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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import os
import pwd
import json
from typing import AnyStr, Optional # NOQA
from future.utils import iteritems
import secureio
from clselect.utils import get_abs_rel, run_process_in_cagefs
from clcommon.clpwd import drop_privileges
from clselect.baseclselect import (
from clselect.clpassenger import WSGI_PATH
from clselect import ClSelectExcept, clpassenger, clselectctl
from clselect.baseclselect.apps_manager import BaseApplicationsManager
from clselect.clselectpython.python_manager import PythonManager
class PythonAppFormatVersion(object):
Class represents possible python application versions.
# application that was created in old selector
# does not support version change and env variables
# new application, supports all selector features
class PythonVenvFormatVersion(object):
Class represents possible python application venv path versions.
# venv that was created in old selector
# and was transformed like 'app/test_1' -> 'app_test__1'
# any application (old & new) that does not contain
# replacements in venv path
class ApplicationsManager(BaseApplicationsManager):
_USER_CONFIG = '.cl.selector/python-selector.json'
_IMPORT_STATUS_ADMIN = '/var/lve/.py.migration.status'
_IMPORT_STATUS_USER = '.cl.selector/.py.migration.status'
_IMPORT_LOG_FILE = '/var/log/cloudlinux/py-selector/app_imports.log'
_IMPORT_REQUIREMENTS_FILE = 'imported_pip_requirements.txt'
INTERPRETER = 'python'
VENV_DIR = 'virtualenv'
BINARY_NAME = 'python'
def __init__(self):
super(ApplicationsManager, self).__init__(PythonManager())
# TODO: replace with real implementation (LVEMAN-1324)
def _find_config_files(self, user_name, app_directory, patterns=()):
return super(ApplicationsManager, self)._find_config_files(user_name, app_directory, patterns=patterns)
def get_interpreter_specific_passenger_lines(binary_path, app_config):
Return lines for htaccess that are specific to the python interpreter
:param binary_path: path to the environment's python binary
:param app_config: application's config dictionary
specific_lines = ['PassengerPython "{}"\n'.format(binary_path)]
return specific_lines
def _get_legacy_applications(self, user, logger):
Search server for old applications (created in old python selector)
and add them to new config.
:param user: user to search applications
:param logger: logger to write messages to
:return: tuple(list[applications], list[errors])
from clselect.clselectctlpython import WSGI_PATTERN
applications = {}
errors = {}
user_config_data = self.get_user_config_data(user)
for directory, data in iteritems(clpassenger.summary(user)):
if data['interpreter'] != self.INTERPRETER:
# noinspection PyBroadException
app_wsgi = os.path.join(data['directory'], clpassenger.WSGI_PATH)
# skip app if wsgi file was not found
if not os.path.isfile(app_wsgi):
logger.warning('Application %s was skipped during import, because wsgi file was not found',
with open(app_wsgi) as f:
wsgi_conf =
match =
if match:
groupdict = match.groupdict()
wsgi_path = groupdict['script']
callable_object = groupdict['callable']
wsgi_path = callable_object = ''
py_version = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(
domain = data['domains'][0]
# LVEMAN-1502. if application already present in apps list use its app_version
app_ver = user_config_data[directory][u'app_version']
except KeyError:
app_ver = PythonAppFormatVersion.LEGACY
app_info = {
u'python_version': py_version,
u'app_version': app_ver,
u'domain': domain,
u'app_uri': data['alias'],
u'app_status': 'started',
u'startup_file': wsgi_path or WSGI_PATH,
u'config_files': [],
u'env_vars': {},
u'entry_point': callable_object or 'application'
applications[directory] = app_info
except Exception:
logger.exception('Unable to import application %s', directory)
errors.setdefault(directory, []).append(
'Unexpected issue during application "%s" import. '
'Your python app will work as before, but you wo\'t be able '
'to control it from Python Selector UI. Please, ask your system '
'administrator to contact CloudLinux support '
'to resolve this issue.' % directory
return applications, errors
def _setup_import_logger(self):
Setup logger for application import.
app_logger = logging.getLogger('import_apps')
fh = logging.FileHandler(self._IMPORT_LOG_FILE)
fh.formatter = logging.Formatter(
'[%(levelname)s | %(asctime)s]: %(message)s')
cl = logging.StreamHandler()
# app_logger.addHandler(cl)
return app_logger
def import_legacy_applications_to_config(self, user=None):
Scan users for legacy applications (created by old python selector)
and import them into config file. Done automatically by spec file.
