Your IP :
// TODO: set the scope config from package.json or explicit cli config
const { walkUp } = require('walk-up-path')
const ini = require('ini')
const nopt = require('nopt')
const { log, time } = require('proc-log')
const { resolve, dirname, join } = require('node:path')
const { homedir } = require('node:os')
const {
} = require('node:fs/promises')
const fileExists = (...p) => stat(resolve(...p))
.then((st) => st.isFile())
.catch(() => false)
const dirExists = (...p) => stat(resolve(...p))
.then((st) => st.isDirectory())
.catch(() => false)
const hasOwnProperty = (obj, key) =>, key)
const typeDefs = require('./type-defs.js')
const nerfDart = require('./nerf-dart.js')
const envReplace = require('./env-replace.js')
const parseField = require('./parse-field.js')
const setEnvs = require('./set-envs.js')
// types that can be saved back to
const confFileTypes = new Set([
const confTypes = new Set([
class Config {
#loaded = false
// populated the first time we flatten the object
#flatOptions = null
static get typeDefs () {
return typeDefs
constructor ({
// options just to override in tests, mostly
env = process.env,
argv = process.argv,
platform = process.platform,
execPath = process.execPath,
cwd = process.cwd(),
excludeNpmCwd = false,
}) {
// turn the definitions into nopt's weirdo syntax
this.definitions = definitions
const types = {}
const defaults = {}
this.deprecated = {}
for (const [key, def] of Object.entries(definitions)) {
defaults[key] = def.default
types[key] = def.type
if (def.deprecated) {
this.deprecated[key] = def.deprecated.trim().replace(/\n +/, '\n')
this.#flatten = flatten
this.types = types
this.shorthands = shorthands
this.defaults = defaults
this.npmPath = npmPath
this.npmBin = join(this.npmPath, 'bin/npm-cli.js')
this.argv = argv
this.env = env
this.execPath = execPath
this.platform = platform
this.cwd = cwd
this.excludeNpmCwd = excludeNpmCwd
// set when we load configs
this.globalPrefix = null
this.localPrefix = null
this.localPackage = null
// defaults to env.HOME, but will always be *something*
this.home = null
// set up the prototype chain of config objects
const wheres = [...confTypes] = new Map()
let parent = null
for (const where of wheres) {, parent = new ConfigData(parent))
} = () => {
throw new Error('cannot change internal config data structure')
} = () => {
throw new Error('cannot change internal config data structure')
this.sources = new Map([])
this.list = []
for (const { data } of {
this.#loaded = false
get loaded () {
return this.#loaded
get prefix () {
return this.#get('global') ? this.globalPrefix : this.localPrefix
// return the location where key is found.
find (key) {
if (!this.loaded) {
throw new Error('call config.load() before reading values')
// have to look in reverse order
const entries = []
for (let i = entries.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
const [where, { data }] = entries[i]
if (hasOwnProperty(data, key)) {
return where
return null
get (key, where) {
if (!this.loaded) {
throw new Error('call config.load() before reading values')
return this.#get(key, where)
// we need to get values sometimes, so use this internal one to do so
// while in the process of loading.
