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BundleCommandu9 Create pybundles (archives containing multiple packages).u bundleu:
%prog [options] <bundle name>.pybundle <package>...u DEPRECATED. Create pybundles.c s� t t | � j | | � | j j d � } t t d � | _ | j j d � } t t d � | _ | j j i | j | j
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6� d S( Nu --buildu -bundleu --src( u superu
BundleCommandu __init__u parseru
backup_diru build_prefixu defaultu
src_prefixu set_defaultsu dest( u selfu argsu kwu build_optu src_opt( u __class__( u, /tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/commands/bundle.pyu __init__ s
u BundleCommand.__init__c s� t j d d � | s% t d � � n d | _ t j d t | j � t | j � f � | j d � | _
t t | � j
| | � } | S( Nu 1.6u� DEPRECATION: 'pip bundle' and support for installing from *.pybundle files is deprecated. See You must give a bundle filenameuB Putting temporary build files in %s and source/develop files in %si T( u loggeru
deprecatedu InstallationErroru Trueu ignore_installedu notifyu display_pathu build_diru src_diru popu bundle_filenameu superu
BundleCommandu run( u selfu optionsu argsu requirement_set( u __class__( u, /tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/commands/bundle.pyu run s u BundleCommand.runT( u __name__u
__module__u __qualname__u __doc__u nameu usageu summaryu Trueu bundleu __init__u run( u
__locals__( ( u __class__u, /tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/commands/bundle.pyu
BundleCommand s u
BundleCommand( u textwrapu
pip.locationsu build_prefixu
src_prefixu pip.utilu display_pathu
backup_diru pip.logu loggeru pip.exceptionsu InstallationErroru pip.commands.installu InstallCommandu
BundleCommand( ( ( u, /tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/commands/bundle.pyu <module> s