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�cast�Any�Callable�Dict�Iterable�List�Optional�Sequence�Set�Tuple)�env)�code_objects)�short_stack)�NoSource� NotPython)�
join_regex� nice_pair)�generate_tokens)�Protocol�TArc�TLineNoc �~ � e Zd ZdZ d%d&d �Zd'd
�Zd(d�Zd)d�Zd*d�Zd+d�Z d,d�Z
d.d�Z d/d0d$�ZdS )1�PythonParserz�Parse code to find executable lines, excluded lines, etc.
This information is all based on static analysis: no code execution is
Optional[str]�filename�exclude�return�Nonec �D � |s|s
J d� � �|pd| _ |�|| _ nJddlm} || j � � | _ n-# t $ r }t d| j � d|� �� � |�d}~ww xY w|| _ | j � d� � | _ t � � | _
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Source can be provided as `text`, the text itself, or `filename`, from
which the text will be read. Excluded lines are those that match
`exclude`, a regex string.
z*PythonParser needs either text or filenamez<code>Nr )�get_python_sourcezNo source for code: 'z': �
F)r r �coverage.pythonr# �OSErrorr r �split�lines�set�
_multiline� _all_arcs�_missing_arc_fragments)�selfr r r r# �errs �b/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/coverage/�__init__zPythonParser.__init__% sJ � � �M�x�M�M�!M�M�M�� �,�H��
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Returns a set of line numbers, the lines that contain a match for one
of the regexes in `regexes`. The entire line needn't match, just a
part of it.
� ��start)r �re�compiler) � enumerater( �search�add)r4 r8 �combined�regex_c�matches�i�ltexts r6 �lines_matchingzPythonParser.lines_matchinge st � � �g�&�&���*�X�&�&���%�%��!�$�*�A�6�6�6� � �H�A�u��~�~�e�$�$�
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