#get (key, where = null) {
if (where !== null && !confTypes.has(where)) {
throw new Error('invalid config location param: ' + where)
const { data } = || 'cli')
return where === null || hasOwnProperty(data, key) ? data[key] : undefined
set (key, val, where = 'cli') {
if (!this.loaded) {
throw new Error('call config.load() before setting values')
if (!confTypes.has(where)) {
throw new Error('invalid config location param: ' + where)
const { data, raw } =
data[key] = val
if (['global', 'user', 'project'].includes(where)) {
raw[key] = val
// this is now dirty, the next call to this.valid will have to check it[_valid] = null
// the flat options are invalidated, regenerate next time they're needed
this.#flatOptions = null
get flat () {
if (this.#flatOptions) {
return this.#flatOptions
// create the object for flat options passed to deps
const timeEnd = time.start('config:load:flatten')
this.#flatOptions = {}
// walk from least priority to highest
for (const { data } of {
this.#flatten(data, this.#flatOptions)
this.#flatOptions.nodeBin = this.execPath
this.#flatOptions.npmBin = this.npmBin
return this.#flatOptions
delete (key, where = 'cli') {
if (!this.loaded) {
throw new Error('call config.load() before deleting values')
if (!confTypes.has(where)) {
throw new Error('invalid config location param: ' + where)
const { data, raw } =
delete data[key]
if (['global', 'user', 'project'].includes(where)) {
delete raw[key]
async load () {
if (this.loaded) {
throw new Error('attempting to load npm config multiple times')
// first load the defaults, which sets the global prefix
// next load the builtin config, as this sets new effective defaults
await this.loadBuiltinConfig()
// cli and env are not async, and can set the prefix, relevant to project
// next project config, which can affect userconfig location
await this.loadProjectConfig()
// then user config, which can affect globalconfig location
await this.loadUserConfig()
// last but not least, global config file
await this.loadGlobalConfig()
// set this before calling setEnvs, so that we don't have to share
// private attributes, as that module also does a bunch of get operations
this.#loaded = true
// set proper globalPrefix now that everything is loaded
this.globalPrefix = this.get('prefix')
loadDefaults () {
const defaultsObject = {
prefix: this.globalPrefix,
try {
defaultsObject['npm-version'] = require(join(this.npmPath, 'package.json')).version
} catch {
// in some weird state where the passed in npmPath does not have a package.json
// this will never happen in npm, but is guarded here in case this is consumed
// in other ways + tests
this.#loadObject(defaultsObject, 'default', 'default values')
const { data } ='default')
// if the prefix is set on cli, env, or userconfig, then we need to
// default the globalconfig file to that location, instead of the default
// global prefix. It's weird that `npm get globalconfig --prefix=/foo`
// returns `/foo/etc/npmrc`, but better to not change it at this point.
// define a custom getter, but turn into a normal prop
// if we set it. otherwise it can't be set on child objects
Object.defineProperty(data, 'globalconfig', {
get: () => resolve(this.#get('prefix'), 'etc/npmrc'),
set (value) {
Object.defineProperty(data, 'globalconfig', {
configurable: true,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
loadHome () {
this.home = this.env.HOME || homedir()
loadGlobalPrefix () {
if (this.globalPrefix) {
throw new Error('cannot load default global prefix more than once')
if (this.env.PREFIX) {
this.globalPrefix = this.env.PREFIX
} else if (this.platform === 'win32') {
// c:\node\node.exe --> prefix=c:\node\
this.globalPrefix = dirname(this.execPath)
} else {
// /usr/local/bin/node --> prefix=/usr/local
this.globalPrefix = dirname(dirname(this.execPath))
// destdir only is respected on Unix
if (this.env.DESTDIR) {
this.globalPrefix = join(this.env.DESTDIR, this.globalPrefix)
loadEnv () {
const conf = Object.create(null)
for (const [envKey, envVal] of Object.entries(this.env)) {