app_logger = self._setup_import_logger()
users_info = self.get_users_dict(user)
logging.debug('Start applications import for users %s', list(users_info.keys()))
failed_users = []
skipped_users_count = 0
apps_errors = None
for user, pw in iteritems(users_info):
# Skip user if '.cl.selector' directory absent in his homedir
cl_selector_dir = os.path.join(pw.pw_dir, '.cl.selector')
if not os.path.isdir(cl_selector_dir):
skipped_users_count += 1
app_logger.warning('User %s is skipped due to %s directory absent' % (user, cl_selector_dir))
continue'Importing user %s', user)
# disable quota here, because clpassanger.summary creates htaccess_cache file
# see clpassenger._summary for details. Will be fixed in LVEMAN-1524
with drop_privileges(user), secureio.disable_quota():
config = self.read_user_selector_config_json(
pw.pw_dir, pw.pw_uid, pw.pw_gid)
except BaseSelectorError:
config = {}
# take applications from clpassanger.summary and import them
apps, apps_errors = self._get_legacy_applications(user, app_logger)
if not apps:
for app_root, app_config in iteritems(apps):
if app_root in config:
# save fields that were probably set before
app_config['config_files'] = config[app_root]['config_files']
app_config['env_vars'] = config[app_root]['env_vars']
# generate pip requirements file for each legacy app
self.generate_pip_requirements(user, app_root, app_logger)
requirements_file = os.path.join(pw.pw_dir, app_root, self._IMPORT_REQUIREMENTS_FILE)
if os.path.isfile(requirements_file) and \
self._IMPORT_REQUIREMENTS_FILE not in app_config['config_files']:
# add this newly generated pip requirements file to config files
config[app_root] = app_config
# case when hoster downgraded package for some time
# and user destroyed some of applications
# we should remove them from config file
destroyed_apps = set(config.keys()) - set(apps.keys())
for app_root in destroyed_apps:
with drop_privileges(user), secureio.disable_quota():
self.write_full_user_config_data(user, config)
self._set_user_legacy_import_status(pw, is_import_failed=False, apps_errors=apps_errors)
except Exception as e:
import_error = 'Unable to import user `%s` to new python selector. ' + \
'Already created applications work as before, ' + \
'but user won\'t be able to manage them. Error is: `%s`'
app_logger.exception(import_error, user, e)
with drop_privileges(user), secureio.disable_quota():
self._set_user_legacy_import_status(pw, is_import_failed=True, apps_errors=apps_errors)
if skipped_users_count != 0:
app_logger.warning('Some users skipped... see import log')
def _get_legacy_import_status(self, user=None):
Read import log which contains information about
failed users or apps depending on current user.
if user is None:
if not os.path.exists(self._IMPORT_STATUS_ADMIN):
return None
with open(self._IMPORT_STATUS_ADMIN) as f:
return json.load(f)
user_pw = pwd.getpwnam(user)
marker = os.path.join(user_pw.pw_dir, self._IMPORT_STATUS_USER)
if not os.path.isfile(marker):
with open(marker) as f:
return json.load(f)
def _set_user_legacy_import_status(self, user_pw, is_import_failed, apps_errors):
Save information that some applications were not imported automatically
to show warning for user in the future.
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(user_pw.pw_dir, '.cl.selector')):
marker = os.path.join(user_pw.pw_dir, self._IMPORT_STATUS_USER)
'is_import_failed': is_import_failed,
'apps_lookup_failed': apps_errors
}), marker, 0o600)
except (IOError, OSError):
# sad, but not critical, go further
logging.exception('Unable to save migration status file')
def _set_admin_legacy_import_status(self, failed_users):
Save information that some users were not imported automatically
to show warning for admin in the future.
packed = json.dumps({'failed_users': failed_users})
secureio.write_file_via_tempfile(packed, self._IMPORT_STATUS_ADMIN, 0o600)
def _get_admin_legacy_import_warning(self):
config = self._get_legacy_import_status()
if config is None or not config['failed_users']:
return None
warning_msg = 'Unexpected issue(s) happened during importing python ' \
'applications for the following users: "{users}". ' \
'Everything will work as before, but listed users wo\'t be able ' \
'to control applications from Python Selector UI. ' \
'Please, contact CloudLinux support and send them log file located at ' \
'`{log_file_path}` to investigate and ' \
'resolve this issue. Also you can hide this warning ' \
'by deleting `{import_warning_marker}` file' \
return warning_msg
def _get_user_legacy_import_warning(self, username):
config = self._get_legacy_import_status(user=username)
if config is None:
return None
what_to_do_msg = \
'Everything will work as before, but you won\'t be able to control ' \
'listed applications from Python Selector UI. ' \
'Please, ask you hoster to contact CloudLinux support ' \
'to investigate and ' \
'resolve this issue.\nAlso you can hide this warning ' \
'by deleting `~/{import_warning_marker}` file.' \
if config['is_import_failed']:
return 'Unexpected issue(s) happened during importing python ' \
'applications. ' \
'%s' % what_to_do_msg
elif config['apps_lookup_failed']:
return 'Unexpected issue(s) happened during importing following python ' \
'applications: "%s". ' \
'%s' % (','.join(config['apps_lookup_failed']), what_to_do_msg)
return None
def _get_legacy_import_warning_or_none(self, user=None):
if user is None:
return self._get_admin_legacy_import_warning()
return self._get_user_legacy_import_warning(user)
def migrate_application(self, user, app_root):
Update environment of specific application to support
features of new python selector
from clselect.clselectctlpython import _get_environment
application = self.get_app_config(user, app_root)
if application is None:
raise ClSelectExcept.WrongData("Application %s does not exist" % app_root)
if application['app_version'] == PythonAppFormatVersion.STABLE:
raise ClSelectExcept.WrongData(
"Application %s is already new version "
"and does not need any updates" % app_root)
environment = _get_environment(user, app_root, apps_manager=self)
except Exception as e:
raise ClSelectExcept.WrongData(
"Unable to migrate application %s. "
"Error is '%s', everything restored to work as before migration. "
"Try again later or ask your hoster "
"to contact CloudLinux support if the issue persists."
