Your IP :
�Q�fH � �J � d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ G d� dej
� Zy)a, Fixer that cleans up a tuple argument to isinstance after the tokens
in it were fixed. This is mainly used to remove double occurrences of
tokens as a leftover of the long -> int / unicode -> str conversion.
eg. isinstance(x, (int, long)) -> isinstance(x, (int, int))
-> isinstance(x, int)
� )�
fixer_base)�tokenc � � e Zd ZdZdZdZd� Zy)�
trailer< '(' arglist< any ',' atom< '('
args=testlist_gexp< any+ >
')' > > ')' >
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k( rP| j |v rB|t |� dz
k s�C||dz j t j k( s�gt |� �s|j | � | j t j
k( s��|j | j � �� |r#|d j t j k( r|d= t |� dk( r5|j }
j |d _
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BM_compatible�PATTERN� run_orderr'