Your IP :
# support for extension functions in XPath and XSLT
cdef class XPathError(LxmlError):
"""Base class of all XPath errors.
cdef class XPathEvalError(XPathError):
"""Error during XPath evaluation.
cdef class XPathFunctionError(XPathEvalError):
"""Internal error looking up an XPath extension function.
cdef class XPathResultError(XPathEvalError):
"""Error handling an XPath result.
# forward declarations
ctypedef int (*_register_function)(void* ctxt, name_utf, ns_uri_utf)
cdef class _ExsltRegExp
# Base class for XSLT and XPath evaluation contexts: functions, namespaces, ...
cdef class _BaseContext:
cdef xpath.xmlXPathContext* _xpathCtxt
cdef _Document _doc
cdef dict _extensions
cdef list _namespaces
cdef list _global_namespaces
cdef dict _utf_refs
cdef dict _function_cache
cdef dict _eval_context_dict
cdef bint _build_smart_strings
# for exception handling and temporary reference keeping:
cdef _TempStore _temp_refs
cdef set _temp_documents
cdef _ExceptionContext _exc
cdef _ErrorLog _error_log
def __cinit__(self):
self._xpathCtxt = NULL
def __init__(self, namespaces, extensions, error_log, enable_regexp,
cdef _ExsltRegExp _regexp
cdef dict new_extensions
cdef list ns
self._utf_refs = {}
self._global_namespaces = []
self._function_cache = {}
self._eval_context_dict = None
self._error_log = error_log
if extensions is not None:
# convert extensions to UTF-8
if isinstance(extensions, dict):
extensions = (extensions,)
# format: [ {(ns, name):function} ] -> {(ns_utf, name_utf):function}
new_extensions = {}
for extension in extensions:
for (ns_uri, name), function in extension.items():
if name is None:
raise ValueError, u"extensions must have non empty names"
ns_utf = self._to_utf(ns_uri)
name_utf = self._to_utf(name)
new_extensions[(ns_utf, name_utf)] = function
extensions = new_extensions or None
if namespaces is not None:
if isinstance(namespaces, dict):
namespaces = namespaces.items()
if namespaces:
ns = []
for prefix, ns_uri in namespaces:
if prefix is None or not prefix:
raise TypeError, \
u"empty namespace prefix is not supported in XPath"
if ns_uri is None or not ns_uri:
raise TypeError, \
u"setting default namespace is not supported in XPath"
prefix_utf = self._to_utf(prefix)
ns_uri_utf = self._to_utf(ns_uri)
ns.append( (prefix_utf, ns_uri_utf) )
namespaces = ns
namespaces = None
self._doc = None
self._exc = _ExceptionContext()
self._extensions = extensions
self._namespaces = namespaces
self._temp_refs = _TempStore()
self._temp_documents = set()
self._build_smart_strings = build_smart_strings
if enable_regexp:
_regexp = _ExsltRegExp()
cdef _BaseContext _copy(self):
cdef _BaseContext context
if self._namespaces is not None:
namespaces = self._namespaces[:]
namespaces = None
context = self.__class__(namespaces, None, self._error_log, False,
if self._extensions is not None:
context._extensions = self._extensions.copy()
return context
cdef bytes _to_utf(self, s):
u"Convert to UTF-8 and keep a reference to the encoded string"
cdef python.PyObject* dict_result
if s is None:
return None
dict_result = python.PyDict_GetItem(self._utf_refs, s)
if dict_result is not NULL:
return <bytes>dict_result
utf = _utf8(s)
self._utf_refs[s] = utf
if python.IS_PYPY:
