN <= c <= INT64_MAX):
assert_raises(OverflowError, mt.extint_safe_binop, a, b, op)
d = mt.extint_safe_binop(a, b, op)
if c != d:
# assert_equal is slow
assert_equal(d, c)
def test_to_128():
with exc_iter(INT64_VALUES) as it:
for a, in it:
b = mt.extint_to_128(a)
if a != b:
assert_equal(b, a)
def test_to_64():
with exc_iter(INT128_VALUES) as it:
for a, in it:
if not (INT64_MIN <= a <= INT64_MAX):
assert_raises(OverflowError, mt.extint_to_64, a)
b = mt.extint_to_64(a)
if a != b:
assert_equal(b, a)
def test_mul_64_64():
with exc_iter(INT64_VALUES, INT64_VALUES) as it:
for a, b in it:
c = a * b
d = mt.extint_mul_64_64(a, b)
if c != d:
assert_equal(d, c)
def test_add_128():
with exc_iter(INT128_VALUES, INT128_VALUES) as it:
for a, b in it:
c = a + b
if not (INT128_MIN <= c <= INT128_MAX):
assert_raises(OverflowError, mt.extint_add_128, a, b)
d = mt.extint_add_128(a, b)
if c != d:
assert_equal(d, c)
def test_sub_128():
with exc_iter(INT128_VALUES, INT128_VALUES) as it:
for a, b in it:
c = a - b
if not (INT128_MIN <= c <= INT128_MAX):
assert_raises(OverflowError, mt.extint_sub_128, a, b)
d = mt.extint_sub_128(a, b)
if c != d:
assert_equal(d, c)
def test_neg_128():
with exc_iter(INT128_VALUES) as it:
for a, in it:
b = -a
c = mt.extint_neg_128(a)
if b != c:
assert_equal(c, b)
def test_shl_128():
with exc_iter(INT128_VALUES) as it:
for a, in it:
if a < 0:
b = -(((-a) << 1) & (2**128-1))
b = (a << 1) & (2**128-1)
c = mt.extint_shl_128(a)
if b != c:
assert_equal(c, b)
def test_shr_128():
with exc_iter(INT128_VALUES) as it:
for a, in it:
if a < 0:
b = -((-a) >> 1)
b = a >> 1
c = mt.extint_shr_128(a)
if b != c:
assert_equal(c, b)
def test_gt_128():
with exc_iter(INT128_VALUES, INT128_VALUES) as it:
for a, b in it:
c = a > b
d = mt.extint_gt_128(a, b)
if c != d:
assert_equal(d, c)
def test_divmod_128_64():
with exc_iter(INT128_VALUES, INT64_POS_VALUES) as it:
for a, b in it:
if a >= 0:
c, cr = divmod(a, b)
c, cr = divmod(-a, b)
c = -c
cr = -cr
d, dr = mt.extint_divmod_128_64(a, b)
if c != d or d != dr or b*d + dr != a:
assert_equal(d, c)
assert_equal(dr, cr)
assert_equal(b*d + dr, a)
def test_floordiv_128_64():
with exc_iter(INT128_VALUES, INT64_POS_VALUES) as it:
for a, b in it:
c = a // b
d = mt.extint_floordiv_128_64(a, b)
if c != d:
assert_equal(d, c)
def test_ceildiv_128_64():
with exc_iter(INT128_VALUES, INT64_POS_VALUES) as it:
for a, b in it:
c = (a + b - 1) // b
d = mt.extint_ceildiv_128_64(a, b)
if c != d:
assert_equal(d, c)