Your IP :
#!/opt/cloudlinux/venv/bin/python3 -bb
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import base64
import collections
import glob
import json
import os
import pathlib
import pwd
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import traceback
from typing import Set # NOQA
from future.utils import iteritems
import cldetectlib as detect
import clselect.clselectctlnodejsuser
import clselect.clselectexcept
import clselect.clselectctlpython
import clselect.clselectctlruby
import clselect.clselectpythonuser
import clselect.clselectnodejsuser
from clcommon.clexception import FormattedException
from clcommon.clpwd import resolve_username_and_doc_root
from clcommon.cpapi import CP_NAME, docroot
from clcommon.cpapi.cpapiexceptions import NoDomain, NotSupported, IncorrectData
from cllimits.lib import exec_utility
from clselect import clselectctl
from clselect import clpassenger
from clselect import ClUserSelect, ClSelect, ClExtSelect
from clselect.baseclselect import APP_STARTED_CONST, ENABLED_STATUS, DISABLED_STATUS, BaseSelectorError
from clselect.clselectctlnodejsuser import validate_env_vars
from clselect.clselectctlphp import format_summary, API_1
from clselect.clselectexcept import ClSelectExcept as ClSelectExceptions
from clselect.clselectnodejs import NodeJSConfigError
from clselect.clselectnodejs.node_manager import NodeManager
from clselect.clselectpython.apps_manager import (
from clselect.clselectpython.python_manager import PythonManager
from clselect.clselectpythonuser.environments import Environment as PythonEnvironment # NOQA
from clselect.clselectnodejsuser.environments import Environment as NodeJsEnvironment # NOQA
from clselect.utils import (
from secureio import get_perm
from clconfig.ui_config_lib import _set_ui_config, UIConfigException
class ClSelectExcept(FormattedException):
class ClSelectDomainNotFound(ClSelectExcept):
Custom exception in case if user doesn't have the specific domain
OK_RES_DICT = {"status": "ok"}
class CloudlinuxSelectorLib(object):
def __init__(self, interpreter):
self.interpreter = interpreter
self._SELECTORCTL_UTILITY = "/usr/bin/selectorctl"
self.DYNAMIC_UI_CTL_CMD = '/usr/share/l.v.e-manager/utils/'
self.CLOUDLINUX_SELECTOR_UTILITY = '/usr/sbin/cloudlinux-selector'
self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER = "nodejs"
self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER = "python"
self.RUBY_INTERPRETER = "ruby"
self.PHP_INTERPRETER = "php"
# self.selector_manager - responsible for actual selector high-level API
# self.apps_manager - responsible for gathering and set information about applications
# self.selector_user_lib - set of modules which responsible user's part of work with virtual envs and etc
# self.selector_old_lib - old libraries for work with applications
self.selector_manager = None
self.apps_manager = None
self.selector_user_lib = None
self.selector_old_lib = None
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
from clselect.clselectnodejs.apps_manager import ApplicationsManager
self.apps_manager = ApplicationsManager()
self.selector_manager = NodeManager()
self.selector_user_lib = clselect.clselectnodejsuser
self.selector_old_lib = clselect.clselectctlnodejsuser
elif self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
from clselect.clselectpython.apps_manager import ApplicationsManager
self.apps_manager = ApplicationsManager()
self.selector_manager = PythonManager()
self.selector_user_lib = clselect.clselectpythonuser
self.selector_old_lib = clselect.clselectctlpython
elif self.interpreter == self.PHP_INTERPRETER:
from clselect.clselectphp.php_manager import PhpManager
self.selector_manager = PhpManager()
def check_selector_is_available(self):
Checks that selector is able to work on current os environment
if self.interpreter != self.PHP_INTERPRETER:
# check that native version is installed for php
def safely_resolve_doc_root_for_app(self, username, app_root):
"""Get doc_root from application config or raise exception"""
domain = self.apps_manager.get_app_domain(username, app_root)
_, doc_root = self.safely_resolve_username_and_doc_root(username, domain)
return doc_root
def safely_resolve_username_and_doc_root(user=None, domain=None):
Safely resolve username and doc_root by domain,
or resolve document root by username,
or resolve document root and username by effective uid
:param user: str -> name of unix user
:param domain: str -> domain of panel user
:return: tuple -> user, doc_root
result_user, result_doc_root = resolve_username_and_doc_root(
except NoDomain:
raise ClSelectDomainNotFound(
'message': 'No such domain: %(domain)s'
if domain is not None else 'No such user: %(user)s',
'context': {
'domain': domain,
'user': user,
except NotSupported:
raise ClSelectExcept(
'message': 'Nodejs selector not supported for %(panel)s',
'context': {
'panel': CP_NAME
except IncorrectData:
raise ClSelectExcept(
'message': 'Domain %(domain)s is not owned by the user %(user)s',
'context': {
'domain': domain,
'user': user
return result_user, result_doc_root
def should_be_runned_as_user(opts):
Check whether selector should be run through "su - user"
:param opts: dict of parsed cli params
:return: True if should be run through su or False if not
result = True
euid, egid = get_perm()
if opts is None:
result = False
elif not isinstance(opts, dict):
result = False
elif opts['--user'] is None and opts['--domain'] is None:
# if --user and --domain are absent - root
result = False
elif euid != 0 and egid != 0:
result = False
elif opts['--interpreter'] == 'php':
result = False
return result
def should_run_user_without_cagefs(opts):
return opts['--interpreter'] == 'php' and\
opts['--user'] is not None and\
os.geteuid() == 0
def _get_user_pwd_data(user=None):
Resolves user eigher with passed username or with getting current
user ID
:param user: str or None -> username to be resolved
:return: obj -> pwd user object
userdata = pwd.getpwnam(user)
return userdata
def user_and_domain_checker(user=None, domain=None):
Check if user and domain are None
:param user: name of unix user
:param domain: domain of panel user
:return: None
if user is None and domain is None:
raise ClSelectExcept(
'message': 'User or domain parameter must be specified if current user is root',
'context': {}
def _return_error(result, **kwargs):
err = {"status": "ERROR: %s" % result}
if len(kwargs) > 0:
return err
def _return_with_status_error(result, details=None):
Construct error dict in one place
:param result: error string
:return: dict with 'status':'error' and error message
err = {
'status': 'error',
'result': result
if details:
err.update({'details': details})
return err
def _change_selector_status(self, status):