# use C level refs, PyPy refs are not enough!
return utf
cdef void _set_xpath_context(self, xpath.xmlXPathContext* xpathCtxt):
self._xpathCtxt = xpathCtxt
xpathCtxt.userData = <void*>self
xpathCtxt.error = _receiveXPathError
cdef _register_context(self, _Document doc):
self._doc = doc
cdef _cleanup_context(self):
if python.IS_PYPY:
# clean up double refs in PyPy (see "_to_utf()" method)
for ref in self._utf_refs.itervalues():
self._eval_context_dict = None
self._doc = None
cdef _release_context(self):
if self._xpathCtxt is not NULL:
self._xpathCtxt.userData = NULL
self._xpathCtxt = NULL
# namespaces (internal UTF-8 methods with leading '_')
cdef addNamespace(self, prefix, ns_uri):
cdef list namespaces
if prefix is None:
raise TypeError, u"empty prefix is not supported in XPath"
prefix_utf = self._to_utf(prefix)
ns_uri_utf = self._to_utf(ns_uri)
new_item = (prefix_utf, ns_uri_utf)
if self._namespaces is None:
self._namespaces = [new_item]
namespaces = []
for item in self._namespaces:
if item[0] == prefix_utf:
item = new_item
new_item = None
if new_item is not None:
self._namespaces = namespaces
if self._xpathCtxt is not NULL:
self._xpathCtxt, _xcstr(prefix_utf), _xcstr(ns_uri_utf))
cdef registerNamespace(self, prefix, ns_uri):
if prefix is None:
raise TypeError, u"empty prefix is not supported in XPath"
prefix_utf = self._to_utf(prefix)
ns_uri_utf = self._to_utf(ns_uri)
_xcstr(prefix_utf), _xcstr(ns_uri_utf))
cdef registerLocalNamespaces(self):
if self._namespaces is None:
for prefix_utf, ns_uri_utf in self._namespaces:
self._xpathCtxt, _xcstr(prefix_utf), _xcstr(ns_uri_utf))
cdef registerGlobalNamespaces(self):
cdef list ns_prefixes = _find_all_extension_prefixes()
if python.PyList_GET_SIZE(ns_prefixes) > 0:
for prefix_utf, ns_uri_utf in ns_prefixes:
self._xpathCtxt, _xcstr(prefix_utf), _xcstr(ns_uri_utf))
cdef unregisterGlobalNamespaces(self):
if python.PyList_GET_SIZE(self._global_namespaces) > 0:
for prefix_utf in self._global_namespaces:
_xcstr(prefix_utf), NULL)
del self._global_namespaces[:]
cdef void _unregisterNamespace(self, prefix_utf):
_xcstr(prefix_utf), NULL)
# extension functions
cdef int _addLocalExtensionFunction(self, ns_utf, name_utf, function) except -1:
if self._extensions is None:
self._extensions = {}
self._extensions[(ns_utf, name_utf)] = function
return 0
cdef registerGlobalFunctions(self, void* ctxt,
_register_function reg_func):
cdef python.PyObject* dict_result
cdef dict d
for ns_utf, ns_functions in __FUNCTION_NAMESPACE_REGISTRIES.iteritems():
dict_result = python.PyDict_GetItem(
self._function_cache, ns_utf)
if dict_result is not NULL:
d = <dict>dict_result
d = {}
self._function_cache[ns_utf] = d
for name_utf, function in ns_functions.iteritems():
d[name_utf] = function
reg_func(ctxt, name_utf, ns_utf)
cdef registerLocalFunctions(self, void* ctxt,
_register_function reg_func):
cdef python.PyObject* dict_result
cdef dict d
if self._extensions is None:
return # done
last_ns = None
d = None
for (ns_utf, name_utf), function in self._extensions.iteritems():
if ns_utf is not last_ns or d is None:
last_ns = ns_utf
dict_result = python.PyDict_GetItem(
self._function_cache, ns_utf)
if dict_result is not NULL:
d = <dict>dict_result
d = {}
self._function_cache[ns_utf] = d
d[name_utf] = function
reg_func(ctxt, name_utf, ns_utf)
cdef unregisterAllFunctions(self, void* ctxt,
_register_function unreg_func):
for ns_utf, functions in self._function_cache.iteritems():
for name_utf in functions:
unreg_func(ctxt, name_utf, ns_utf)
cdef unregisterGlobalFunctions(self, void* ctxt,
_register_function unreg_func):
for ns_utf, functions in self._function_cache.items():
for name_utf in functions:
if self._extensions is None or \
(ns_utf, name_utf) not in self._extensions:
unreg_func(ctxt, name_utf, ns_utf)
cdef _find_cached_function(self, const_xmlChar* c_ns_uri, const_xmlChar* c_name):
u"""Lookup an extension function in the cache and return it.
