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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2023 All Rights Reserved
import enum
import itertools
from enum import StrEnum
from typing import Self, Iterator, Iterable, NamedTuple, Any, TypeAlias
from lvestats.orm import BurstingEventType
_InTimestamp: TypeAlias = int | float
class IntervalType(StrEnum):
class Interval(NamedTuple):
start: float
end: float
def duration(self) -> float:
return self.end - self.start
def __str__(self) -> str:
return _format_pair(round(self.start), round(self.end))
class _Intervals(tuple[Interval, ...]):
def __str__(self) -> str:
return _format_joined_intervals(self)
class LveHistory:
# NOTE(vlebedev): Empty history is special case: `.first_interval_type` == `.ongoing_interval_type`
__slots__ = ('_first_interval_type', '_timestamps', '_finished_overusing_duration')
def __init__(
first_interval_type: IntervalType | None = None,
timestamps: tuple[float, ...] = tuple(),
closed_overusing_duration: float | None = None,
) -> None:
if not (
(first_interval_type, timestamps) == (None, tuple()) or
first_interval_type is not None and len(timestamps) > 0
raise ValueError('Either both `first_interval_type` and `timestamps` must be set or both unset!')
self._first_interval_type = first_interval_type
self._timestamps = timestamps
if closed_overusing_duration is None:
closed_overusing_duration = sum(i.duration for i in _overusing_intervals_iter(
first_interval_type, timestamps,
)) if first_interval_type is not None else 0.0
self._finished_overusing_duration = closed_overusing_duration
def first_interval_type(self) -> IntervalType | None:
return self._first_interval_type
def timestamps(self) -> tuple[float, ...]:
return self._timestamps
def empty(self) -> bool:
if len(self._timestamps) == 0:
assert self._first_interval_type is None
return True
return False
def contains_overusing(self) -> bool:
ts_len = len(self._timestamps)
if ts_len == 0:
return False
if self._first_interval_type == IntervalType.OVERUSING:
return True
if ts_len > 1:
return True
return False
def ongoing_interval_type(self) -> IntervalType | None:
ts_len = len(self._timestamps)
if ts_len == 0:
return None
assert self._first_interval_type is not None
return get_interval_type_after(self._first_interval_type, ts_len)
def trim(self, cutoff: _InTimestamp) -> Self:
cutoff = float(cutoff)
if len(self._timestamps) == 0 or cutoff <= self._timestamps[0]:
return self
cls = type(self)
if cutoff >= self._timestamps[-1]:
return cls(self.ongoing_interval_type, (cutoff,))
assert self._first_interval_type is not None
trimmed_duration, cutoff_pos = _get_trimmed_overusing_duration_and_position(
new_first_interval_type = self._first_interval_type
new_timestamps = self._timestamps[cutoff_pos:]
if self._timestamps[cutoff_pos] == cutoff:
switch_new_first_interval = cutoff_pos % 2 != 0
switch_new_first_interval = cutoff_pos % 2 == 0
new_timestamps = (cutoff, *new_timestamps)
if switch_new_first_interval:
new_first_interval_type = get_other_interval_type(new_first_interval_type)
new_overusing_duration = self._finished_overusing_duration - trimmed_duration
return cls(new_first_interval_type, new_timestamps, new_overusing_duration)
def append(self, timestamp: _InTimestamp, event_type: BurstingEventType) -> Self:
timestamp = float(timestamp)
cls = type(self)
timestamps = self._timestamps
new_interval_type = {
BurstingEventType.STARTED: IntervalType.OVERUSING,
BurstingEventType.STOPPED: IntervalType.NORMAL,
if timestamp <= timestamps[-1]:
raise ValueError('Timestamp must be greater than the latest known one!')