Set CL selector status in it's config
:param status: set status of selector
:return: error or ok message
return self._return_error(
'Unknown selector status provided: "{}". '
"Can be only 'enabled' or 'disabled'".format(status))
self.selector_manager.selector_enabled = status == ENABLED_STATUS
except BaseSelectorError as e:
return self._return_error(e)
# Backward compatibility with cloudlinux-config on python
if self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
# Create hidePythonApp dictionary
config_dict = {'uiSettings': {'hidePythonApp': status != ENABLED_STATUS}}
# _set_ui_config writes changes and updates UI
# We dont need to call self.update_ui after
return OK_RES_DICT
except UIConfigException:
# Backward compatibility with cloudlinux-config on nodejs
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
config_dict = {'uiSettings': {'hideNodeJsApp': status != ENABLED_STATUS}}
return OK_RES_DICT
except UIConfigException:
return OK_RES_DICT
def get_nodejs_selector_status():
res = {'selector_enabled': False}
if NodeManager().selector_enabled:
res['selector_enabled'] = True
return res
def get_php_selector_status(self):
return {'PHPSelector': ENABLED_STATUS if self.selector_manager.selector_enabled else DISABLED_STATUS}
def get_summary(self):
res = self.selector_manager.get_summary()
return res
except BaseSelectorError as e:
return self._return_error(e)
def get_python_selector_status():
res = {'selector_enabled': False}
if PythonManager().selector_enabled:
res['selector_enabled'] = True
return res
def get_user_home(user):
return pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_dir
except KeyError:
raise ClSelectExcept({
'message': 'No such user: `%(user)s`'
def get_nodejs_summary(self):
res = NodeManager().get_summary()
return res
def run_script(self, user, app_root, script_name, script_args=None):
Runs script to execute other script inside user app environment
:param user: str -> owner of application
:param app_root: str -> application directory
:param script_name: str -> name of script
:param script_args: list of str -> arguments for the script
:return: dict
user_home = self.get_user_home(user)
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
interpreter_path = self.apps_manager.get_binary_path(
user, app_root, user_home, 'npm')
elif self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
interpreter_path = self.apps_manager.get_binary_path(
user, app_root, user_home, 'python')
raise NotImplementedError()
cmd = [interpreter_path]
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
if script_args is not None:
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
result = self._run_interpreter(cmd, user_home, app_root)
return result
def _run_interpreter(cmd, user_home, app_root):
Run interpreter in users environment
:param cmd: list -> command to execute
:param user_home: -> user home directory
:param app_root: -> app path
:return: dict
p = subprocess.Popen(
args=cmd, cwd=os.path.join(user_home, app_root),
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
except OSError as e:
raise ClSelectExcept({
'message': ('run-script call: `%(args)s` failed '
'with error: %(err)s'),
'context': {'args': cmd, 'err': e}
output_string = (
'returncode: {}\n'
if any('out of memory' in output.lower() for output in (stdout, stderr)):
pid = os.getpid()
proc_limits_path = f'/proc/{pid}/limits'
process_limits = pathlib.Path(proc_limits_path).read_text()
output_string += (
'\nOut of memory error may be caused by hitting LVE limits\n'
'or "Max data size", "Max address space" or "Max resident set" process limits\n'
'Please check LVE limits and process limits. Readjust them if necessary\n'
'More info:'
f'\n\nprocess limits "{proc_limits_path}":\n{process_limits}\n'
result = {'data': base64.b64encode(output_string.encode()).decode()}
result.update({'status': 'success'})
if p.returncode != 0:
result['warning'] = f'Script exit code: {p.returncode}'
return result
def get_full(self):
if self.interpreter in (self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER, self.PHP_INTERPRETER):
return self.selector_manager.get_summary()
def _add_statistics_field(versions_list):
Add selector usage statistics (amount of
domains that use some version, etc)
Fist parameter is an array with such format:
[{'version': '5.6'}, {'version': '7.6'}]
Output is an array with such format:
[{'version': '5.6', 'users': 10}, ...]
:type versions_list: list
:rtype: list
user_version_map = ClUserSelect().get_user_version_map()
# count users per php version
version_user_map = collections.Counter()
for user, version in iteritems(user_version_map):
version_user_map[version] += 1
# and add additional field to the output
for item in versions_list:
item['total_users'] = version_user_map[item['version']]
return versions_list
def get_supported_versions(self):
Retrieves supported versions list and default version
if self.interpreter == self.PHP_INTERPRETER:
# ToDo: make get_supported_versions do not request all information (like it return PHP)
data = ClSelect(self.interpreter).get_summary(False)
json_data = format_summary(data, format='json', api_version=API_1)
selectorctl_result = json.loads(json_data)
# Our Interpreter-specific selectorctl commands should support API >= 1
elif self.selector_manager is not None:
selectorctl_result = self.selector_manager.get_summary()
selectorctl_result = {}
if selectorctl_result.get('status') == 'ERROR':
# e.g. {"status": "ERROR", "message": "alt-php packages not found"}
result = {"status": selectorctl_result['message']}
result = selectorctl_result
return result
def get_current_version(self, user=None):
Retrives current version for user
user = [user] if user else None
if self.interpreter == self.PHP_INTERPRETER:
return self.selector_manager.get_current_version(user)
return self._return_error('Supported only by php selector')
def get_default_version(self):
json_dict = self.get_supported_versions()
default_version = json_dict['default_version']
except KeyError:
if 'message' in json_dict:
return self._return_error(json_dict['message'])
return {"status": "ERROR", "data": json_dict}
return {'default_version': default_version}
def get_selector_status(self):
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
return self.get_nodejs_selector_status()
elif self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
return self.get_python_selector_status()
elif self.interpreter == self.PHP_INTERPRETER:
return self.get_php_selector_status()
def php_selector_is_disabled(self):
return not self.selector_manager.selector_enabled
def php_selector_is_enabled(self):
return self.selector_manager.selector_enabled
def check_multiphp_system_default(self):
Returns True when MultiPHP system default PHP version is alt-php and PHP Selector is NOT disabled