Parameters: c_ns_uri may be NULL, c_name must not be NULL
cdef python.PyObject* c_dict
cdef python.PyObject* dict_result
c_dict = python.PyDict_GetItem(
self._function_cache, None if c_ns_uri is NULL else c_ns_uri)
if c_dict is not NULL:
dict_result = python.PyDict_GetItem(
<object>c_dict, <unsigned char*>c_name)
if dict_result is not NULL:
return <object>dict_result
return None
# Python access to the XPath context for extension functions
def context_node(self):
cdef xmlNode* c_node
if self._xpathCtxt is NULL:
raise XPathError, \
u"XPath context is only usable during the evaluation"
c_node = self._xpathCtxt.node
if c_node is NULL:
raise XPathError, u"no context node"
if c_node.doc != self._xpathCtxt.doc:
raise XPathError, \
u"document-external context nodes are not supported"
if self._doc is None:
raise XPathError, u"document context is missing"
return _elementFactory(self._doc, c_node)
def eval_context(self):
if self._eval_context_dict is None:
self._eval_context_dict = {}
return self._eval_context_dict
# Python reference keeping during XPath function evaluation
cdef _release_temp_refs(self):
u"Free temporarily referenced objects from this context."
cdef _hold(self, obj):
u"""A way to temporarily hold references to nodes in the evaluator.
This is needed because otherwise nodes created in XPath extension
functions would be reference counted too soon, during the XPath
evaluation. This is most important in the case of exceptions.
cdef _Element element
if isinstance(obj, _Element):
elif _isString(obj) or not python.PySequence_Check(obj):
for o in obj:
if isinstance(o, _Element):
#print "Holding element:", <int>element._c_node
#print "Holding document:", <int>element._doc._c_doc
cdef _Document _findDocumentForNode(self, xmlNode* c_node):
u"""If an XPath expression returns an element from a different
document than the current context document, we call this to
see if it was possibly created by an extension and is a known
document instance.
cdef _Document doc
for doc in self._temp_documents:
if doc is not None and doc._c_doc is c_node.doc:
return doc
return None
# libxml2 keeps these error messages in a static array in its code
# and doesn't give us access to them ...
b"Number encoding",
b"Unfinished literal",
b"Start of literal",
b"Expected $ for variable reference",
b"Undefined variable",
b"Invalid predicate",
b"Invalid expression",
b"Missing closing curly brace",
b"Unregistered function",
b"Invalid operand",
b"Invalid type",
b"Invalid number of arguments",
b"Invalid context size",
b"Invalid context position",
b"Memory allocation error",
b"Syntax error",
b"Resource error",
b"Sub resource error",
b"Undefined namespace prefix",
b"Encoding error",
b"Char out of XML range",
b"Invalid or incomplete context",
b"Stack usage error",
b"Forbidden variable\n",
b"?? Unknown error ??\n",
cdef void _forwardXPathError(void* c_ctxt, xmlerror.xmlError* c_error) with gil:
cdef xmlerror.xmlError error
cdef int xpath_code
if c_error.message is not NULL:
error.message = c_error.message
xpath_code = c_error.code - xmlerror.XML_XPATH_EXPRESSION_OK
if 0 <= xpath_code < len(LIBXML2_XPATH_ERROR_MESSAGES):
error.message = _cstr(LIBXML2_XPATH_ERROR_MESSAGES[xpath_code])
error.message = b"unknown error"
error.domain = c_error.domain
error.code = c_error.code
error.level = c_error.level
error.line = c_error.line
error.int2 = c_error.int1 # column
error.file = c_error.file
error.node = NULL
cdef void _receiveXPathError(void* c_context, xmlerror.xmlError* error) nogil:
if not __DEBUG:
if c_context is NULL:
_forwardError(NULL, error)
_forwardXPathError(c_context, error)
def Extension(module, function_mapping=None, *, ns=None):
u"""Extension(module, function_mapping=None, ns=None)
Build a dictionary of extension functions from the functions
defined in a module or the methods of an object.
As second argument, you can pass an additional mapping of
attribute names to XPath function names, or a list of function
names that should be taken.
