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pasteurize: automatic conversion of Python 3 code to clean 2/3 code
``pasteurize`` attempts to convert existing Python 3 code into source-compatible
Python 2 and 3 code.
Use it like this on Python 3 code:
$ pasteurize --verbose
This removes any Py3-only syntax (e.g. new metaclasses) and adds these
import lines:
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future import standard_library
from builtins import *
To write changes to the files, use the -w flag.
It also adds any other wrappers needed for Py2/3 compatibility.
Note that separate stages are not available (or needed) when converting from
Python 3 with ``pasteurize`` as they are when converting from Python 2 with
The --all-imports option forces adding all ``__future__`` imports,
``builtins`` imports, and standard library aliases, even if they don't
seem necessary for the current state of each module. (This can simplify
testing, and can reduce the need to think about Py2 compatibility when editing
the code further.)
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