For details please see LVEMAN-1170
if self.interpreter != self.PHP_INTERPRETER:
return False
from clcagefslib.selector.configure import is_ea4_enabled, read_cpanel_ea4_php_conf
except ImportError:
return False
if is_ea4_enabled() and not self.php_selector_is_disabled():
conf = read_cpanel_ea4_php_conf()
if conf:
# get default system php version selected via MultiPHP Manager in cPanel WHM
default_php = conf['default']
if not default_php.startswith('ea-php'):
return True
except KeyError:
return False
def set_supported_versions(self, versions):
if self.interpreter in (self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER, self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER,):
for version, enable_disable in iteritems(versions):
result = self.set_version_status(enable_disable, version)
except BaseSelectorError as e:
return self._return_error(e)
if result != OK_RES_DICT:
return result
return OK_RES_DICT
json_dict = self.get_supported_versions()
alternatives_list = json_dict["available_versions"]
except KeyError:
return self._return_error("corrupted answer from %s --json --summary --interpreter %s" % (
self._SELECTORCTL_UTILITY, self.interpreter))
alternatives_versions = {x["version"] for x in alternatives_list}
if set(versions.keys()) - alternatives_versions:
return self._return_error(
"invalid alternative versions (%s), see %s --summary --interpreter %s for valid versions" % (
', '.join(set(versions.keys()) - alternatives_versions), self._SELECTORCTL_UTILITY,
# TODO: change error message
success = 0
errors_list = []
for version, to_enable in iteritems(versions):
if to_enable:
success += 1
if success == len(versions):
return OK_RES_DICT
elif success > 0:
return {
"status": "WARNING: only {} of {} commands was successful. "
"Errors was: {}".format(success, len(versions), errors_list)
return self._return_error("All commands were failed"
"Errors was: {}".format(errors_list))
def set_default_version(self, version):
if self.selector_manager is not None:
except clselect.clselectexcept.ClSelectExcept.NoSuchAlternativeVersion:
# No such alt-php version
raise ClSelectExcept({'message': "No such php version: %(ver)s",
'context': {'ver': version}})
except (clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException, NodeJSConfigError) as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return OK_RES_DICT
def set_version_status(self, target_version_status, version):
Disable or enable version of selector
:param target_version_status: disable or enable version of interpreter
:param version: version of interpreter
:return: OK_RES_DICT
if target_version_status:
self.selector_manager.set_version_status(version, ENABLED_STATUS)
self.selector_manager.set_version_status(version, DISABLED_STATUS)
return OK_RES_DICT
def set_current_version(self, version):
if self.interpreter == self.PHP_INTERPRETER:
except clselect.clselectexcept.ClSelectExcept.NoSuchAlternativeVersion:
# No such alt-php version
raise ClSelectExcept({'message': "No such php version: %(ver)s",
'context': {'ver': version}})
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return OK_RES_DICT
def reset_extensions(self, version):
extensions = {}
if self.interpreter == self.PHP_INTERPRETER:
extensions = self.selector_manager.reset_extensions(version)
except clselect.clselectexcept.ClSelectExcept.NoSuchAlternativeVersion:
# No such alt-php version
raise ClSelectExcept({'message': "No such php version: %(ver)s",
'context': {'ver': version}})
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return extensions
def set_selector_status(self, status):
if self.interpreter in (self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER, self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER, self.PHP_INTERPRETER):
return self._change_selector_status(status)
def update_ui(self):
if detect.is_cpanel() or detect.is_plesk() or detect.is_da():
retcode, out, err = exec_utility(
self.DYNAMIC_UI_CTL_CMD, ['--sync-conf=all'], stderr=True)
if retcode != 0:
return self._return_error(
"Can not sync UI with reason: {} {}".format(out, err))
return None
def set_extensions(self, extensions, version):
result = OK_RES_DICT.copy()
if self.interpreter == self.PHP_INTERPRETER:
data = self.selector_manager.set_extensions(version, extensions)
if data:
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return result
def set_options(self, options, version):
if self.interpreter == self.PHP_INTERPRETER:
self.selector_manager.set_options(version, options)
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return OK_RES_DICT
def resolve_version(self, version):
Attempts to get or verify version to be passed to external program
Currently supported version is one digit (6 or 8).
If version is None, return a default version
:param version: str or None -> version to be verified or found
:return: str -> digit as string
if version is None:
default_version = self.get_default_version().get('default_version', '')
if default_version is None or default_version == '':
# Interpreter default version not defined
raise ClSelectExcept("{} default version not defined".format(self.interpreter))
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
m = re.match(r'(?P<version>\d+)', default_version)
if not m:
raise ClSelectExcept({'message': "Incorrect selector version: %(ver)s",
'context': {'ver': default_version}})
return default_version
if isinstance(version, (int, float)):
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
# For NodeJS use only major version
return str(int(version)) # TODO: check among supported versions
# For Python use full version
return str(version)
if version == 'native':
raise ClSelectExcept({'message': "Unsupported version: %(ver)s",
'context': {'ver': version}})
return version # TODO: do check among supported versions
def create_app(self, app_root, app_uri, version, user=None, domain=None,
app_mode=None, startup_file=None, env_vars=None, entry_point=None, passenger_log_file=None):
Creates application for specified user, interpreter and version
If user is None we hope that the external application resolves a user
Currently NodeJS supported only
:param domain: str -> domain of the application
:param app_root: str -> app path relative to user home
:param app_uri: str -> URI path of the application
:param version: str or None -> version of the interpreter
:param user: str or None -> username of user who owns the app
:param app_mode: str or None -> application mode (development or production)
:param startup_file: str or None -> main application file
:param env_vars: json_string or None -> enviroment variables for application
:param entry_point: Application entry point (used only for python interpreter).
