Your IP :
Handling of tree structures given in a special 'dotted' syntax.
This represents trees of nodes with strings as tags,
in a readable and writable and easy to parse syntax.
There are two main functions, unparse_sexpr and parse_string.
When parsing, the result is by default given in 'sexpr' format:
each node is a tuple of the form
(tag, ) or (tag, node) or (tag, node, node) ...
The following invariant is intended to hold for every node x,
parse_string(unparse_sexpr(x)) == x
Currently the following invariant has been tested for some strings:
unparse_sexpr(parse_string(s)).strip() == s.strip()
[It only holds on stripped results but may be fixed sometime.]
class Node(object):
__slots__ = 'tag', 'children', 'index',
def __init__(self, tag, children, index):
self.tag = tag
self.children = children
self.index = index
def as_sexpr(self):
return (self.tag,) + tuple([c.as_sexpr() for c in self.children])
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%r, %r, %r)' % (
class _GLUECLAMP_:
_imports_ = (
# The name of attributes that are configurable in instances.
_chgable_ = 'node', 'dotchar'
# The character that begins the 'dotted' indentation.
dotchar = '.'
# The character that quotes lines beginning with dots and itself.
quotechar = '\\'
# Construct a new node.
# @return
# This variant returns a tuple in s-expression form.
# @param tag a string
# @param children a sequence of nodes
# @param lineindex line index of tag, not used in s-expressions
def node_sexpr(self, tag, children, lineindex):
return (tag,) + tuple(children)
# Construct a new node.
# @return
# This variant returns a Node object.
# @param tag a string
# @param children a sequence of nodes
# @param lineindex line index of beginning tag, first line = 0
def node_node(self, tag, children, lineindex):
return Node(tag, tuple(children), lineindex)
node = node_node
def parse_file(self, file, src=None):
return self.parse_string(self.IO.read_file(file), src)
# Parse a dotted tree text given as a sequence of lines.
# @param pos
# @param tag list with first line of tag, if any
# @param lineindex line index of tag
# @param it iterator yielding remaining lines
# @return a triple (index, nextvar, node) where
# index is the index of line 'nextvar',
# nextvar is the first line of next node to parse, and
# node is the resulting node of this parse.
def parse_iter(self, pos, tag, lineindex, it, src=None):
dotchar = self.dotchar
quotechar = self.quotechar
children = []
firstline = lineindex
while 1:
lineindex, nextvar = next(it)
except StopIteration:
nextvar = None
if not nextvar.startswith(dotchar):
for (i, t) in enumerate(tag):
if (t.startswith(quotechar+dotchar) or
tag[i] = t[len(quotechar):]
if tag == ['']:
tag = '\n'
tag = '\n'.join(tag)
while 1:
if (nextvar is None or len(nextvar) <= pos
or nextvar[pos] != dotchar or
not nextvar.startswith(dotchar*(pos+1))):
return lineindex, nextvar, self.node(tag, children, firstline)
if len(nextvar) > pos+1 and nextvar[pos+1] == dotchar:
if src is None:
raise SyntaxError('Level must increase with 1 max')
src.error('Level must increase with 1 max', lineindex)
lineindex, nextvar, child = self.parse_iter(pos+1, [nextvar[pos+1:]],
lineindex, it, src)
def parse_lines(self, lines, src=None):
it = enumerate(lines)
lineindex, nextvar, node = self.parse_iter(0, [], 0, it, src)
assert nextvar is None
return node
def parse_string(self, string, src=None):
if string:
lines = string.split('\n')
lines = []
return self.parse_lines(lines, src)
# Unparse a tree given on Node form
def unparse_node(self, node):
return self.unparse_sexpr(node.as_sexpr())
# Unparse a tree given on sexpr form
# @return a string in dotted-tree form
def unparse_sexpr(self, sexpr):
li = []
def unparse(depth, sexpr):
li.append(self.unparse_tag(depth, sexpr[0]))
for x in sexpr[1:]:
unparse(depth+1, x)
unparse(0, sexpr)
return '\n'.join(li)
def unparse_tag(self, depth, tag):
dotchar, quotechar = self.dotchar, self.quotechar
tag = tag.split('\n')
for (i, t) in enumerate(tag):
if (t.startswith(dotchar) or
t.startswith(quotechar + dotchar)):
tag[i] = quotechar + t
tag = '\n'.join(tag)
tag = dotchar*depth+tag
return tag
def test_1():
# Test parsing to sexpr's and back
# for a variety of cases
from guppy import Root
dt = Root().guppy.gsl.DottedTree
dt.node = dt.node_sexpr
parse = dt.parse_string
unparse = dt.unparse_sexpr
for x, y in [
['', ('',)],
['a', ('a',)],
['.a', ('', ('a',))],
['a\n.b', ('a', ('b',))],
['a\nb\n.c', ('a\nb', ('c',))],
["""\n.a\n..a""", ('\n', ('a', ('a',)))],
('hello', ('a',), ('b', ('ba\nx',), ('bb',)))],
# Quoting dots
[r'\.', ('.',)],
[r'.\.', ('', ('.',))],
# Preserving quote
['\\', ('\\',)],
['.\n\\', ('', ('\n\\',))],
# Quoting quote-dots
[r'\\.', (r'\.',)],
# Preserving whitespace starting a tag
# Or should it be stripped? I think better not, it would complicate transparency.
[r'. tag', ('', (' tag', ))],
# Preserving initial whitespace
[' ', (' ',)],
# Preserving initial newline
['\n', ('\n',)],
['\na', ('\na',)],
# A n intended usage example
.aspect for guppy.hsp
...type A
.aspect for guppy.gsl
..contains DottedTree
('aspect for guppy.hsp',
('type A',),
('aspect for guppy.gsl',
('contains DottedTree\n',)))]
z = parse(x)
if y is not None:
assert z == y
assert unparse(z).strip() == x.strip()
# Unparsing x and then parsing should give back x transparently
# for any tree x, involving any combination of dots, quotes and other characters.
# List of special chars and one normal
chars = [dt.quotechar, dt.dotchar, '\n', ' ', 'a']
import random
# Generate a random node with random number of children.
# Shuffles the chars list to make the tag string.
# @param maxchild maximum number of children
def randnode(maxchild):
numchild = random.randint(0, maxchild)
tag = ''.join(chars)
children = [randnode(maxchild-1) for i in range(numchild)]
return dt.node(tag, children, 0)
for i in range(10):
y = randnode(3)
x = unparse(y)
z = parse(x)
assert z == y
def test_2():
# Test parsing to Node
# that the line lineindex are correct
# They start from 0, since enumerate() generates them,
# It seemed inconsistent to change them to start from 1.
# Which will be made in error prints.
from guppy import Root
dt = Root().guppy.gsl.DottedTree
parse = dt.parse_string
unparse = dt.unparse_node
node = parse("""\
line 0
.line 1
..line 2
line 3
.line 4
exp = Node('line 0', (
Node('line 1',
(Node('line 2\nline 3', (), 2),), 1),
Node('line 4\n', (), 4)), 0)
assert repr(node) == repr(exp)
def test_main():