Your IP :
* File containing the ezcConsoleInputStandardHelpGenerator class.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
* @filesource
* Standard help generator for {@link ezcConsoleInput}.
* Standard help generation as {@link ezcConsoleInput} did from the start.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
* @access private
* @TODO Verify interface and make it public to replace the validation in
* {@link ezcConsoleInput}.
class ezcConsoleInputStandardHelpGenerator implements ezcConsoleInputHelpGenerator
* Input object.
* @var ezcConsoleInput
private $input;
* Creates a new help generator.
* Creates a new help generator for the given $input.
* @param ezcConsoleInput $input
public function __construct( ezcConsoleInput $input )
$this->input = $input;
* Generates help information as a multidimensional array.
* This method generates a tabular view on the help information of a
* program. The returned array has the following structure:
* <code>
* <?php
* array(
* 0 => array(
* 0 => '<option short/long name>',
* 1 => '<option help, depending on the $long parameter>'
* ),
* 1 => array(
* 0 => '<option short name> / <option long name>',
* 1 => '<option help, depending on the $long parameter>'
* ),
* // ...
* );
* ?>
* </code>
* Each row of the array represents the help information for a single option.
* The first cell of a row contains the option name (maybe short, long or
* both), the second cell contains the help text of the option.
* The returned array is used by {@link ezcConsoleInput} for different
* purposes.
* For example, the user can retrieve it raw through the
* {@link ezcConsoleInput::getHelp()} method, he can generate a help
* {@link ezcConsoleTable} through {@link ezcConsoleInput::getHelpTable()}
* are can generate a printable help text through {@link
* ezcConsoleInput::getHelpText()}.
* The parameter $long defines if the long or short help text of the
* options should be used in the second cell of the returned array. The
* $optionsFilter parameter is used to restrict the generated help to a certain
* sub-set of options. It consists of an array of short or long names of
* the options to include.
* @param bool $long
* @param array(string) $optionsFilter
* @return array(array(string))
public function generateUngroupedOptionHelp( $long = false, array $optionsFilter = null )
$help = array();
foreach ( $this->input->getOptions() as $id => $param )
if ( $optionsFilter === null || in_array( $param->short, $optionsFilter ) || in_array( $param->long, $optionsFilter ) )
$help[] = $this->getOptionHelpRow( $long, $param );
return $help;
* Generates help information as a multidimensional array, grouped in categories.
* This method behaves similar to {@link generateUngroupedOptionHelp()}. In
* contrast to the latter one, this method returns an array with 1
* dimension more, grouping options into categories. The $groups parameter
* defines the categories to generate. Each category may contain an
* arbitrary number of options, options might occur in different
* categories.
* The returned array has the follorwing format:
* <code>
* <?php
* array(
* '<category name>' => array(
* 0 => array(
* 0 => '<option short/long name>',
* 1 => '<option help, depending on the $long parameter>'
* ),
* 1 => array(
* 0 => '<option short name> / <option long name>',
* 1 => '<option help, depending on the $long parameter>'
* ),
* // ...
* ),
* '<category name>' => array(
* // ...
* ),
* // ...
* );
* ?>
* </code>
* The $long parameter, as in {@link generateUngroupedOptionHelp()}
* determines if the options short or long help is to be used. The
* $params array can in addition be used to determine if a parameter
* is displayed at all. If $optionsFilter is submitted and is not null,
* only options listed in it will be shown in the help at all.
* @param array(string=>array(string)) $groups
* @param bool $long
* @param array(string) $params
* @return array(string=>array(array(string)))
public function generateGroupedOptionHelp( array $groups, $long = false, array $optionsFilter = null )
$help = array();
foreach ( $groups as $groupName => $groupOptions )
foreach ( $groupOptions as $optionName )
$option = $this->input->getOption( $optionName );
if ( $optionsFilter === null || in_array( $option->short, $optionsFilter ) || in_array( $option->long, $optionsFilter ) )
$help[$groupName][] = $this->getOptionHelpRow(
return $help;
* Generates help information as a multi-dimensonal array for the given $argumentDefinition.
* This method generates a tabular help information for the given
* $argumentDefinition in the following format:
* <code>
* <?php
* array(
* 0 => array(
* 0 => '<argument synopsis>',
* 1 => '<argument help text>'
* ),
* 1 => array(
* 0 => '<argument synopsis>',
* 1 => '<argument help text>'
* ),
* // ...
* )
* ?>
* </code>
* The $long parameter defines if the long of short help text should be
* used.