:param passenger_log_file: Passenger log filename
:return: dict
self.user_and_domain_checker(user, domain)
version = self.resolve_version(version)
if env_vars is not None:
env_vars = validate_env_vars(json.loads(env_vars))
user, doc_root = self.safely_resolve_username_and_doc_root(user, domain)
if self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
self.selector_old_lib.create(user, app_root, app_uri, version, doc_root=doc_root,
env_vars=env_vars, startup_file=startup_file,
domain_name=domain, entry_point=entry_point,
apps_manager=self.apps_manager, passenger_log_file=passenger_log_file)
elif self.interpreter == self.RUBY_INTERPRETER:
clselect.clselectctlruby.create(user, app_root, app_uri, version, doc_root=doc_root) # ruby
elif self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
# args[0] - directory, args[1] - alias (app-uri) # nodejs
user, app_root, app_uri, version=version, doc_root=doc_root,
app_mode=app_mode, env_vars=env_vars, startup_file=startup_file,
domain_name=domain, apps_manager=self.apps_manager, passenger_log_file=passenger_log_file
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(result=str(e))
# TODO: catch ClSelectExcept.BusyApplicationRoot
return OK_RES_DICT
def _get_application_path(app_root, userdata):
Resolve app root to absolute path and checks if it exists
:param app_root: str -> relative a user homedir app path
:param userdata: obj -> pwd user object
:return: str -> absolute path to app
app_path = os.path.join(userdata.pw_dir, app_root)
if not os.path.isdir(app_path):
raise ClSelectExcept({'message': "No such application: %(app)s",
'context': {'app': app_root}})
return app_path
def read_app_config(self, app_root, config_path, user=None):
Reads file and returns its content as Base64 string
:param app_root: str -> path to app relative to user home
:param user: str -> username to resolve app path
:param config_path: str -> file to be read (relative to app path)
:return: dict
result = OK_RES_DICT.copy()
self.user_and_domain_checker(user, None)
userdata = self._get_user_pwd_data(user)
app_path = self._get_application_path(app_root, userdata)
full_config_path = os.path.join(app_path, config_path)
if not os.path.exists(full_config_path):
raise ClSelectExcept(
'message': "Configuration file not found: %(path)s",
'context': {'path': full_config_path}
with open(full_config_path, 'rb') as f:
data =
result.update({'data': base64.b64encode(data).decode()})
return result
except Exception as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(getattr(e, 'strerror', ''))
def save_app_config(self, app_root, config_path, content, user=None):
Saves data passed as Base64 string to specified file
:param content: data for saving in app's config
:param app_root: str -> path to app relative to user home
:param user: str -> username to resolve app path
:param config_path: str -> file to be read (relative to app path)
:param content: str -> Base64-encoded string
:return: dict
self.user_and_domain_checker(user, None)
userdata = self._get_user_pwd_data(user)
app_path = self._get_application_path(app_root, userdata)
full_config_path = os.path.join(app_path, config_path)
with open(full_config_path, 'wb') as f:
return OK_RES_DICT
except Exception as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(getattr(e, 'strerror', ''))
def _add_user_or_domain(user, domain, args):
result_args = list(args)
if domain is not None:
result_args.extend(['--domain', domain])
elif user is not None:
result_args.extend(['--user', user])
raise ClSelectExcept('User or domain parameter must be specified if current user is root')
return result_args
def uninstall_modules(self, app_root, modules, user=None, domain=None, skip_web_check=False):
Uninstall described modules for user's webapp
:param app_root: directory with webapp
:param modules: comma-separated list of modules to uninstall
:param user: name of unix user
:param domain: domain of user
:param skip_web_check: skip check web application after changing its properties
:return: None
self.user_and_domain_checker(user, domain)
if self.interpreter != self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
raise ClSelectExcept({
'message': 'Uninstall command is available only for python interpreter, not %(interp)s',
'context': {
'interp': self.interpreter,
for module in modules:
self.selector_old_lib.uninstall(user, app_root, module)
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return OK_RES_DICT
def install_modules(self, app_root, user=None, domain=None, skip_web_check=False, spec_file=None, modules=()):
Install described modules for user's webapp
:type domain: domain of user
:param user: name of unix user
:param app_root: directory with webapp
:param skip_web_check: skip check web application after change it's properties
:param spec_file: file containing modules and their versions to install
:param modules: list of installed modules
:return: None
self.user_and_domain_checker(user, domain)
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
self.selector_old_lib.install(user, app_root, skip_web_check=skip_web_check,
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return OK_RES_DICT
elif self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
if modules:
for module in modules:
self.selector_old_lib.install(user, app_root, module, None, skip_web_check=skip_web_check,
elif spec_file:
self.selector_old_lib.install(user, app_root, None, spec_file,
skip_web_check=skip_web_check, apps_manager=self.apps_manager)
err = "Please, specify modules or requirements file with modules"
return self._return_with_status_error(err)
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return OK_RES_DICT
raise ClSelectExcept({
'message': 'Unknown interpreter: %(interp)s',
'context': {
'interp': self.interpreter,
def destroy_app(self, app_root, user):
Destroy specified application root directory and user name
:param app_root: Application directory
:param user: name of unix user
:return: dict
self.user_and_domain_checker(user, None)
if self.interpreter == self.RUBY_INTERPRETER:
clselect.clselectctlruby.destroy(user, app_root)
doc_root = self.safely_resolve_doc_root_for_app(user, app_root)
except TypeError:
raise ClSelectExceptions.WrongData(
message='No such application or it\'s broken. '
'Unable to find app-root folder by this path %(app_root)s',
'app_root': app_root
except ClSelectDomainNotFound:
# We still want to clean up an application
doc_root = None
if self.interpreter in (self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER, self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER):
self.selector_old_lib.destroy(user, app_root, doc_root=doc_root,
raise ClSelectExceptions.InterpreterError(
message='Unknown interpreter: %(interp)s',
context={'interp': self.interpreter})
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return OK_RES_DICT
def start_app(self, app_root, username):
Start specified application root directory and user name
:param app_root: Application directory
:param username: name of unix user
:return: dict
self.user_and_domain_checker(username, None)
doc_root = self.safely_resolve_doc_root_for_app(username, app_root)
if self.interpreter in (self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER, self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER):
self.selector_old_lib.start(username, app_root, doc_root, self.apps_manager)
raise ClSelectExceptions.InterpreterError(
message='Unknown interpreter: %(interp)s',
context={'interp': self.interpreter})
return OK_RES_DICT
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
def restart_app(self, app_root, username):
Destroy specified application root directory and user name
:param app_root: Application directory
:param username: name of unix user
:return: dict
self.user_and_domain_checker(username, None)
doc_root = self.safely_resolve_doc_root_for_app(username, app_root)
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
self.selector_old_lib.restart(username, app_root, doc_root, self.apps_manager)
elif self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
self.selector_old_lib.restart(username, app_root, doc_root, self.apps_manager)
raise ClSelectExceptions.InterpreterError(
message='Unknown interpreter: %(interp)s',
context={'interp': self.interpreter})
return OK_RES_DICT
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
def stop_app(self, app_root, user):
Start specified application root directory and user name
:param app_root: Application directory
:param user: name of unix user
:return: dict
self.user_and_domain_checker(user, None)
doc_root = self.safely_resolve_doc_root_for_app(user, app_root)
if self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
self.selector_old_lib.stop(user, app_root, doc_root, self.apps_manager)
elif self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
self.selector_old_lib.stop(user, app_root, doc_root, self.apps_manager)
raise ClSelectExceptions.InterpreterError(
message='Unknown interpreter: %(interp)s',
context={'interp': self.interpreter})
return OK_RES_DICT
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
def _replace_old_env_and_prompt_in_binaries_in_environment(new_env, old_env, new_rel, old_rel):
# type: (str, str, str, str) -> None
Replace old prompt and env_var in binaries in new environment
Working with bytes here, because of python binary
old_prompt = ('(' + old_rel + ':').encode()
new_prompt = ('(' + new_rel + ':').encode()
for venv_bin_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(new_env, '*', 'bin', '*')):
if not os.path.isdir(venv_bin_file):
old_activate = file_read(venv_bin_file, mode='rb')
if old_env.encode() in old_activate or old_prompt in old_activate:
_new_activate = old_activate.replace(old_env.encode(), new_env.encode())
new_activate = _new_activate.replace(old_prompt, new_prompt)
file_write(venv_bin_file, new_activate, 'wb')
except IOError:
_, _, traceback_ = sys.exc_info()
def get_app_summary(self, username, app_config_dict_full, app_root):
Retrieve application info from user's applications config. Analog of function clpassenger.summary
:param username: User name
:param app_config_dict_full: Full user's application config.
