Your IP :
# Changes
## 1.0.4
* test parallel
* upgrade tap
* upgrade node versions in travis.yml
* Use signal-exit package to detect exit instead of process.on('exit')
* added some debugging lines
## v1.0.3
* handle the case where callback is not passed by user
## v1.0.2
* git ignore coverage and node_modules
* update tap to v7
* build a changelog
* package: fix repository link
* pass tests on 0.8
* before_script needs to be before_install
* tap 1.2.0 and travis
## v1.0.1
* isc license
* updated
## v1.0.0
* Simulate staleness instead of waiting excessively
* whitespace
* manage 'retries' so it does not clash with 'wait' polling
* manage 'wait' timer properly
* Get rid of the excessive Object.create opts shadowing stuff
* failing test for the time taken for retries + wait options
* doc: add pollPeriod, correct opts.wait
* Fixed #6: polling period should be configurable
## v0.4.3
* Implement race-resistant stale lock detection
* set req id to 1 to start out
## v0.4.2
* stale option fix for windows file tunneling
## v0.4.1
* Fix version parsing
## v0.4.0
* Don't keep lockfiles open
## v0.3.4
* retry more aggressively
## v0.3.3
* Add debugging function
## v0.3.2
* remove console.error
## v0.3.1
* Support lack of subsecond fs precision
* Fix error closure overwriting in notStale
## v0.3.0
* Use polling instead of watchers
* Add more overhead buffer to contention test
## v0.2.2
* Fix wait calculation
* fixup
* Style: prefer early return to giant if/else
* unlock: Close before unlinking
* Don't get tripped up by locks named 'hasOwnProperty'
* test: Pathological extreme lock contention
* refactor license
## 0.2.1
* Handle race conditions more thoroughly
## 0.2.0
* Rename to 'lockfile'
## 0.0.2
* Add retries
* bsd
## 0.0.1
* tests
* package.json
* the code
* first