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e � Z d S)� )�Command)�DistutilsOptionErrorN)�*)�_namespace_packages)�
TestLoader�mainc @ s e Z d Z d d � Z d S)�ScanningLoaderc C s, g } | j d k r1 | j t j | | � � n t | d � rV | j | j � � n t | d � rx� t | j d � D]� } | j d � r� | d k r� | j d | d d
� } n- t | j | d
� rx | j d | } n qx | j | j | � � qx Wn t
| � d k r | j | � S| d Sd S)a Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the given module
If the module is a package, load tests from all the modules in it.
If the module has an ``additional_tests`` function, call it and add
the return value to the tests.
zsetuptools.tests.doctest�additional_tests�__path__��.N� z/� r ���)�__name__�appendr �loadTestsFromModule�hasattrr �resource_listdir�endswith�resource_existsZloadTestsFromName�lenZ
suiteClass)�self�module�tests�file� submodule� r �2/tmp/pip-l4uy7dan-build/setuptools/command/test.pyr