:param app_root: Application root
:return: Dictionary with application info
{ 'binary': '/home/cltest1/virtualenv/new_app_root/2.7/bin/python', # +
'domain': '', # +
'alias': 'app1', # +
'htaccess': '/home/cltest1/public_html/app1/.htaccess', # +
'interpreter': 'python', # +
'directory': '/home/cltest1/new_app_root', # +
'docroot': '/home/cltest1/public_html', # +
'domains': ['']
app_config_dict = get_using_realpath_keys(username, app_root, app_config_dict_full)
user_home = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_dir
doc_root = docroot(app_config_dict['domain'])[0]
app_info_dict = {
app_root: {
'interpreter': self.apps_manager.INTERPRETER,
'binary': self.apps_manager.get_binary_path(username, app_root, user_home),
'alias': app_config_dict['app_uri'],
'domain': app_config_dict['domain'],
'docroot': doc_root,
'htaccess': '/'.join([doc_root, app_config_dict['app_uri'], '.htaccess']),
'directory': '/'.join([user_home, app_root]),
'domains': [app_config_dict['domain']]
return app_info_dict
except KeyError:
# we return empty dict because app doesn't exist
return {}
def _move_app_from_old_dir_to_new(old_directory, new_directory):
# type: (str, str) -> None
Move all items from old directory of application to new directory
:param old_directory: full real path to old directory of applicaton
:param new_directory: full real path to new directory of applicaton
if not os.path.exists(new_directory):
os.rename(old_directory, new_directory)
# move all items from old directory to new
for item in os.listdir(old_directory):
shutil.move(os.path.join(old_directory, item), new_directory)
def _relocate(self, user, old_directory, new_directory):
Move user's application from directory to new_directory
:param user: application owner. unix like user name
:param old_directory: current directory with application
:param new_directory: new directory for application
:return: None
full_config = self.apps_manager.get_user_config_data(user)
app_config = get_using_realpath_keys(user, old_directory, full_config)
except KeyError:
raise ClSelectExceptions.NoSuchApplication(
'No such application (or application not configured) "%s"' %
old_abs, old_rel = get_abs_rel(user, old_directory)
new_abs, new_rel = get_abs_rel(user, new_directory)
# Directory name must not be one of the reserved names and
# should not contain invalid symbols.
except ValueError as e:
raise ClSelectExceptions.WrongData(str(e))
