Your IP :
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Domain;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Exception\NoAceFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\AclInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\AuditLoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\EntryInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\PermissionGrantingStrategyInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\SecurityIdentityInterface;
* The permission granting strategy to apply to the access control list.
* @author Johannes M. Schmitt <>
class PermissionGrantingStrategy implements PermissionGrantingStrategyInterface
const EQUAL = 'equal';
const ALL = 'all';
const ANY = 'any';
private $auditLogger;
* Sets the audit logger
* @param AuditLoggerInterface $auditLogger
public function setAuditLogger(AuditLoggerInterface $auditLogger)
$this->auditLogger = $auditLogger;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function isGranted(AclInterface $acl, array $masks, array $sids, $administrativeMode = false)
try {
try {
$aces = $acl->getObjectAces();
if (!$aces) {
throw new NoAceFoundException();
return $this->hasSufficientPermissions($acl, $aces, $masks, $sids, $administrativeMode);
} catch (NoAceFoundException $noObjectAce) {
$aces = $acl->getClassAces();
if (!$aces) {
throw $noObjectAce;
return $this->hasSufficientPermissions($acl, $aces, $masks, $sids, $administrativeMode);
} catch (NoAceFoundException $noClassAce) {
if ($acl->isEntriesInheriting() && null !== $parentAcl = $acl->getParentAcl()) {
return $parentAcl->isGranted($masks, $sids, $administrativeMode);
throw $noClassAce;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function isFieldGranted(AclInterface $acl, $field, array $masks, array $sids, $administrativeMode = false)
try {
try {
$aces = $acl->getObjectFieldAces($field);
if (!$aces) {
throw new NoAceFoundException();
return $this->hasSufficientPermissions($acl, $aces, $masks, $sids, $administrativeMode);
} catch (NoAceFoundException $noObjectAces) {
$aces = $acl->getClassFieldAces($field);
if (!$aces) {
throw $noObjectAces;
return $this->hasSufficientPermissions($acl, $aces, $masks, $sids, $administrativeMode);
} catch (NoAceFoundException $noClassAces) {
if ($acl->isEntriesInheriting() && null !== $parentAcl = $acl->getParentAcl()) {
return $parentAcl->isFieldGranted($field, $masks, $sids, $administrativeMode);
throw $noClassAces;
* Makes an authorization decision.
* The order of ACEs, and SIDs is significant; the order of permission masks
* not so much. It is important to note that the more specific security
* identities should be at the beginning of the SIDs array in order for this
* strategy to produce intuitive authorization decisions.
* First, we will iterate over permissions, then over security identities.
* For each combination of permission, and identity we will test the
* available ACEs until we find one which is applicable.
* The first applicable ACE will make the ultimate decision for the
* permission/identity combination. If it is granting, this method will return
* true, if it is denying, the method will continue to check the next
* permission/identity combination.
* This process is repeated until either a granting ACE is found, or no
* permission/identity combinations are left. Finally, we will either throw
* an NoAceFoundException, or deny access.
* @param AclInterface $acl
* @param EntryInterface[] $aces An array of ACE to check against
* @param array $masks An array of permission masks
* @param SecurityIdentityInterface[] $sids An array of SecurityIdentityInterface implementations
* @param Boolean $administrativeMode True turns off audit logging
* @return Boolean true, or false; either granting, or denying access respectively.
* @throws NoAceFoundException
private function hasSufficientPermissions(AclInterface $acl, array $aces, array $masks, array $sids, $administrativeMode)
$firstRejectedAce = null;
foreach ($masks as $requiredMask) {
foreach ($sids as $sid) {
foreach ($aces as $ace) {
if ($sid->equals($ace->getSecurityIdentity()) && $this->isAceApplicable($requiredMask, $ace)) {
if ($ace->isGranting()) {
if (!$administrativeMode && null !== $this->auditLogger) {
$this->auditLogger->logIfNeeded(true, $ace);
return true;
if (null === $firstRejectedAce) {
$firstRejectedAce = $ace;
break 2;
if (null !== $firstRejectedAce) {
if (!$administrativeMode && null !== $this->auditLogger) {
$this->auditLogger->logIfNeeded(false, $firstRejectedAce);
return false;
throw new NoAceFoundException();
* Determines whether the ACE is applicable to the given permission/security
* identity combination.
* Per default, we support three different comparison strategies.
* Strategy ALL:
* The ACE will be considered applicable when all the turned-on bits in the
* required mask are also turned-on in the ACE mask.
* Strategy ANY:
* The ACE will be considered applicable when any of the turned-on bits in
* the required mask is also turned-on the in the ACE mask.
* Strategy EQUAL:
* The ACE will be considered applicable when the bitmasks are equal.
* @param integer $requiredMask
* @param EntryInterface $ace
* @return Boolean
* @throws \RuntimeException if the ACE strategy is not supported
private function isAceApplicable($requiredMask, EntryInterface $ace)
$strategy = $ace->getStrategy();
if (self::ALL === $strategy) {
return $requiredMask === ($ace->getMask() & $requiredMask);
} elseif (self::ANY === $strategy) {
return 0 !== ($ace->getMask() & $requiredMask);
} elseif (self::EQUAL === $strategy) {
return $requiredMask === $ace->getMask();
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The strategy "%s" is not supported.', $strategy));