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Implements the Distutils 'install_egg_info' command, for installing
a package's PKG-INFO metadata.� )�Command)�log�dir_utilNc @ s: e Zd ZdZdZdgZdd� Zdd� Zdd � Zd
d� Z dS )
�install_egg_infoz)Install an .egg-info file for the packagez8Install package's PKG-INFO metadata as an .egg-info file)zinstall-dir=�dzdirectory to install toc C s
d | _ d S �N)�install_dir��self� r �G/opt/alt/python39/lib64/python3.9/distutils/command/�initialize_options s z#install_egg_info.initialize_optionsc C sd | � dd� dtt| j�� ��tt| j�� ��gtjd d� �R }t j
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g| _d S )NZinstall_lib)r r z%s-%s-py%d.%d.egg-info� )Zset_undefined_options�to_filename� safe_name�distributionZget_name�safe_versionZget_version�sys�version_info�os�path�joinr �target�outputs)r
�basenamer r r �finalize_options s ��z!install_egg_info.finalize_optionsc C s� | j }tj�|�r0tj�|�s0tj|| jd� nNtj�|�rV| � tj
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�d|� | js�t|ddd��}| jj�|� W d � n1 s�0 Y d S )N)�dry_runz Removing z Creating z
Writing %s�wzUTF-8)�encoding)r r r �isdir�islinkr Zremove_treer �existsZexecute�unlinkr �makedirsr �info�openr �metadataZwrite_pkg_file)r
r �fr r r �run s �zinstall_egg_info.runc C s | j S r )r r r r r �get_outputs. s zinstall_egg_info.get_outputsN)
r r( r) r r r r r s �
r c C s t �dd| �S )z�Convert an arbitrary string to a standard distribution name
Any runs of non-alphanumeric/. characters are replaced with a single '-'.
�[^A-Za-z0-9.]+�-)�re�sub��namer r r r 6 s r c C s | � dd�} t�dd| �S )z�Convert an arbitrary string to a standard version string
Spaces become dots, and all other non-alphanumeric characters become
dashes, with runs of multiple dashes condensed to a single dash.
� �.r. r/ )�replacer0 r1 )�versionr r r r >