# Get application summary for the application
# Application summary example
# {'new_app_root':
# {'binary': '/home/cltest1/virtualenv/new_app_root/2.7/bin/python',
# 'domain': '',
# 'alias': 'app1',
# 'htaccess': '/home/cltest1/public_html/app1/.htaccess',
# 'interpreter': 'python',
# 'directory': '/home/cltest1/new_app_root',
# 'docroot': '/home/cltest1/public_html',
# 'domains': ['']}
# }
# TODO: why do we check only for applications of same type and not other (node/ruby/python)?
new_user_summary = self.get_app_summary(user, full_config, new_rel)
get_using_realpath_keys(user, new_rel, new_user_summary)
except KeyError:
raise ClSelectExceptions.AppRootBusy(new_abs)
old_user_summary = self.get_app_summary(user, full_config, old_rel)
old_user_app_summary = get_using_realpath_keys(user, old_rel, old_user_summary)
except KeyError:
raise ClSelectExceptions.WrongData("No such application (or application not configured) \"%s\""
% old_directory)
doc_root = old_user_app_summary['docroot']
alias = old_user_app_summary['alias']
env_name = self.selector_old_lib._get_environment(
user, old_directory, app_summary=old_user_summary[old_directory]).name
if self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
ver, rel_venv = get_venv_rel_path(user, old_directory)
_old_env, _ = get_abs_rel(
user, rel_venv)
_new_env, _ = get_abs_rel(
user, get_venv_rel_path(user, new_directory, version=ver)[1])
elif self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
_old_env, _ = get_abs_rel(user, os.path.join(
self.selector_user_lib.environments.DEFAULT_PREFIX, old_rel))
_new_env, _ = get_abs_rel(user, os.path.join(
self.selector_user_lib.environments.DEFAULT_PREFIX, new_rel))
raise NotImplementedError()
old_env = os.path.join(_old_env, '')
new_env = os.path.join(_new_env, '')
new_env_dir = os.path.dirname(_new_env)
# needed to avoid copy in shutil.move
if not os.path.exists(new_env_dir):
shutil.move(old_env, new_env)
self._move_app_from_old_dir_to_new(old_abs, new_abs)
if self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
self._replace_old_env_and_prompt_in_binaries_in_environment(new_env, old_env, new_rel, old_rel)
if self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
_, prefix = get_venv_rel_path(user, new_directory)
elif self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
prefix = self.selector_old_lib._get_prefix(user, new_directory)
raise NotImplementedError()
environment = self.selector_user_lib.environments.Environment(env_name, user, prefix)
binary = environment.interpreter().binary
app_status = get_using_realpath_keys(user, old_directory, full_config)['app_status']
if app_status == APP_STARTED_CONST:
# Clear .htaccess from CL's directives
clpassenger.unconfigure(user, old_directory)
passenger_log_file_to_set = full_config[old_directory].get('passenger_log_file', None)
clpassenger.configure(user, new_directory, alias, self.interpreter, binary, doc_root=doc_root,
clpassenger.restart(user, new_directory)
# update config
delete_using_realpath_keys(user, old_directory, full_config)
full_config[new_directory] = app_config
self.apps_manager.write_full_user_config_data(user, full_config)
def relocate(self, user, old_app_root, new_app_root):
Call selectorctl to relocate application from old_app_root to new_app_root
:param user: application owner
:param old_app_root: current application directory (current application name)
:param new_app_root: new application directory (new application name)
:return: json
if self.interpreter in (self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER, self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER):
self._relocate(user, old_app_root, new_app_root)
elif self.interpreter == self.RUBY_INTERPRETER:
# last param in relocate not used
clselect.clselectctlruby.relocate(user, old_app_root, new_app_root, None)
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return OK_RES_DICT
# TODO: we have something similar in clpassenger.move
# one day we should remove one of that methods
def _transit_htaccess_file(old_doc_root, old_alias, new_doc_root, new_alias):
# type: (str, str, str, str) -> None
:param old_doc_root: path to old doc root of application
:param old_alias: old alias (uri) of application
:param new_doc_root: path to new doc root of application
:param new_alias: new alias (uri) of application
:return: None
# Copy existing .htaccess to new location
htaccess = '.htaccess'
# Get path to old .htaccess
old_htaccess_file = os.path.join(old_doc_root, old_alias, htaccess)
# Create path for new .htaccess
new_htaccess_file = os.path.join(new_doc_root, new_alias, htaccess)
if os.path.realpath(old_htaccess_file) \
== os.path.realpath(new_htaccess_file):
new_htaccess_path = os.path.dirname(new_htaccess_file)
if not os.path.isdir(new_htaccess_path):
shutil.copy(old_htaccess_file, new_htaccess_file)
def _transit(self, user, directory, new_doc_root, new_domain, alias=None):
Change application URI
:param user: application owner. unix like user name
:param directory: directory with application. (app-root)
:param alias: new alias (app-uri) for application or None if change only the domain
:param new_doc_root: NEW doc_root to transit application to
:param new_domain: NEW domain to transit application to
:return: None
full_config = self.apps_manager.get_user_config_data(user)
app_config = get_using_realpath_keys(user, directory, full_config)
except KeyError:
raise ClSelectExceptions.NoSuchApplication(
'No such application (or application not configured) "{}"'.format(
apps_summary = self.get_app_summary(user, full_config, directory)
old_app_summary = get_using_realpath_keys(user, directory, apps_summary)
except KeyError:
raise ClSelectExceptions.WrongData(
'No such application '
'(or application not configured) "{}"'.format(directory))
old_alias = old_app_summary['alias']
old_doc_root = old_app_summary['docroot']
new_alias = old_alias if alias is None else clselectctl.get_alias(alias)
environment = self.selector_old_lib._get_environment(
user, directory, app_summary=apps_summary[directory])
binary = environment.interpreter().binary
if full_config[directory]['app_status'] == APP_STARTED_CONST:
passenger_log_file_to_set = full_config[directory].get('passenger_log_file', None)
clpassenger.configure(user, directory, new_alias, self.interpreter, binary, True, 'transit',
doc_root=new_doc_root, startup_file=app_config['startup_file'],
clpassenger.move(user, directory, old_alias, new_alias, old_doc_root=old_doc_root, new_doc_root=new_doc_root)
clpassenger.restart(user, directory)
# New doc root should be equal to old doc root
# if we don't want to change domain for application.
if new_doc_root is None:
new_doc_root = old_doc_root
self._transit_htaccess_file(old_doc_root, old_alias, new_doc_root, new_alias)
app_config['app_uri'] = new_alias
if new_domain is not None:
app_config['domain'] = new_domain
self.apps_manager.write_full_user_config_data(user, full_config)
def transit(self, user, app_root, new_app_uri=None, new_domain=None):
Call selectorctl to transit application to new_app_uri
:param user: application owner
:param app_root: application directory (application name)
:param new_app_uri: new uri or None if change only the domain
:param new_domain: new domain or None if change only the app_uri
:return: json
if new_domain is None:
new_doc_root = None
_, new_doc_root = self.safely_resolve_username_and_doc_root(user, new_domain)
if self.interpreter in (self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER, self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER):
self._transit(user, app_root, new_doc_root, new_domain, new_app_uri)
elif self.interpreter == self.RUBY_INTERPRETER:
clselect.clselectctlruby.transit(user, app_root, new_app_uri, doc_root=new_doc_root)
raise NotImplementedError()
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
return OK_RES_DICT
def _relocate_nodejs_extensions(self, user, app_root, new_env, old_extensions):
# type: (str, str, NodeJsEnvironment, Set) -> None
Install nodejs extensions to new nodejs environment and change
symlink <user_homedir>/<app-root>/node_modules to new environment.
Raise exception `WebAppError` if npm will return non-zero code
npm_ret_code = 0
if old_extensions:
npm_ret_code = new_env.extension_install_single_call(old_extensions)
except ClSelectExceptions.FileProcessError:
# Change symlink <user_homedir>/<app-root>/node_modules to new environment
self.selector_old_lib._create_symlink_to_node_modules(user, new_env.path, app_root)
if npm_ret_code != 0:
raise ClSelectExceptions.WebAppError("Module installation has been failed. Please, check npm logs.")
def _relocate_python_extensions(new_env, old_extensions):
# type: (PythonEnvironment, Set) -> None
Install python extensions to new python environment.
They are equivalent to extensions from old environment.
