Your IP :
const libaccess = require('libnpmaccess')
const libunpub = require('libnpmpublish').unpublish
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const pacote = require('pacote')
const { output, log } = require('proc-log')
const pkgJson = require('@npmcli/package-json')
const { flatten } = require('@npmcli/config/lib/definitions')
const getIdentity = require('../utils/get-identity.js')
const { otplease } = require('../utils/auth.js')
const BaseCommand = require('../base-cmd.js')
const LAST_REMAINING_VERSION_ERROR = 'Refusing to delete the last version of the package. ' +
'It will block from republishing a new version for 24 hours.\n' +
'Run with --force to do this.'
class Unpublish extends BaseCommand {
static description = 'Remove a package from the registry'
static name = 'unpublish'
static params = ['dry-run', 'force', 'workspace', 'workspaces']
static usage = ['[<package-spec>]']
static workspaces = true
static ignoreImplicitWorkspace = false
static async getKeysOfVersions (name, opts) {
const packument = await pacote.packument(name, {
spec: name,
query: { write: true },
return Object.keys(packument.versions)
static async completion (args, npm) {
const { partialWord, conf } = args
if (conf.argv.remain.length >= 3) {
return []
const opts = { ...npm.flatOptions }
const username = await getIdentity(npm, { ...opts }).catch(() => null)
if (!username) {
return []
const access = await libaccess.getPackages(username, opts)
// do a bit of filtering at this point, so that we don't need
// to fetch versions for more than one thing, but also don't
// accidentally unpublish a whole project
let pkgs = Object.keys(access)
if (!partialWord || !pkgs.length) {
return pkgs
const pp = npa(partialWord).name
pkgs = pkgs.filter(p => !p.indexOf(pp))
if (pkgs.length > 1) {
return pkgs
const versions = await Unpublish.getKeysOfVersions(pkgs[0], opts)
if (!versions.length) {
return pkgs
} else {
return => `${pkgs[0]}@${v}`)
async exec (args, { localPrefix } = {}) {
if (args.length > 1) {
throw this.usageError()
// workspace mode
if (!localPrefix) {
localPrefix = this.npm.localPrefix
const force = this.npm.config.get('force')
const { silent } = this.npm
const dryRun = this.npm.config.get('dry-run')
let spec
if (args.length) {
spec = npa(args[0])
if (spec.type !== 'version' && spec.rawSpec !== '*') {
throw this.usageError(
'Can only unpublish a single version, or the entire project.\n' +
'Tags and ranges are not supported.'
log.silly('unpublish', 'args[0]', args[0])
log.silly('unpublish', 'spec', spec)
if (spec?.rawSpec === '*' && !force) {
throw this.usageError(
'Refusing to delete entire project.\n' +
'Run with --force to do this.'
const opts = { ...this.npm.flatOptions }
let manifest
try {
const { content } = await pkgJson.prepare(localPrefix)
manifest = content
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT' || err.code === 'ENOTDIR') {
if (!spec) {
// We needed a local package.json to figure out what package to
// unpublish
throw this.usageError()
} else {
// folks should know if ANY local package.json had a parsing error.
// They may be relying on `publishConfig` to be loading and we don't
// want to ignore errors in that case.
throw err
let pkgVersion // for cli output
if (spec) {
pkgVersion = spec.type === 'version' ? `@${spec.rawSpec}` : ''
} else {
spec = npa.resolve(, manifest.version)
log.verbose('unpublish', manifest)
pkgVersion = manifest.version ? `@${manifest.version}` : ''
if (!manifest.version && !force) {
throw this.usageError(
'Refusing to delete entire project.\n' +
'Run with --force to do this.'
// If localPrefix has a package.json with a name that matches the package
// being unpublished, load up the publishConfig
if (manifest?.name === && manifest.publishConfig) {
const cliFlags ='cli').raw
// Filter out properties set in CLI flags to prioritize them over
// corresponding `publishConfig` settings
const filteredPublishConfig = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(manifest.publishConfig).filter(([key]) => !(key in cliFlags)))
flatten(filteredPublishConfig, opts)
const versions = await Unpublish.getKeysOfVersions(, opts)
if (versions.length === 1 && spec.rawSpec === versions[0] && !force) {
if (versions.length === 1) {
pkgVersion = ''
if (!dryRun) {
await otplease(this.npm, opts, o => libunpub(spec, o))
if (!silent) {
output.standard(`- ${}${pkgVersion}`)
async execWorkspaces (args) {
await this.setWorkspaces()
for (const path of this.workspacePaths) {
await this.exec(args, { localPrefix: path })
module.exports = Unpublish