if (!/^npm_config_/i.test(envKey) || envVal === '') {
let key = envKey.slice('npm_config_'.length)
if (!key.startsWith('//')) { // don't normalize nerf-darted keys
key = key.replace(/(?!^)_/g, '-') // don't replace _ at the start of the key
conf[key] = envVal
this.#loadObject(conf, 'env', 'environment')
loadCLI () {
nopt.invalidHandler = (k, val, type) =>
this.invalidHandler(k, val, type, 'command line options', 'cli')
const conf = nopt(this.types, this.shorthands, this.argv)
nopt.invalidHandler = null
this.parsedArgv = conf.argv
delete conf.argv
this.#loadObject(conf, 'cli', 'command line options')
get valid () {
for (const [where, { valid }] of {
if (valid === false || valid === null && !this.validate(where)) {
return false
return true
validate (where) {
if (!where) {
let valid = true
const authProblems = []
for (const entryWhere of {
// no need to validate our defaults, we know they're fine
// cli was already validated when parsed the first time
if (entryWhere === 'default' || entryWhere === 'builtin' || entryWhere === 'cli') {
const ret = this.validate(entryWhere)
valid = valid && ret
if (['global', 'user', 'project'].includes(entryWhere)) {
// after validating everything else, we look for old auth configs we no longer support
// if these keys are found, we build up a list of them and the appropriate action and
// attach it as context on the thrown error
// first, keys that should be removed
for (const key of ['_authtoken', '-authtoken']) {
if (this.get(key, entryWhere)) {
authProblems.push({ action: 'delete', key, where: entryWhere })
// NOTE we pull registry without restricting to the current 'where' because we want to
// suggest scoping things to the registry they would be applied to, which is the default
// regardless of where it was defined
const nerfedReg = nerfDart(this.get('registry'))
// keys that should be nerfed but currently are not
for (const key of ['_auth', '_authToken', 'username', '_password']) {
if (this.get(key, entryWhere)) {
// username and _password must both exist in the same file to be recognized correctly
if (key === 'username' && !this.get('_password', entryWhere)) {
authProblems.push({ action: 'delete', key, where: entryWhere })
} else if (key === '_password' && !this.get('username', entryWhere)) {
authProblems.push({ action: 'delete', key, where: entryWhere })
} else {
action: 'rename',
from: key,
to: `${nerfedReg}:${key}`,
where: entryWhere,
if (authProblems.length) {
const { ErrInvalidAuth } = require('./errors.js')
throw new ErrInvalidAuth(authProblems)
return valid
} else {
const obj =
obj[_valid] = true
nopt.invalidHandler = (k, val, type) =>
this.invalidHandler(k, val, type, obj.source, where)
nopt.clean(, this.types, typeDefs)
nopt.invalidHandler = null
return obj[_valid]
// fixes problems identified by validate(), accepts the 'problems' property from a thrown
// ErrInvalidAuth to avoid having to check everything again
repair (problems) {
if (!problems) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// coverage skipped here because we don't need to test re-throwing an error
// istanbul ignore next
if (err.code !== 'ERR_INVALID_AUTH') {
throw err
problems = err.problems
} finally {
if (!problems) {
problems = []
for (const problem of problems) {
// coverage disabled for else branch because it doesn't do anything and shouldn't
// istanbul ignore else
if (problem.action === 'delete') {
this.delete(problem.key, problem.where)
} else if (problem.action === 'rename') {
const raw =[problem.from]
const calculated = this.get(problem.from, problem.where)
this.set(, raw || calculated, problem.where)
this.delete(problem.from, problem.where)
// Returns true if the value is coming directly from the source defined
// in default definitions, if the current value for the key config is
// coming from any other different source, returns false
isDefault (key) {
const [defaultType, ...types] = [...confTypes]
const defaultData =
return hasOwnProperty(defaultData, key)
&& types.every(type => {
const typeData =
return !hasOwnProperty(typeData, key)
