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Current File : //opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/lib2to3/__pycache__/main.cpython-312.opt-1.pyc


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mZd�ZGd�dej�Zd	�Zdd
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Main program for 2to3.
�)�with_statement�print_functionN�)�refactorc	�z�|j�}|j�}tj||||ddd��S)z%Return a unified diff of two strings.z
(original)z(refactored)�)�lineterm)�
splitlines�difflib�unified_diff)�a�b�filenames   �3/opt/alt/python312/lib64/python3.12/lib2to3/�
diff_textsrs;��	����A�	����A�����1�h�� ,�n�)+�-�-�c�<��eZdZdZ	d�fd�	Zd�Z�fd�Zd�Z�xZS)�StdoutRefactoringToola2
    A refactoring tool that can avoid overwriting its input files.
    Prints output to stdout.

    Output files can optionally be written to a different directory and or
    have an extra file suffix appended to their name for use in situations
    where you do not want to replace the input files.
    c	����||_||_|r2|jtj�s|tjz
            fixers: A list of fixers to import.
            options: A dict with RefactoringTool configuration.
            explicit: A list of fixers to run even if they are explicit.
            nobackups: If true no backup '.bak' files will be created for those
                files that are being refactored.
            show_diffs: Should diffs of the refactoring be printed to stdout?
            input_base_dir: The base directory for all input files.  This class
                will strip this path prefix off of filenames before substituting
                it with output_dir.  Only meaningful if output_dir is supplied.
                All files processed by refactor() must start with this path.
            output_dir: If supplied, all converted files will be written into
                this directory tree instead of input_base_dir.
            append_suffix: If supplied, all files output by this tool will have
                this appended to their filename.  Useful for changing .py to
                .py3 for example by passing append_suffix='3'.
        N)�	nobackups�
append_suffix�	__class__s
         �rrzStdoutRefactoringTool.__init__$sa���(#���$����.�"9�"9�"�&�&�"A��b�f�f�$�N�-���%���+���
�#�T�3�F�G�X�Nrc��|jj|||f�|jj|g|��i|��y�N)�errors�append�logger�error)r �msg�args�kwargss    r�	log_errorzStdoutRefactoringTool.log_errorAs9�������C��v�.�/�������#�/��/��/rc���|}|jrw|j|j�rAtjj|j|t
}||k7rhtjj|�}tjj|�s|rtj|�|jd||�|jsQ|dz}tjj|�r	tj|�	tj"||�t$t&|�R}|||||�|jst+j,|�||k7rt+j,||�yy#t $r|jd|�Y��wxYw#t $r|jd||�Y��wxYw)Nz	filename z( does not start with the input_base_dir zWriting converted %s to %s.z.bakzCan't remove backup %szCan't rename %s to %s)r�
r �new_textr�old_text�encoding�
         �rr@z StdoutRefactoringTool.write_fileEs���� �
�����"�"�4�#7�#7�8��7�7�<�<��(8�(8�(0��T�5I�5I�1J�1K�(L�N��!�)1�4�3G�3G�"I�J�J������+�+�+�H��H�$�������2�J��7�7�=�=��,�����J�'����:�M�%�
L��	�	�(�F�+��+�T�=��
�h��(�H�5��~�~��O�O�F�H�-��H�$��O�O�M�8�4�%���G��$�$�%=�v�F�G���
L�� � �!8�(�F�K�
L�s$�G�G%�G"�!G"�%H�Hc��|r|jd|�y|jd|�|jrst|||�}	|j�F|j5|D]
}t	|��t
jj�ddd�y|D]
}t	|��yy#1swYyxYw#t$rtd|�d��YywxYw)NzNo changes to %sz
Refactored %szcouldn't encode z's diff for your terminal)
r;rr�output_lock�print�sys�stdout�flush�UnicodeEncodeError�warn)r �old�newr�equal�
diff_lines�lines       r�print_outputz"StdoutRefactoringTool.print_outputls�������/��:����_�h�7����'��S�(�;�
���'�'�3�!�-�-�(2�� %�d��)3��J�J�,�,�.�.�-�
%/�D�!�$�K�%/��.�-��*���"�%�&���s6�B4�1B(�B4�B4�(B1�-B4�1B4�4C�C)rrr)	�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rr1r@rV�
__classcell__)r's@rrrs%����BD�O�:0�%5�Nrrc�@�td|��tj��y)Nz	WARNING: ��file)rKrL�stderr)r.s rrPrP�s��	�3�
���tjd��}|jdddd��|jdd	d
gd��|jd
gd��|jdddd��|jdddd��|jdddd��|jd d!dd"��|jd#dd$��|jd%d&dd'��|jd(d)dd*d+��|jd,d-dd.d/d0�1�|jd2d3dd4��|jd5dd.d/d6�1�d*}i}|j|�\}}|jr#d7|d8<|j
}t|��|sy?|s7td@t j"�A�tdBt j"�A�yCdD|vr*d7}|j
rtdEt j"�A�yC|j$rd7|dF<|j&rd7|dG<|j(rt*j,nt*j.}t+j0dH|�I�t+j2dJ�}t5tj6���}	t5�fdK�|j8D��}
t5�}|j:rHd*}|j:D]!}
dLk(rd7}�|j=�dMz|
z��#|r|	j?|�n|}n|	j?|�}|jA|
�}tBjDjG|�}|r]|jItBjJ�s>tBjDjM|�stBjDjO|�}|jr<|jQtBjJ�}|jSdN|j|�tUtW|�|tW|�|j|j||j|j�O�}|jXsV|r|j[�n3	|j||j
|j\|j^�|jc�tetg|jX��S#tj`$rtdPt j"�A�YywxYw)Qz�Main program.

