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This module serves as a collection of functions needed by various
cloudlinux-* utilities. It should not include any functions specific to a one
single utility as to not pollute it with unnecessary imports.
� NzAvailable values for option�data�returnc � � | � d� � r#| � dd� � \ }}d|z d|id�S | � t � � r5| � dd� � \ }}|dz d |� � � id�S d
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Replacing params in a data string to display an error message for humans.
:param data: error's data for show message
:return: a dictionary suitable for UI
z--� � z%%(param)s �param)�result�context�:z: %%(available_options)s�available_optionsr )�
VALUES_STR�strip)r r �texts �py/�replace_paramsr s� � � ���t��� M��j�j��a�(�(���t�'�$�.�G�U�;K�L�L�L����z�"�"� A��j�j��a�(�(���e��!;�;�/������?�A� A� A��d��� F�is_json� is_prettyc �� � |rM|r&t t j | dd�� � � � dS t t j | d�� � � � dS t | � � dS )z�
Print specified dictionary
:param data_dict: data dictionary to print
:param is_json: True - print in JSON, False - in text
:param is_pretty: True - pretty json print, False - none (default)
:return: None
� T)�indent� sort_keys)r N)�print�json�dumps)� data_dictr r s r �print_dictionaryr '