* @param bool $long
* @return array(array(string))
public function generateArgumentHelp( $long = false )
$help = array();
if ( $this->input->argumentDefinition !== null )
foreach ( $this->input->argumentDefinition as $arg )
$argSynopsis = "<%s:%s>";
switch ( $arg->type )
case ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_INT:
$type = "int";
case ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING:
$type = "string";
$argSynopsis = sprintf( $argSynopsis, $type, $arg->name );
$help[] = ( $long === true )
? array(
$arg->longhelp . ( $arg->mandatory === false
? ' (optional' . ( $arg->default !== null
? ', default = ' . ( is_array( $arg->default )
? "'" . implode( "' '", $arg->default ) . "'"
: "'$arg->default'"
: ''
) . ')'
: ''
: array( $argSynopsis, $arg->shorthelp );
return $help;
* Creates 1 text row for displaying options help.
* Returns a single array entry for the {@link getOptionHelpRow()} method.
* @param bool $long
* @param ezcConsoleOption $param
* @return string
private function getOptionHelpRow( $long, ezcConsoleOption $param )
return array(
( $param->short !== "" ? '-' . $param->short . ' / ' : "" ) . '--' . $param->long,
$long == false ? $param->shorthelp : $param->longhelp,
* Generates a command line synopsis for the options and arguments.
* This method generates a synopsis string that lists the options and
* parameters available, indicating their usage. If $optionsFilter is
* submitted, only the options named in this array (short or long variant)
* will be included in the synopsis.
* @param array(string) $optionsFilter
* @return string
public function generateSynopsis( array $optionFilter = null )
$usedOptions = array( 'short' => array(), 'long' => array() );
$allowsArgs = true;
$synopsis = '$ ' . ( isset( $argv ) && sizeof( $argv ) > 0 ? $argv[0] : $_SERVER['argv'][0] ) . ' ';
foreach ( $this->input->getOptions() as $option )
if ( $optionFilter === null || in_array( $option->short, $optionFilter ) || in_array( $option->long, $optionFilter ) )
$synopsis .= $this->createOptionSynopsis( $option, $usedOptions, $allowsArgs );
if ( $this->input->argumentDefinition === null )
// Old handling
$synopsis .= " [[--] <args>]";
$synopsis .= "[--] " . $this->createArgumentsSynopsis();
return $synopsis;
* Returns the synopsis string for a single option and its dependencies.
* This method returns a part of the program synopsis, specifically for a
* certain parameter. The method recursively adds depending parameters up
* to the 2nd depth level to the synopsis. The second parameter is used
* to store the short names of all options that have already been used in
* the synopsis (to avoid adding an option twice). The 3rd parameter
* determines the actual deps in the option dependency recursion to
* terminate that after 2 recursions.
* @param ezcConsoleOption $option The option to include.
* @param array(string) $usedOptions Array of used option short names.
* @param int $depth Current recursion depth.
* @return string The synopsis for this parameter.
private function createOptionSynopsis( ezcConsoleOption $option, &$usedOptions, $depth = 0 )
$synopsis = '';
// Break after a nesting level of 2
if ( $depth++ > 2 || ( in_array( $option->short, $usedOptions['short'] ) && in_array( $option->long, $usedOptions['long'] ) ) ) return $synopsis;
$usedOptions['short'][] = $option->short;
$usedOptions['long'][] = $option->long;
$synopsis .= $option->short !== "" ? "-{$option->short}" : "--{$option->long}";
if ( isset( $option->default ) )
$synopsis .= " " . ( $option->type === ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING ? '"' : '' ) . $option->default . ( $option->type === ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING ? '"' : '' );
else if ( $option->type !== ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE )
$synopsis .= " ";
switch ( $option->type )
case ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING:
$synopsis .= "<string>";
case ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_INT:
$synopsis .= "<int>";
foreach ( $option->getDependencies() as $rule )
$deeperSynopsis = $this->createOptionSynopsis( $rule->option, $usedOptions, $depth );
$synopsis .= ( iconv_strlen( trim( $deeperSynopsis ), 'UTF-8' ) > 0
? ' ' . $deeperSynopsis
: ''
if ( $option->arguments === false )
$allowsArgs = false;
// Make the whole thing optional?
if ( $option->mandatory === false )
$synopsis = "[$synopsis]";
return $synopsis . ' ';
* Generate synopsis for arguments.
* @return string The synopsis string.
private function createArgumentsSynopsis()
$mandatory = true;
$synopsises = array();
foreach ( $this->input->argumentDefinition as $arg )
$argSynopsis = "";
if ( $arg->mandatory === false )
$mandatory = false;
$argSynopsis .= "<%s:%s>";
switch ( $arg->type )
case ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_INT:
$type = "int";
case ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING:
$type = "string";
$argSynopsis = sprintf( $argSynopsis, $type, $arg->name );
$synopsises[] = $mandatory === false ? "[$argSynopsis]" : $argSynopsis;
if ( $arg->multiple === true )
$synopsises[] = "[$argSynopsis ...]";
return implode( " ", $synopsises );