invalidHandler (k, val, type, source, where) {
const typeDescription = require('./type-description.js')
'invalid config',
k + '=' + JSON.stringify(val),
`set in ${source}`
)[_valid] = false
if (Array.isArray(type)) {
if (type.includes(typeDefs.url.type)) {
type = typeDefs.url.type
} else {
/* istanbul ignore if - no actual configs matching this, but
* path types SHOULD be handled this way, like URLs, for the
* same reason */
if (type.includes(typeDefs.path.type)) {
type = typeDefs.path.type
const typeDesc = typeDescription(type)
const mustBe = typeDesc
.filter(m => m !== undefined && m !== Array)
const msg = 'Must be' + this.#getOneOfKeywords(mustBe, typeDesc)
const desc = mustBe.length === 1 ? mustBe[0]
: [ Set( => typeof n === 'string' ? n : JSON.stringify(n)))].join(', ')
log.warn('invalid config', msg, desc)
#getOneOfKeywords (mustBe, typeDesc) {
let keyword
if (mustBe.length === 1 && typeDesc.includes(Array)) {
keyword = ' one or more'
} else if (mustBe.length > 1 && typeDesc.includes(Array)) {
keyword = ' one or more of:'
} else if (mustBe.length > 1) {
keyword = ' one of:'
} else {
keyword = ''
return keyword
#loadObject (obj, where, source, er = null) {
// obj is the raw data read from the file
const conf =
if (conf.source) {
const m = `double-loading "${where}" configs from ${source}, ` +
`previously loaded from ${conf.source}`
throw new Error(m)
if (this.sources.has(source)) {
const m = `double-loading config "${source}" as "${where}", ` +
`previously loaded as "${this.sources.get(source)}"`
throw new Error(m)
conf.source = source
this.sources.set(source, where)
if (er) {
conf.loadError = er
if (er.code !== 'ENOENT') {
log.verbose('config', `error loading ${where} config`, er)
} else {
conf.raw = obj
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
const k = envReplace(key, this.env)
const v = this.parseField(value, k)
if (where !== 'default') {
if (this.definitions[key]?.exclusive) {
for (const exclusive of this.definitions[key].exclusive) {
if (!this.isDefault(exclusive)) {
throw new TypeError(`--${key} can not be provided when using --${exclusive}`)
}[k] = v
#checkDeprecated (key) {
// XXX(npm9+) make this throw an error
if (this.deprecated[key]) {
log.warn('config', key, this.deprecated[key])
// Parse a field, coercing it to the best type available.
parseField (f, key, listElement = false) {
return parseField(f, key, this, listElement)
async #loadFile (file, type) {
// only catch the error from readFile, not from the loadObject call
log.silly('config', `load:file:${file}`)
await readFile(file, 'utf8').then(
data => {
const parsedConfig = ini.parse(data)
if (type === 'project' && parsedConfig.prefix) {
// Log error if prefix is mentioned in project .npmrc
/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */
log.error('config', `prefix cannot be changed from project config: ${file}.`)
return this.#loadObject(parsedConfig, type, file)
er => this.#loadObject(null, type, file, er)
loadBuiltinConfig () {
return this.#loadFile(resolve(this.npmPath, 'npmrc'), 'builtin')
async loadProjectConfig () {
// the localPrefix can be set by the CLI config, but otherwise is
// found by walking up the folder tree. either way, we load it before
// we return to make sure localPrefix is set
await this.loadLocalPrefix()
// if we have not detected a local package json yet, try now that we
// have a local prefix
if (this.localPackage == null) {
this.localPackage = await fileExists(this.localPrefix, 'package.json')
if (this.#get('global') === true || this.#get('location') === 'global') {'project').source = '(global mode enabled, ignored)'
this.sources.set('project').source, 'project')
const projectFile = resolve(this.localPrefix, '.npmrc')
// if we're in the ~ directory, and there happens to be a node_modules
// folder (which is not TOO uncommon, it turns out), then we can end
// up loading the "project" config where the "userconfig" will be,
// which causes some calamaties. So, we only load project config if
// it doesn't match what the userconfig will be.
