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# pip %(shell)s completion start%(script)s# pip %(shell)s completion end
complete -o default -F _pip_completion pip
u bashu�
function _pip_completion {
local words cword
read -Ac words
read -cn cword
reply=( $( COMP_WORDS="$words[*]" \
COMP_CWORD=$(( cword-1 )) \
PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE=1 $words[1] ) )
compctl -K _pip_completion pip
u zshc sJ | Ee Z d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z � f d d � Z d d � Z � S( u CompletionCommandu3 A helper command to be used for command completion.u
completionu2 A helper command to be used for command completionc ss t t | � j | | � | j j d d d d d d d d d d
�| j j d d d d d d
d d d d �d S( Nu --bashu -bu actionu store_constu constu bashu destu shellu helpu Emit completion code for bashu --zshu -zu zshu Emit completion code for zsh( u superu CompletionCommandu __init__u parseru
add_option( u selfu argsu kw( u __class__( u0 /tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/commands/completion.pyu __init__$ s u CompletionCommand.__init__c C s� t j � } d d � t | � D� } | j | k rk t j | j d � } t t i | d 6| j d 6� n t j j d d j
| � � d S( u- Prints the completion code of the given shellc S s g | ] } d | � q S( u --( ( u .0u shell( ( u0 /tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/commands/completion.pyu
<listcomp>6 s u)<locals>.<listcomp>u u scriptu shellu ERROR: You must pass %s
u or N( u COMPLETION_SCRIPTSu keysu sortedu shellu getu printu BASE_COMPLETIONu sysu stderru writeu join( u selfu optionsu argsu shellsu
shell_optionsu script( ( u0 /tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/commands/completion.pyu run3 s "u CompletionCommand.runT(
u __name__u
__module__u __qualname__u __doc__u nameu summaryu Trueu hiddenu __init__u run( u
__locals__( ( u __class__u0 /tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/commands/completion.pyu CompletionCommand s u CompletionCommand( u sysu pip.basecommandu Commandu BASE_COMPLETIONu COMPLETION_SCRIPTSu CompletionCommand( ( ( u0 /tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/commands/completion.pyu <module> s