The ``ns`` keyword argument accepts a namespace URI for the XPath
cdef dict functions = {}
if isinstance(function_mapping, dict):
for function_name, xpath_name in function_mapping.items():
functions[(ns, xpath_name)] = getattr(module, function_name)
if function_mapping is None:
function_mapping = [ name for name in dir(module)
if not name.startswith(u'_') ]
for function_name in function_mapping:
functions[(ns, function_name)] = getattr(module, function_name)
return functions
# EXSLT regexp implementation
cdef class _ExsltRegExp:
cdef dict _compile_map
def __cinit__(self):
self._compile_map = {}
cdef _make_string(self, value):
if _isString(value):
return value
elif isinstance(value, list):
# node set: take recursive text concatenation of first element
if python.PyList_GET_SIZE(value) == 0:
return u''
firstnode = value[0]
if _isString(firstnode):
return firstnode
elif isinstance(firstnode, _Element):
c_text = tree.xmlNodeGetContent((<_Element>firstnode)._c_node)
if c_text is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
return funicode(c_text)
return unicode(firstnode)
return unicode(value)
cdef _compile(self, rexp, ignore_case):
cdef python.PyObject* c_result
rexp = self._make_string(rexp)
key = (rexp, ignore_case)
c_result = python.PyDict_GetItem(self._compile_map, key)
if c_result is not NULL:
return <object>c_result
py_flags = re.UNICODE
if ignore_case:
py_flags = py_flags | re.IGNORECASE
rexp_compiled = re.compile(rexp, py_flags)
self._compile_map[key] = rexp_compiled
return rexp_compiled
def test(self, ctxt, s, rexp, flags=u''):
flags = self._make_string(flags)
s = self._make_string(s)
rexpc = self._compile(rexp, u'i' in flags)
if is None:
return False
return True
def match(self, ctxt, s, rexp, flags=u''):
cdef list result_list
flags = self._make_string(flags)
s = self._make_string(s)
rexpc = self._compile(rexp, u'i' in flags)
if u'g' in flags:
results = rexpc.findall(s)
if not results:
return ()
result =
if not result:
return ()
results = [ ]
results.extend( result.groups(u'') )
result_list = []
root = Element(u'matches')
join_groups = u''.join
for s_match in results:
if python.PyTuple_CheckExact(s_match):
s_match = join_groups(s_match)
elem = SubElement(root, u'match')
elem.text = s_match
return result_list
def replace(self, ctxt, s, rexp, flags, replacement):
replacement = self._make_string(replacement)
flags = self._make_string(flags)
s = self._make_string(s)
rexpc = self._compile(rexp, u'i' in flags)
if u'g' in flags:
count = 0
count = 1
return rexpc.sub(replacement, s, count)
cdef _register_in_context(self, _BaseContext context):
ns = b""
context._addLocalExtensionFunction(ns, b"test", self.test)
context._addLocalExtensionFunction(ns, b"match", self.match)
context._addLocalExtensionFunction(ns, b"replace", self.replace)
# helper functions
cdef xpath.xmlXPathObject* _wrapXPathObject(object obj, _Document doc,
_BaseContext context) except NULL:
cdef xpath.xmlNodeSet* resultSet
cdef _Element fake_node = None
cdef xmlNode* c_node
if isinstance(obj, unicode):
obj = _utf8(obj)
if isinstance(obj, bytes):
# libxml2 copies the string value
return xpath.xmlXPathNewCString(_cstr(obj))
if isinstance(obj, bool):
return xpath.xmlXPathNewBoolean(obj)
if python.PyNumber_Check(obj):
return xpath.xmlXPathNewFloat(obj)
if obj is None:
resultSet = xpath.xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL)
elif isinstance(obj, _Element):
resultSet = xpath.xmlXPathNodeSetCreate((<_Element>obj)._c_node)
elif python.PySequence_Check(obj):
resultSet = xpath.xmlXPathNodeSetCreate(NULL)
for value in obj:
if isinstance(value, _Element):
if context is not None:
xpath.xmlXPathNodeSetAdd(resultSet, (<_Element>value)._c_node)
if context is None or doc is None:
raise XPathResultError, \
f"Non-Element values not supported at this point - got {value!r}"
# support strings by appending text nodes to an Element
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = _utf8(value)
if isinstance(value, bytes):
if fake_node is None:
fake_node = _makeElement("text-root", NULL, doc, None,
