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h f� � @ s\ d Z d d l Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z Gd d � d e � Z d S)zudistutils.command.install_scripts
Implements the Distutils 'install_scripts' command, for installing
Python scripts.� N)�Command)�log)�ST_MODEc @ sp e Z d Z d Z d d d d g Z d d g Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z
d S)�install_scriptsz%install scripts (Python or otherwise)�install-dir=�d�directory to install scripts to�
build-dir=�b�'build directory (where to install from)�force�f�-force installation (overwrite existing files)�
skip-buildN�skip the build stepsc C s( d | _ d | _ d | _ d | _ d S)Nr )�install_dirr � build_dir�
skip_build)�self� r �F/opt/alt/python34/lib64/python3.4/distutils/command/�initialize_options s z"install_scripts.initialize_optionsc C s* | j d d � | j d d
d d � d S)
build_scriptsr Zinstallr r r r )r z build_dir)zinstall_scriptszinstall_dir)�forcer )�
skip_buildr )Zset_undefined_options)r r r r �finalize_options! s
z install_scripts.finalize_optionsc C s� | j s | j d � n | j | j | j � | _ t j d k r� xq | j � D]` } | j rr t
j d | � qP t j | � t
d Bd @} t
j d | | � t j | | � qP Wn d S)Nr �posixzchanging mode of %sim i� zchanging mode of %s to %o)r Zrun_commandZ copy_treer r �outfiles�os�name�get_outputsZdry_runr �info�statr �chmod)r �file�moder r r �run) s zinstall_scripts.runc C s | j j p g S)N)Zdistribution�scripts)r r r r �
get_inputs8 s zinstall_scripts.get_inputsc C s
| j p g S)N)r )r r r r r ; s zinstall_scripts.get_outputs)r r r )r r
r )zforcer
r )r Nr )�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__ZdescriptionZuser_optionsZboolean_optionsr r r&