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The ``jsonschema`` command line.
� )�absolute_importN)�__version__)�namedAny)�
validator_forc C s d| krd| } t | �S )N�.zjsonschema.)r )�name� r �?/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jsonschema/�_namedAnyWithDefault s r
c C s t | ��}t�|�S Q R X d S )N)�open�json�load)�path�filer r r �
_json_file s
r zJSON Schema Validation CLI)�descriptionz-iz
--instance�append� instancesz\a path to a JSON instance (i.e. filename.json) to validate (may be specified multiple times))�action�dest�type�helpz-Fz--error-formatz"{error.instance}: {error.message}
z�the format to use for each error output message, specified in a form suitable for passing to str.format, which will be called with 'error' for each error)�defaultr z-Vz--validatorz�the fully qualified object name of a validator to use, or, for validators that are registered with jsonschema, simply the name of the class.)r r z --version�version)r r �schemaz3the JSON Schema to validate with (i.e. schema.json))r r c C s6 t tj| pdgd��}|d d kr2t|d �|d<