Remove python extensions which not existing
in old environment from new environment
new_extensions = set(new_env.extensions())
for extension in new_extensions - old_extensions:
except ClSelectExceptions.ExternalProgramFailed:
# TODO: logging
for extension in old_extensions - new_extensions:
except ClSelectExceptions.ExternalProgramFailed:
# TODO: logging
def _change_version(self, user, directory, version=None, skip_web_check=False):
Set current interpreter version for the application
:param user: application owner. unix like user name
:param directory: app_root - main directory with user application
:param version: new version of python interpreter or None if we get current
:param skip_web_check: skip check web application after change it's properties
:return: None
full_config = self.apps_manager.get_user_config_data(user)
app_config = get_using_realpath_keys(user, directory, full_config)
except KeyError:
raise ClSelectExceptions.NoSuchApplication(
'No such application (or application not configured) "%s"' %
old_environment = self.selector_old_lib._get_environment(user, directory) # reads .htaccess
if not version:
return { old_environment.interpreter().as_dict()}
# SET new interpreter:
new_environment = self.selector_old_lib._create_environment(user, directory, version)
self._ensure_version_enabled(version, user)
# Get extensions list for old environment
installed_extensions = set(old_environment.extensions())
if self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
self._relocate_python_extensions(new_environment, installed_extensions)
elif self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
self._relocate_nodejs_extensions(user, directory, new_environment, installed_extensions)
# Reconfigure clpassenger
user_summary_data = clpassenger.summary(user)
app_summary = get_using_realpath_keys(user, directory, user_summary_data)
doc_root = app_summary['docroot']
binary = new_environment.interpreter().binary
alias, app_domain = self.selector_old_lib._get_info_about_webapp(app_summary, user)
def action():
# Clear .htaccess
clpassenger.unconfigure(user, directory)
passenger_log_file_to_set = full_config[directory].get('passenger_log_file', None)
clpassenger.configure(user, directory, alias, self.interpreter, binary, doc_root=doc_root,
# Create restart.txt file in tmp directory
clpassenger.restart(user, directory)
full_config[directory]['%s_version' % self.interpreter] = version
self.apps_manager.write_full_user_config_data(user, full_config)
if not skip_web_check:
except ClSelectExceptions.WebAppError as err:
raise ClSelectExceptions.WebAppError('An error occured during changing version. %s' % err)
def change_version(self, user, app_root, new_version, skip_web_check):
Call selectorctl to change current interpreter version to new_version for application
:param user: application owner
:param app_root: application directory (application name)
:param new_version: new nodejs interpreter version
:param skip_web_check: skip check web application after change it's properties
:return: json
if self.interpreter not in (self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER, self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER):
raise NotImplementedError
# forbid user to change python version unless he migrates application
# to new python selector version
if self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
app_version = self.apps_manager.get_app_config(user, app_root).get(
'app_version', PythonAppFormatVersion.LEGACY)
if app_version == PythonAppFormatVersion.LEGACY:
return {
'status': 'This application was created by too old version '
'of python selector and we cannot change version '
'without migration to the new application format. '
'To do that you can use `cloudlinux-selector migrate` '
'command or just click button in web UI.',
if self.apps_manager.get_app_status(user, app_root) == APP_STARTED_CONST:
self._change_version(user, app_root, new_version, skip_web_check=skip_web_check)
# Supplied application is stopper - run special function for change interpreter version for it
self._change_version_for_stopped_app(user, app_root, new_version)
return OK_RES_DICT
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
def set_variables_for_litespeed(self, user, app_root, env_vars):
if self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER or self.interpreter == self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER:
doc_root = self.safely_resolve_doc_root_for_app(user, app_root) # need for add_env_vars_for_htaccess
self.apps_manager.add_env_vars_for_htaccess(user, app_root, env_vars, doc_root)
except Exception as err:
raise ClSelectExceptions.WebAppError(
"Unable to set environment variables in htaccess file for the application."
"Error: {}".format(err)
def _set_variables(self, user, directory, app_mode, env_vars, startup_file, entry_point, config_files,
Set application mode, environment variables and startup_file for application
:param config_files: names of config files (such as requirements.txt or etc)
:param entry_point: the specified entrypoint for application
:param user: application owner. unix like user name
:param directory: directory with application
:param app_mode: expected application mode
:param env_vars: dict with environment variables for application
:param startup_file: main file for application
:param passenger_log_file: Passenger log filename
:return: None
full_config = self.apps_manager.get_user_config_data(user)
app_config_data = get_using_realpath_keys(user, directory, full_config)
except KeyError:
raise ClSelectExceptions.NoSuchApplication(
'No such application (or application not configured) "%s"' %
if self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER \
and env_vars is not None \
and app_config_data['env_vars'] != env_vars \
and app_config_data['app_version'] == PythonAppFormatVersion.LEGACY:
raise ClSelectExceptions.WebAppError(
"Unable to set environment variables. "
"Application was created too long time ago. "
"Please, migrate your application to newer version "
"before changing interpreter version"
# Update user's config
if app_mode is not None:
app_config_data['app_mode'] = app_mode
if env_vars is not None:
# Python env vars task
app_config_data['env_vars'] = env_vars
if entry_point is not None:
app_config_data['entry_point'] = entry_point
if config_files is not None:
app_config_data['config_files'] = config_files
if startup_file is not None and startup_file != app_config_data.get('startup_file') or \
passenger_log_file is not None:
if startup_file is not None and startup_file != app_config_data.get('startup_file'):
