Your IP :
* Missofis Countdown Timer
* Author: Kemal Yılmaz
* Website:
* License: MIT
* @see for this jQuery plugin boilerplate details
;( function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
'use strict';
* Plugin defaults
var PLUGIN_NAME = 'countdown',
defaults = {
from: 180, // 3 minutes (3*60)
to: 0, // stop at zero
movingUnit: 1000, // 1000 for 1 second increment/decrements
timerEnd: undefined,
outputPattern: '$day Day $hour : $minute : $second',
autostart: true
outputReplacement = new RegExp( '\\$day|\\$hour|\\$minute|\\$second', 'g' );
* Plugin constructor
* @param element
* @param options
function Plugin( element, options ) {
// set scope vars
this.element = element;
this.$element = $( element );
// set plugin setting
this.settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
// set name and defaults
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = PLUGIN_NAME;
// set counter direction (counting up/down) and timer current position
// _displacement is -1 for count down +1 for counting up, NaN for equality
// set current interval id memory
// set counter status flag
this._displacement = -1 * ( this.settings.from - ) / Math.abs( this.settings.from - );
this._timerAt = this.settings.from;
this._intervalId = undefined;
this._isCounting = false;
// call initialize
* Plugin prototype
Plugin.prototype = {
* Plugin initialization
init: function() {
// initiate timer starting text
// check autostart and start counter
if( this.settings.autostart )
* Remove timer javascript counter and delete timer instance from element
destroy: function() {
// clear timer
window.clearInterval( this._intervalID );
// remove plugin instance
$.data( this.element, 'plugin_' + PLUGIN_NAME, null );
* Resumes counter
resume: function() {
// check if counter is running and return
if( this._isCounting )
// start timer
* Pause counter
pause: function() {
// check if counter is not running and return
if( ! this._isCounting )
// set counter as stopped
this._isCounting = false;
// clear old interval
if( undefined !== this._intervalID )
window.clearInterval( this._intervalID );
* Starts counter
_start: function() {
// get plugin
var that = this;
// clear old interval
if( undefined !== this._intervalID )
window.clearInterval( this._intervalID );
this._isCounting = true;
// todo :: do not set an interval for from == to equality
this._intervalID = window.setInterval( function() {
// update timer position (fire event?)
that._timerAt += that._displacement;
// update timer
}, that.settings.movingUnit );
* Stop and destroy counter
_stop: function() {
// destroy timer
// call timerEnd callback if defined
if( this.settings.timerEnd && 'function' === typeof this.settings.timerEnd ) {
// set calback functions scope to jQuery element timer being created
// todo :: change context with native element instead of jQuery one this.$element );
* Update counter data
_update: function() {
// get plugin
var that = this;
if( this._timerAt === || isNaN( this._timerAt ) ) {
* Update timer via intervalID's
_updateTimerText: function() {
// get plugin
var that = this;
this.$element.text( function( index, text ) {
var _parsedStuff = that._parseSeconds( that._timerAt );
var _daysParsed = _parsedStuff.days.toString(),
_hoursParsed = _parsedStuff.hours.toString(),
_minutesParsed = _parsedStuff.minutes.toString(),
_secondsParsed = _parsedStuff.seconds.toString();
// check days/hours/minutes/second and change single digit result with 2 digit ones ( 1's to 01's )
if( _parsedStuff.days < 10 )
_daysParsed = '0' + _daysParsed;
if( _parsedStuff.hours < 10 )
_hoursParsed = '0' + _hoursParsed;
if( _parsedStuff.minutes < 10 )
_minutesParsed = '0' + _minutesParsed;
if( _parsedStuff.seconds < 10 )
_secondsParsed = '0' + _secondsParsed;
// todo :: compare perfromance between length check and regexp replace
// return parsed timer string
return that.settings.outputPattern.replace( outputReplacement, function( match, offset, string ) {
switch( match ) {
case '$day':
return _daysParsed;
case '$hour':
return _hoursParsed;
case '$minute':
return _minutesParsed;
case '$second':
return _secondsParsed;
return '';
} );
} );
* Split up seconds to time components (days, hours, minutes, seconds)
* @param seconds
_parseSeconds: function( seconds ) {
// handle negative counting
seconds = Math.abs( seconds );
var _parsedTime = {
days: 0,
hours: 0,
minutes: Math.floor( seconds / 60 ),
seconds: 0
// get days
if( seconds >= 86400 ) {
_parsedTime.days = Math.floor( seconds / 86400 );
_parsedTime.hours = Math.floor( seconds % 86400 / 3600 );
else if( seconds >= 3600 )
_parsedTime.hours = Math.floor( seconds / 3600 );
// get minutes
if( seconds >= 3600 )
_parsedTime.minutes = Math.floor( seconds % 3600 / 60 );
// get seconds
_parsedTime.seconds = seconds % 60;
// return parset numeric values
return _parsedTime;
* Plugin wrapper
$.fn[ PLUGIN_NAME ] = function ( options ) {
// instantiate plugin with chaining enabled if options is omitted or is an object
if( undefined === options || 'object' === typeof options ) {
return this.each( function () {
// create new plugin in elements data object which plugin is executed from
// skip plugin instantiation if plugin set in element's data object already
if ( ! $.data( this, 'plugin_' + PLUGIN_NAME ) )
$.data( this, 'plugin_' + PLUGIN_NAME, new Plugin( this, options ) );
} );
// capture any public plugin method call
// skip pseudo-private function via "_" skipper
// skip 'init' call
// @see
else if( 'string' === typeof options && options[ 0 ] !== '_' && options !== 'init' ) {
return this.each( function() {
// get current instance of plugin
var instance = $.data( this, 'plugin_' + PLUGIN_NAME );
// check if plugin instance is available and instance has target method being called
if( instance instanceof Plugin && 'function' === typeof instance[ options ] ) {
// call the plugin public method
instance[ options ].call( instance );
} );
} ) ( jQuery, window, document );