        fixer_pkg: the name of a package where the fixers are located.
        args: optional; a list of command line arguments. If omitted,
              sys.argv[1:] is used.

    Returns a suggested exit status (0, 1, 2).
    z2to3 [options] file|dir ...)�usagez-dz--doctests_only�
store_truezFix up doctests only)�action�helpz-fz--fixr+z1Each FIX specifies a transformation; default: all)rc�defaultrdz-jz--processes�storer�intzRun 2to3 concurrently)rcre�typerdz-xz--nofixz'Prevent a transformation from being runz-lz--list-fixeszList available transformationsz-pz--print-functionz0Modify the grammar so that print() is a functionz-ez--exec-functionz/Modify the grammar so that exec() is a functionz-vz	--verbosezMore verbose loggingz
--no-diffsz#Don't show diffs of the refactoringz-wz--writezWrite back modified filesz-nz--nobackupsFz&Don't write backups for modified filesz-oz--output-dir�strrzXPut output files in this directory instead of overwriting the input files.  Requires -n.)rcrhrerdz-Wz--write-unchanged-fileszYAlso write files even if no changes were required (useful with --output-dir); implies -w.z--add-suffixzuAppend this string to all output filenames. Requires -n if non-empty.  ex: --add-suffix='3' will generate .py3 files.T�write_unchanged_filesz&--write-unchanged-files/-W implies -w.z%Can't use --output-dir/-o without -n.z"Can't use --add-suffix without -n.z@not writing files and not printing diffs; that's not very usefulzCan't use -n without -wz2Available transformations for the -f/--fix option:rz1At least one file or directory argument required.r]zUse --help to show usage.��-zCan't write to stdin.r�
exec_functionz%(name)s: %(message)s)�format�levelzlib2to3.mainc3�.�K�|]}�dz|z���y�w)�.fix_N�)�.0�fix�	fixer_pkgs  �r�	<genexpr>zmain.<locals>.<genexpr>�s�����L�m�s��W�,�s�2�m�s��allrqz7Output in %r will mirror the input directory %r layout.)r$r%r&z+Sorry, -j isn't supported on this platform.)4�optparse�OptionParser�
list_fixesrKr�get_all_fix_namesrLr_rrm�verbose�logging�DEBUG�INFO�basicConfig�	getLogger�set�get_fixers_from_package�nofixrt�add�union�
differencerr4�commonprefixrrr9r8�rstrip�infor�sortedr*�refactor_stdin�
doctests_only�	processes�MultiprocessingUnsupported�	summarizerg�bool)rur/�parserr��flagsr"�fixnameror,�avail_fixes�unwanted_fixesr#�all_presentrt�	requested�fixer_namesr$�rts`                 r�mainr��s[����
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