# Startup file changing
app_config_data['startup_file'] = startup_file
if self.interpreter == self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
startup_file_full_path = self.selector_old_lib._get_full_path_to_startup_file(
# We are using the main startup file with name `` in case custom name of
# startup file, because passenger doesn't support directive for set entry_point.
# In tje file `` we can set entry_point and custom name of startup file.
self.selector_old_lib.setup_wsgi(user, directory, startup_file_full_path, entry_point)
if passenger_log_file is not None:
# Set/remove PassengerAppLogFile
# Remove passenger log from app config if passenger_log_file path is empty
app_config_data['passenger_log_file'] = None if passenger_log_file == '' else passenger_log_file
env = self.selector_old_lib._get_environment(user, directory)
user_summary = clpassenger.summary(user)
user_app_summary = get_using_realpath_keys(user, directory, user_summary)
alias = user_app_summary['alias']
binary = env.interpreter().binary
doc_root = user_app_summary['docroot']
htaccess_path = user_app_summary['htaccess']
# If main file is not configured, use default value
if startup_file is None and app_config_data.get('startup_file') is None:
clpassenger.configure(user, directory, alias, self.interpreter, binary, doc_root=doc_root,
clpassenger.configure(user, directory, alias, self.interpreter, binary, doc_root=doc_root,
clpassenger.restart(user, directory)
self.apps_manager.write_full_user_config_data(user, full_config)
self.set_variables_for_litespeed(user, directory, env_vars)
def set_variables(self, user, app_root, app_mode, env_vars, startup_file, entry_point, config_files,
Call selectorctl to set variables for application
:param config_files: names of config files (such as requirements.txt or etc) (only for python)
:param entry_point: the specified entrypoint for application (only for python)
:param user: application owner
:param app_root: application directory (application name)
:param app_mode: application mode
:param env_vars: json_string with environment variables for application
:param startup_file: main file for application
:param passenger_log_file: Passenger log filename
:return: json
if env_vars is not None:
env_dict = validate_env_vars(json.loads(env_vars))
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return self._return_with_status_error('wrong json format for environment variable list')
env_dict = None
if self.interpreter in (self.NODEJS_INTERPRETER, self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER) and \
self.apps_manager.get_app_status(user, app_root) == APP_STARTED_CONST:
self._set_variables(user, app_root, app_mode, env_dict, startup_file, entry_point, config_files,
# Supplied application is stopped - run special function for change a few variables of application
self._set_variables_for_stopped_app(user, app_root, app_mode, env_dict, startup_file,
entry_point, config_files, passenger_log_file)
return OK_RES_DICT
except clselect.clselectexcept.BaseClSelectException as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
def get_apps_users_info(self, user=None):
Retrieves info about all installed interpreters and user(s) applictions
:param user: User name for read applictions. If None all users will be processed
:return: Dict with info
result_dict = self.apps_manager.get_applications_users_info(user)
return result_dict
except BaseSelectorError as e:
return {'result': e.message, 'context': e.context} # pylint: disable=exception-message-attribute
def _ensure_version_enabled(self, new_version, username):
Check whether particular interpreter version is enabled and raises
exception if not
:param username: user to include in exception
:param new_version: new interpreter version
if not self.selector_manager.is_version_enabled(new_version):
raise clselect.ClSelectExcept.UnableToSetAlternative(username, new_version, 'version is not enabled')
def _change_version_for_stopped_app(self, username, app_root, new_version):
Changes version for stopped application
:param username: application owner
:param app_root: application directory (application name)
:param new_version: new nodejs interpreter version
:return: None
self._ensure_version_enabled(new_version, username)
# Get extensions list fom old environment
old_version = self.apps_manager.get_interpreter_version_for_app(username, app_root)
old_environment = self.selector_old_lib._create_environment(username, app_root, old_version, None)
old_extensions = set(old_environment.extensions())
# Create new environment
new_environment = self.selector_old_lib._create_environment(username, app_root, new_version, None)
# install extension to new app
for extension in old_extensions:
except clselect.clselectexcept.ClSelectExcept.ExternalProgramFailed:
# Update user's app config
app_config = self.apps_manager.get_user_config_data(username)
app_config[app_root]['%s_version' % self.interpreter] = new_version
self.apps_manager.write_full_user_config_data(username, app_config)
def _set_variables_for_stopped_app(self, username, app_root, app_mode, env_vars_dict, startup_file,
entry_point, config_files, passenger_log_file):
Sets new app_mode, environment variables and startup file for stopped NodeJS application
:param config_files: names of config files (such as requirements.txt or etc) (only for python)
:param entry_point: the specified entrypoint for application (only for python)
:param str username: application owner
:param str app_root: application directory (application name)
:param str app_mode: New application mode, can be None
:param dict env_vars_dict: New environment variables, can be None
:param startup_file: New startup file, can be None
:param passenger_log_file: Passenger log filename
:return: None
# Update user's app config
app_config = self.apps_manager.get_user_config_data(username)
if app_mode:
app_config[app_root]['app_mode'] = app_mode
if env_vars_dict:
app_config[app_root]['env_vars'] = env_vars_dict
if startup_file and startup_file != app_config[app_root].get('startup_file'):
app_config[app_root]['startup_file'] = startup_file
if entry_point:
app_config[app_root]['entry_point'] = entry_point
if config_files:
app_config[app_root]['config_files'] = config_files
if passenger_log_file is not None and passenger_log_file != '':
app_config[app_root]['passenger_log_file'] = passenger_log_file
app_config[app_root]['passenger_log_file'] = None
self.apps_manager.write_full_user_config_data(username, app_config)
self.set_variables_for_litespeed(username, app_root, env_vars_dict)
def get_major_version_from_short(version):
Retrieves major version from full. If already short, return it with no difference
:param version: Full/short
:return: Short version as string
return str(int(version.split('.')[0]))
def replace_mysqli():
Replace mysqli extension to nd_mysqli for defaults.
Warning: only for PHP. See LVEMAN-1399 for details
# Get available alt-php versions list.
# For example: ['5.1', '5.2', '5.3', '5.4', '5.5', '5.6', '4.4', '7.2', '7.0', '7.1']
alt_php_versions_list = list(ClSelect('php').get_all_alternatives_data().keys())
cl_ext_select = ClExtSelect() # php by default
for alt_php_ver in alt_php_versions_list:
# Replace mysqli -> nd_mysqli for the version for new installations according to LVEMAN-1399
def setup_selector(cls):
Setup php selector for work
(suggested to use after native php is installed)
subprocess.check_output(['cagefsctl', '--force-update'])
subprocess.check_output(['cagefsctl', '--remount-all'])
subprocess.check_output(['/usr/sbin/cloudlinux-selector', 'make-defaults-config',
'--json', '--interpreter', 'php'])
def run_import_applications(self):
Scan users home dirs for .htaccess files and import
applications to new config file.
if self.interpreter != self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
raise NotImplementedError
# We don't need to import apps for DA
elif detect.is_da():
return OK_RES_DICT
return OK_RES_DICT
except Exception as e:
return self._return_with_status_error(str(e))
def run_migrate_application(self, user, app_root):
Convert applications created in older selector
versions to new format
if self.interpreter != self.PYTHON_INTERPRETER:
raise NotImplementedError("Migration is only available "
"for python selector")
self.apps_manager.migrate_application(user, app_root)
return OK_RES_DICT