Your IP :
import functools
import itertools
import platform
import sys
def add_ext_suffix_39(vars):
Ensure vars contains 'EXT_SUFFIX'. pypa/distutils#130
import _imp
ext_suffix = _imp.extension_suffixes()[0]
# sysconfig sets SO to match EXT_SUFFIX, so maintain
# that expectation.
needs_ext_suffix = sys.version_info < (3, 10) and platform.system() == 'Windows'
add_ext_suffix = add_ext_suffix_39 if needs_ext_suffix else lambda vars: None
# from more_itertools
class UnequalIterablesError(ValueError):
def __init__(self, details=None):
msg = 'Iterables have different lengths'
if details is not None:
msg += (': index 0 has length {}; index {} has length {}').format(*details)
# from more_itertools
def _zip_equal_generator(iterables):
_marker = object()
for combo in itertools.zip_longest(*iterables, fillvalue=_marker):
for val in combo:
if val is _marker:
raise UnequalIterablesError()
yield combo
# from more_itertools
def _zip_equal(*iterables):
# Check whether the iterables are all the same size.
first_size = len(iterables[0])
for i, it in enumerate(iterables[1:], 1):
size = len(it)
if size != first_size:
raise UnequalIterablesError(details=(first_size, i, size))
# All sizes are equal, we can use the built-in zip.
return zip(*iterables)
# If any one of the iterables didn't have a length, start reading
# them until one runs out.
except TypeError:
return _zip_equal_generator(iterables)
zip_strict = (
_zip_equal if sys.version_info < (3, 10) else functools.partial(zip, strict=True)