if (projectFile !== this.#get('userconfig')) {
return this.#loadFile(projectFile, 'project')
} else {'project').source = '(same as "user" config, ignored)'
this.sources.set('project').source, 'project')
async loadLocalPrefix () {
const cliPrefix = this.#get('prefix', 'cli')
if (cliPrefix) {
this.localPrefix = cliPrefix
const cliWorkspaces = this.#get('workspaces', 'cli')
const isGlobal = this.#get('global') || this.#get('location') === 'global'
for (const p of walkUp(this.cwd)) {
// HACK: this is an option set in tests to stop the local prefix from being set
// on tests that are created inside the npm repo
if (this.excludeNpmCwd && p === this.npmPath) {
const hasPackageJson = await fileExists(p, 'package.json')
if (!this.localPrefix && (hasPackageJson || await dirExists(p, 'node_modules'))) {
this.localPrefix = p
this.localPackage = hasPackageJson
// if workspaces are disabled, or we're in global mode, return now
if (cliWorkspaces === false || isGlobal) {
// otherwise, continue the loop
if (this.localPrefix && hasPackageJson) {
const pkgJson = require('@npmcli/package-json')
// if we already set localPrefix but this dir has a package.json
// then we need to see if `p` is a workspace root by reading its package.json
// however, if reading it fails then we should just move on
const { content: pkg } = await pkgJson.normalize(p).catch(() => ({ content: {} }))
if (!pkg?.workspaces) {
const mapWorkspaces = require('@npmcli/map-workspaces')
const workspaces = await mapWorkspaces({ cwd: p, pkg })
for (const w of workspaces.values()) {
if (w === this.localPrefix) {
// see if there's a .npmrc file in the workspace, if so log a warning
if (await fileExists(this.localPrefix, '.npmrc')) {
log.warn('config', `ignoring workspace config at ${this.localPrefix}/.npmrc`)
// set the workspace in the default layer, which allows it to be overridden easily
const { data } ='default')
data.workspace = [this.localPrefix]
this.localPrefix = p
this.localPackage = hasPackageJson'config', `found workspace root at ${this.localPrefix}`)
// we found a root, so we return now
if (!this.localPrefix) {
this.localPrefix = this.cwd
loadUserConfig () {
return this.#loadFile(this.#get('userconfig'), 'user')
loadGlobalConfig () {
return this.#loadFile(this.#get('globalconfig'), 'global')
async save (where) {
if (!this.loaded) {
throw new Error('call config.load() before saving')
if (!confFileTypes.has(where)) {
throw new Error('invalid config location param: ' + where)
const conf =
conf[_loadError] = null
if (where === 'user') {
// if email is nerfed, then we want to de-nerf it
const nerfed = nerfDart(this.get('registry'))
const email = this.get(`${nerfed}:email`, 'user')
if (email) {
this.delete(`${nerfed}:email`, 'user')
this.set('email', email, 'user')
// We need the actual raw data before we called parseField so that we are
// saving the same content back to the file
const iniData = ini.stringify(conf.raw).trim() + '\n'
if (!iniData.trim()) {
// ignore the unlink error (eg, if file doesn't exist)
await unlink(conf.source).catch(() => {})
const dir = dirname(conf.source)
await mkdir(dir, { recursive: true })
await writeFile(conf.source, iniData, 'utf8')
const mode = where === 'user' ? 0o600 : 0o666
await chmod(conf.source, mode)
clearCredentialsByURI (uri, level = 'user') {
const nerfed = nerfDart(uri)
const def = nerfDart(this.get('registry'))
if (def === nerfed) {
this.delete(`-authtoken`, level)
this.delete(`_authToken`, level)
this.delete(`_authtoken`, level)
this.delete(`_auth`, level)
this.delete(`_password`, level)
this.delete(`username`, level)
// de-nerf email if it's nerfed to the default registry
const email = this.get(`${nerfed}:email`, level)
if (email) {
this.set('email', email, level)
this.delete(`${nerfed}:_authToken`, level)
this.delete(`${nerfed}:_auth`, level)
this.delete(`${nerfed}:_password`, level)
this.delete(`${nerfed}:username`, level)
this.delete(`${nerfed}:email`, level)
this.delete(`${nerfed}:certfile`, level)
this.delete(`${nerfed}:keyfile`, level)
setCredentialsByURI (uri, { token, username, password, certfile, keyfile }) {
const nerfed = nerfDart(uri)
// field that hasn't been used as documented for a LONG time,
// and as of npm 7.10.0, isn't used at all. We just always
// send auth if we have it, only to the URIs under the nerf dart.