None, None, None, None, None)
# append a comment node to keep the text nodes separate
c_node = tree.xmlNewDocComment(doc._c_doc, <unsigned char*>"")
if c_node is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
tree.xmlAddChild(fake_node._c_node, c_node)
c_node = tree.xmlNewDocText(doc._c_doc, _xcstr(value))
if c_node is NULL:
raise MemoryError()
tree.xmlAddChild(fake_node._c_node, c_node)
xpath.xmlXPathNodeSetAdd(resultSet, c_node)
raise XPathResultError, \
f"This is not a supported node-set result: {value!r}"
raise XPathResultError, f"Unknown return type: {python._fqtypename(obj).decode('utf8')}"
return xpath.xmlXPathWrapNodeSet(resultSet)
cdef object _unwrapXPathObject(xpath.xmlXPathObject* xpathObj,
_Document doc, _BaseContext context):
if xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_UNDEFINED:
raise XPathResultError, u"Undefined xpath result"
elif xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_NODESET:
return _createNodeSetResult(xpathObj, doc, context)
elif xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_BOOLEAN:
return xpathObj.boolval
elif xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_NUMBER:
return xpathObj.floatval
elif xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_STRING:
stringval = funicode(xpathObj.stringval)
if context._build_smart_strings:
stringval = _elementStringResultFactory(
stringval, None, None, 0)
return stringval
elif xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_POINT:
raise NotImplementedError, u"XPATH_POINT"
elif xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_RANGE:
raise NotImplementedError, u"XPATH_RANGE"
elif xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_LOCATIONSET:
raise NotImplementedError, u"XPATH_LOCATIONSET"
elif xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_USERS:
raise NotImplementedError, u"XPATH_USERS"
elif xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_XSLT_TREE:
return _createNodeSetResult(xpathObj, doc, context)
raise XPathResultError, f"Unknown xpath result {xpathObj.type}"
cdef object _createNodeSetResult(xpath.xmlXPathObject* xpathObj, _Document doc,
_BaseContext context):
cdef xmlNode* c_node
cdef int i
cdef list result
result = []
if xpathObj.nodesetval is NULL:
return result
for i in range(xpathObj.nodesetval.nodeNr):
c_node = xpathObj.nodesetval.nodeTab[i]
_unpackNodeSetEntry(result, c_node, doc, context,
xpathObj.type == xpath.XPATH_XSLT_TREE)
return result
cdef _unpackNodeSetEntry(list results, xmlNode* c_node, _Document doc,
_BaseContext context, bint is_fragment):
cdef xmlNode* c_child
if _isElement(c_node):
if c_node.doc != doc._c_doc and c_node.doc._private is NULL:
# XXX: works, but maybe not always the right thing to do?
# XPath: only runs when extensions create or copy trees
# -> we store Python refs to these, so that is OK
# XSLT: can it leak when merging trees from multiple sources?
c_node = tree.xmlDocCopyNode(c_node, doc._c_doc, 1)
# FIXME: call _instantiateElementFromXPath() instead?
_fakeDocElementFactory(doc, c_node))
elif c_node.type == tree.XML_TEXT_NODE or \
c_node.type == tree.XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE or \
c_node.type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
_buildElementStringResult(doc, c_node, context))
elif c_node.type == tree.XML_NAMESPACE_DECL:
results.append( (funicodeOrNone((<xmlNs*>c_node).prefix),
funicodeOrNone((<xmlNs*>c_node).href)) )
elif c_node.type == tree.XML_DOCUMENT_NODE or \
c_node.type == tree.XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE:
# ignored for everything but result tree fragments
if is_fragment:
c_child = c_node.children
while c_child is not NULL:
_unpackNodeSetEntry(results, c_child, doc, context, 0)
c_child =
elif c_node.type == tree.XML_XINCLUDE_START or \
c_node.type == tree.XML_XINCLUDE_END:
raise NotImplementedError, \
f"Not yet implemented result node type: {c_node.type}"
cdef void _freeXPathObject(xpath.xmlXPathObject* xpathObj):
u"""Free the XPath object, but *never* free the *content* of node sets.
Python dealloc will do that for us.