"" % (app_root, e))
application['app_version'] = PythonAppFormatVersion.STABLE
self.add_app_to_config(user, app_root, application)
def get_applications_users_info(self, user=None):
result = super(ApplicationsManager, self). \
warning = self._get_legacy_import_warning_or_none(user)
if warning is not None:
result['warning'] = warning
return result
def generate_pip_requirements(self, user, app_root, app_logger):
# type: (AnyStr, AnyStr, logging.Logger) -> Optional[AnyStr]
Generates requirements file from python apps
:param user: username
:param app_root: app root
:param app_logger: app logger
app_path, _ = get_abs_rel(user, app_root)
req_path = os.path.join(app_path, self._IMPORT_REQUIREMENTS_FILE)
if os.path.exists(req_path):
from clselect.clselectctlpython import _get_environment
with drop_privileges(user):
environment = _get_environment(
user, app_root, apps_manager=self)
pip_path = environment.pip()
user_home = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_dir
env_vars = {'HOME': user_home}
modules = ''
# need to pass users home as env var directly during running as user
result = run_process_in_cagefs(user, pip_path, ['freeze', '-l'], env_vars=env_vars)
if result['returncode'] != 0:
app_logger.warning('Error during generation pip requirements file. ' + str(result['output']))
# like in `check_output`
raise ClSelectExcept.ExternalProgramFailed(result['output'])
elif not result['failed']:
modules = result['output']
# write stdout to file with disabled quota
with drop_privileges(user), secureio.disable_quota():
f = open(req_path, 'w')
def get_app_folders(self, username, app_root, chk_env=True, chk_app_root=True):
Calculate, check exists and return application folders
This method does not check that application exists in config.
:raises: NoSuchUserException, MissingVirtualenvError, MissingAppRootError
:return: tuple(app_root, app_venv) with absolute paths
user_home = self._pwd.get_pw_by_name(username).pw_dir
_, rel_path = get_venv_rel_path(username, app_root)
app_venv = os.path.join(user_home, rel_path)
if chk_env and not os.path.exists(app_venv):
raise MissingVirtualenvError(app_venv)
app_root = os.path.join(user_home, app_root)
if chk_app_root and not os.path.exists(app_root):
raise MissingAppRootError(app_root)
return app_root, app_venv
def get_binary_path(self, user, app_root, user_dir, binary_name=None):
Return a path to the environment's interpreter binary
Get interpreter path for application
:param user: owner of the application
:param app_root: app path relative to user home (app-root)
:param user_dir: User's home directory
:param binary_name: name of binary in virtual environemnt (python, npm, node)
:return: path to interpreter binary in virtual environment
version = self.get_interpreter_version_for_app(user, app_root)
if binary_name is None:
binary_name = self.BINARY_NAME
_, rel_path = get_venv_rel_path(user, app_root)
return os.path.join(user_dir, rel_path, version, 'bin', binary_name)
# TODO: we definitely should refactor this one time
def get_venv_rel_path(user, directory, version=None):
Get path to users VENV relative to home dir.
Old python selector transforms app_root using get_prefix() method
before creating venv directory. We should handle both cases:
- when app is from old selector
- when app is from new selector
and return right env directory.
If both old and new vevns exist we use old one.
Return tuple with two values:
- detected version of venv path (LEGACY for
path with replacements "/" -> "_" & "_" => "__"
and STABLE in other case)
- path to venv relative to user's home dir
_, new_rel_dir = get_abs_rel(user, os.path.join(ApplicationsManager.VENV_DIR, directory))
old_abs_dir, old_rel_dir = get_abs_rel(
user, os.path.join(ApplicationsManager.VENV_DIR, clselectctl.get_prefix(directory)))
if version is None:
if os.path.exists(old_abs_dir) and directory != clselectctl.get_prefix(directory):
return PythonVenvFormatVersion.LEGACY, old_rel_dir
return PythonVenvFormatVersion.STABLE, new_rel_dir
elif version == PythonVenvFormatVersion.LEGACY:
return PythonVenvFormatVersion.LEGACY, old_rel_dir
elif version == PythonVenvFormatVersion.STABLE:
return PythonVenvFormatVersion.STABLE, new_rel_dir
raise ValueError("unknown version `%s`" % version)