except IndexError:
return cls(new_interval_type, (timestamp,))
if len(timestamps) == 0:
return cls(new_interval_type, (timestamp,))
if self.ongoing_interval_type == new_interval_type:
# NOTE(vlebedev): Ongoing interval has not changed so history is not altered.
return self
new_overusing_duration = self._finished_overusing_duration
if len(timestamps) > 0 and new_interval_type == IntervalType.NORMAL:
# NOTE(vlebedev): Previous interval was of overusing type so add it to finished overusing duration.
new_overusing_duration += timestamp - timestamps[-1]
return cls(self._first_interval_type, (*timestamps, timestamp), new_overusing_duration)
def get_overusing_duration(self, now: int | float) -> float:
duration = self._finished_overusing_duration
if len(self._timestamps) > 0 and self.ongoing_interval_type == IntervalType.OVERUSING:
# NOTE(vlebedev): Overusing interval is still ongoing so add its current duration to the total one.
duration += float(now) - self._timestamps[-1]
return duration
def get_overusing_intervals(self, now: int | float) -> _Intervals:
now = float(now)
return _Intervals(self.get_intervals_iter(now, IntervalType.OVERUSING))
def get_intervals(self, now: int | float, intervals_type: IntervalType) -> _Intervals:
return _Intervals(self.get_intervals_iter(now, intervals_type))
def get_intervals_iter(
now: int | float,
intervals_type: IntervalType = IntervalType.OVERUSING,
) -> Iterator[Interval]:
now = float(now)
if len(self._timestamps) > 0 and now < self._timestamps[0]:
raise ValueError('Final timestamp must be greater than the latest known one!')
for start, end in self._pairs_iter(intervals_type, now):
yield Interval(start, end)
def _pairs_iter(self, intervals_type: IntervalType, final_item=None) -> Iterator[tuple[Any, Any]]:
if len(self._timestamps) == 0:
assert self._first_interval_type is not None
for start, type_, end in _typed_pairs_iter(
if type_ != intervals_type:
yield start, end
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
cls = type(self)
if not isinstance(other, cls):
return False
if (self._first_interval_type, self._timestamps) != (other._first_interval_type, other._timestamps):
return False
assert self._finished_overusing_duration == other._finished_overusing_duration
return True
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.empty:
return f'{type(self).__name__}()'
return f'{type(self).__name__}({}, {self._timestamps!r})'
def __str__(self) -> str:
return _format_joined_intervals(
for p in self._pairs_iter(IntervalType.OVERUSING, "-")
def get_interval_type_after(starts_with: IntervalType, ts_num: int) -> IntervalType:
if ts_num in {0, 1} or ts_num % 2 != 0:
return starts_with
return get_other_interval_type(starts_with)
def get_other_interval_type(current_event_type: IntervalType) -> IntervalType:
return IntervalType.OVERUSING if current_event_type == IntervalType.NORMAL else IntervalType.NORMAL
class _TrimmedDurationAndPosition(NamedTuple):
duration: float
position: int
def _get_trimmed_overusing_duration_and_position(
first_interval_type: IntervalType,
timestamps: Iterable[float],
cutoff: float,
) -> _TrimmedDurationAndPosition:
position = 0
def cutted_timestamps_iter():
nonlocal position
for position, ts in enumerate(timestamps):
ts = min(ts, cutoff)
yield ts
if ts >= cutoff:
duration = sum(i.duration for i in _overusing_intervals_iter(first_interval_type, cutted_timestamps_iter()))
return _TrimmedDurationAndPosition(duration, position)
def _overusing_intervals_iter(
first_interval_type: IntervalType,
timestamps: Iterable[float],
) -> Iterable[Interval]:
for start, interval_type, end in _typed_pairs_iter(first_interval_type, timestamps):
if interval_type != IntervalType.OVERUSING:
yield Interval(start, end)
def _typed_pairs_iter(
first_interval_type: IntervalType,
timestamps: Iterable[Any],
final_item: Any | None = None,
) -> Iterable[tuple[Any, IntervalType, Any]]:
if final_item is not None:
timestamps = itertools.chain(timestamps, (final_item,))
intervals_iter = itertools.pairwise(timestamps)
intervals_types = itertools.cycle([
for (start, end), type_ in zip(intervals_iter, intervals_types):
yield start, type_, end
def _format_pair(formatted_start, formatted_stop) -> str:
return f'({formatted_start}-{formatted_stop})'
def _format_joined_intervals(formatted_intervals: Iterable) -> str:
return 'U'.join(str(i) for i in formatted_intervals) or "()"