this.delete(`${nerfed}:always-auth`, 'user')
this.delete(`${nerfed}:email`, 'user')
if (certfile && keyfile) {
this.set(`${nerfed}:certfile`, certfile, 'user')
this.set(`${nerfed}:keyfile`, keyfile, 'user')
// cert/key may be used in conjunction with other credentials, thus no `else`
if (token) {
this.set(`${nerfed}:_authToken`, token, 'user')
this.delete(`${nerfed}:_password`, 'user')
this.delete(`${nerfed}:username`, 'user')
} else if (username || password) {
if (!username) {
throw new Error('must include username')
if (!password) {
throw new Error('must include password')
this.delete(`${nerfed}:_authToken`, 'user')
this.set(`${nerfed}:username`, username, 'user')
// note: not encrypted, no idea why we bothered to do this, but oh well
// protects against shoulder-hacks if password is memorable, I guess?
const encoded = Buffer.from(password, 'utf8').toString('base64')
this.set(`${nerfed}:_password`, encoded, 'user')
} else if (!certfile || !keyfile) {
throw new Error('No credentials to set.')
// this has to be a bit more complicated to support legacy data of all forms
getCredentialsByURI (uri) {
const nerfed = nerfDart(uri)
const def = nerfDart(this.get('registry'))
const creds = {}
// email is handled differently, it used to always be nerfed and now it never should be
// if it's set nerfed to the default registry, then we copy it to the unnerfed key
// TODO: evaluate removing 'email' from the credentials object returned here
const email = this.get(`${nerfed}:email`) || this.get('email')
if (email) {
if (nerfed === def) {
this.set('email', email, 'user')
} = email
const certfileReg = this.get(`${nerfed}:certfile`)
const keyfileReg = this.get(`${nerfed}:keyfile`)
if (certfileReg && keyfileReg) {
creds.certfile = certfileReg
creds.keyfile = keyfileReg
// cert/key may be used in conjunction with other credentials, thus no `return`
const tokenReg = this.get(`${nerfed}:_authToken`)
if (tokenReg) {
creds.token = tokenReg
return creds
const userReg = this.get(`${nerfed}:username`)
const passReg = this.get(`${nerfed}:_password`)
if (userReg && passReg) {
creds.username = userReg
creds.password = Buffer.from(passReg, 'base64').toString('utf8')
const auth = `${creds.username}:${creds.password}`
creds.auth = Buffer.from(auth, 'utf8').toString('base64')
return creds
const authReg = this.get(`${nerfed}:_auth`)
if (authReg) {
const authDecode = Buffer.from(authReg, 'base64').toString('utf8')
const authSplit = authDecode.split(':')
creds.username = authSplit.shift()
creds.password = authSplit.join(':')
creds.auth = authReg
return creds
// at this point, nothing else is usable so just return what we do have
return creds
// set up the environment object we have with npm_config_* environs
// for all configs that are different from their default values, and
// set EDITOR and HOME.
setEnvs () {
const _loadError = Symbol('loadError')
const _valid = Symbol('valid')
class ConfigData {
#source = null
#raw = null
constructor (parent) {
this.#data = Object.create(parent &&
this.#raw = {}
this[_valid] = true
get data () {
return this.#data
get valid () {
return this[_valid]
set source (s) {
if (this.#source) {
throw new Error('cannot set ConfigData source more than once')
this.#source = s
get source () {
return this.#source
set loadError (e) {
if (this[_loadError] || (Object.keys(this.#raw).length)) {
throw new Error('cannot set ConfigData loadError after load')
this[_loadError] = e
get loadError () {
return this[_loadError]
set raw (r) {
if (Object.keys(this.#raw).length || this[_loadError]) {
throw new Error('cannot set ConfigData raw after load')
this.#raw = r
get raw () {
return this.#raw
module.exports = Config