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��Yf � @ sR d Z d d l Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d Z Gd d � d e � Z d S)z�distutils.pypirc
Provides the PyPIRCCommand class, the base class for the command classes
that uses .pypirc in the distutils.command package.
� N)�RawConfigParser)�CommandzE[distutils]
index-servers =
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PyPIRCCommandz;Base command that knows how to handle the .pypirc file
z�pypiNzrepository=�rzurl of repository [default: %s]�
show-response�&display full response text from serverc C s t j j t j j d � d � S)zReturns rc file path.�~z.pypirc)�os�path�join�
expanduser)�self� r �5/opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/distutils/�_get_rc_file&