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fd4�ZHdS )7� N)�Optional�Dict�AnyStr�Union)�decode�
WhmApiRequest�WhmApiError)�mkdir)�process_is_running)�check_cagefs_initialized)�CL_CONFIG_FILE)�write_file_via_tempfilec � � d S )N� )�a�kws �F/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/clsummary/�dummy_none_functionr s � ��4� ��"interpreter_versions_short_summary)�is_clpassenger_active�
license_check�cl_statistics_enabled�cl_statistics_rpm_enabledz/var/lvezsummary_status.jsonz%/var/run/cloudlinux_summary.send.lockz./usr/share/cloudlinux/cl_plus/clplus_sender.pyz#/opt/cloudlinux/venv/bin/virtualenvc � � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZdS )�
Status of both, collecting and sending statistics
If process still collects statistics -> IN_PROGRESS
If statistics collected and sent correctly -> SUCCESS
If any error during collecting or sending -> FAILED
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__�SUCCESS�IN_PROGRESS�FAILEDr r r r r 4 s) � � � � � �� � �G��K�
�F�F�Fr r c �J � t j � t � � S )zS
Checks is virtualenv installed
:return: True/False - installed or not
)�os�path�exists�ALT_PYTHON_VIRTUALENV_BINr r r �is_virtualenv_installedr/ @ s � �
�7�>�>�3�4�4�4r c � � t j dt j ddddd� � } t j | t j |� � }t j d|� � d }n# t t f$ r Y dS w xY w|t j k S )a$
Check if file is locked by another process without acquiring lock.
IMPORTANT! This function should NOT be used to check lock acquired by the
same process that executes the is_locked() function. For example, when
process executes fcntl.lockf(LOCK_FILE), and then the same process executes
is_locked(LOCK_FILE), the is_locked(LOCK_FILE) call returns False.
Use is_locked() function to check lock acquired by another process only.
:param lock_file: file to check lock on
:type lock_file: file object or descriptor
�hhllhhr F) �struct�pack�fcntl�F_WRLCK�F_GETLK�unpack�OSError�IOError�F_UNLCK)� lock_file� lock_data�
lock_query�lock_statuss r � is_lockedr? H s� � � ��H�e�m�Q��1�a��C�C�I���[��E�M�9�E�E�
��m�H�j�9�9�!�<�����W�� � � ��u�u����� �%�-�'�'s �;A"