if xpathObj.nodesetval is not NULL:
xpathObj.nodesetval = NULL
cdef _Element _instantiateElementFromXPath(xmlNode* c_node, _Document doc,
_BaseContext context):
# NOTE: this may copy the element - only call this when it can't leak
if c_node.doc != doc._c_doc and c_node.doc._private is NULL:
# not from the context document and not from a fake document
# either => may still be from a known document, e.g. one
# created by an extension function
node_doc = context._findDocumentForNode(c_node)
if node_doc is None:
# not from a known document at all! => can only make a
# safety copy here
c_node = tree.xmlDocCopyNode(c_node, doc._c_doc, 1)
doc = node_doc
return _fakeDocElementFactory(doc, c_node)
# special str/unicode subclasses
cdef class _ElementUnicodeResult(unicode):
cdef _Element _parent
cdef readonly object attrname
cdef readonly bint is_tail
cdef readonly bint is_text
cdef readonly bint is_attribute
def getparent(self):
return self._parent
cdef object _PyElementUnicodeResult
if python.IS_PYPY:
class _PyElementUnicodeResult(unicode):
# we need to use a Python class here, or PyPy will crash on creation
def getparent(self):
return self._parent
class _ElementStringResult(bytes):
# we need to use a Python class here, bytes cannot be C-subclassed
# in Pyrex/Cython
def getparent(self):
return self._parent
cdef object _elementStringResultFactory(string_value, _Element parent,
attrname, bint is_tail):
cdef _ElementUnicodeResult uresult
cdef bint is_text
cdef bint is_attribute = attrname is not None
if parent is None:
is_text = 0
is_text = not (is_tail or is_attribute)
if type(string_value) is bytes:
result = _ElementStringResult(string_value)
result._parent = parent
result.is_attribute = is_attribute
result.is_tail = is_tail
result.is_text = is_text
result.attrname = attrname
return result
elif python.IS_PYPY:
result = _PyElementUnicodeResult(string_value)
result._parent = parent
result.is_attribute = is_attribute
result.is_tail = is_tail
result.is_text = is_text
result.attrname = attrname
return result
uresult = _ElementUnicodeResult(string_value)
uresult._parent = parent
uresult.is_attribute = is_attribute
uresult.is_tail = is_tail
uresult.is_text = is_text
uresult.attrname = attrname
return uresult
cdef object _buildElementStringResult(_Document doc, xmlNode* c_node,
_BaseContext context):
cdef _Element parent = None
cdef object attrname = None
cdef xmlNode* c_element
cdef bint is_tail
if c_node.type == tree.XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
attrname = _namespacedName(c_node)
is_tail = 0
s = tree.xmlNodeGetContent(c_node)
value = funicode(s)
c_element = NULL
#assert c_node.type == tree.XML_TEXT_NODE or c_node.type == tree.XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE, "invalid node type"
# may be tail text or normal text
value = funicode(c_node.content)
c_element = _previousElement(c_node)
is_tail = c_element is not NULL
if not context._build_smart_strings:
return value
if c_element is NULL:
# non-tail text or attribute text
c_element = c_node.parent
while c_element is not NULL and not _isElement(c_element):
c_element = c_element.parent
if c_element is not NULL:
parent = _instantiateElementFromXPath(c_element, doc, context)
return _elementStringResultFactory(
value, parent, attrname, is_tail)
# callbacks for XPath/XSLT extension functions
cdef void _extension_function_call(_BaseContext context, function,
xpath.xmlXPathParserContext* ctxt, int nargs):
cdef _Document doc
cdef xpath.xmlXPathObject* obj
cdef list args
cdef int i
doc = context._doc
args = []
for i in range(nargs):
obj = xpath.valuePop(ctxt)
o = _unwrapXPathObject(obj, doc, context)
res = function(context, *args)
# wrap result for XPath consumption
obj = _wrapXPathObject(res, doc, context)
# prevent Python from deallocating elements handed to libxml2
xpath.valuePush(ctxt, obj)
xpath.xmlXPathErr(ctxt, xpath.XPATH_EXPR_ERROR)
return # swallow any further exceptions
# lookup the function by name and call it
cdef void _xpath_function_call(xpath.xmlXPathParserContext* ctxt,
int nargs) with gil:
cdef _BaseContext context
cdef xpath.xmlXPathContext* rctxt = ctxt.context
context = <_BaseContext> rctxt.userData
function = context._find_cached_function(rctxt.functionURI, rctxt.function)
if function is not None:
_extension_function_call(context, function, ctxt, nargs)
xpath.xmlXPathErr(ctxt, xpath.XPATH_UNKNOWN_FUNC_ERROR)
f"XPath function '{_namespacedNameFromNsName(rctxt.functionURI, rctxt.function)}' not found"))
# may not be the right error, but we need to tell libxml2 *something*
xpath.xmlXPathErr(ctxt, xpath.XPATH_UNKNOWN_FUNC_ERROR)
return # swallow any further exceptions