Your IP :
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ProxyError�ReadTimeoutError�SSLError�TimeoutError)�six)�queue)�CertificateError)�RequestMethods)�HTTPResponse)�is_connection_dropped)�connection_requires_http_tunnel)� LifoQueue)�set_file_position)�assert_header_parsing)�Retry)�Timeout)�Url�_encode_target)�_normalize_host)�get_host� parse_urlc @ sB e Zd ZdZdZeZd
dd�Zdd� Zdd� Z d d
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dd� ZdS )�ConnectionPoola;
Base class for all connection pools, such as
:class:`.HTTPConnectionPool` and :class:`.HTTPSConnectionPool`.
.. note::
ConnectionPool.urlopen() does not normalize or percent-encode target URIs
which is useful if your target server doesn't support percent-encoded
target URIs.
Nc C s0 |st d��t|| jd�| _|�� | _|| _d S )NzNo host specified.)�scheme)r r) r- �host�lower�_proxy_host�port)�selfr. r1 � r3 �G/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/�__init__J s
zConnectionPool.__init__c C s dt | �j| j| jf S )Nz%s(host=%r, port=%r))�type�__name__r. r1 )r2 r3 r3 r4 �__str__R s zConnectionPool.__str__c C s | S )Nr3 )r2 r3 r3 r4 � __enter__U s zConnectionPool.__enter__c C s | � � dS )NF)�close)r2 �exc_type�exc_val�exc_tbr3 r3 r4 �__exit__X s zConnectionPool.__exit__c C s dS )zD
Close all pooled connections and disable the pool.
Nr3 )r2 r3 r3 r4 r: ] s zConnectionPool.close)N)r7 �
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r- r"