Your IP :
* ~ CLNDR v1.4.7 ~
* ==============================================
* ==============================================
* Created by kyle stetz (
* & available under the MIT license
* ==============================================
* This is the fully-commented development version of CLNDR.
* For the production version, check out clndr.min.js
* at
* This work is based on the
* jQuery lightweight plugin boilerplate
* Original author: @ajpiano
* Further changes, comments: @addyosmani
* Licensed under the MIT license
(function (factory) {
// Multiple loading methods are supported depending on
// what is available globally. While moment is loaded
// here, the instance can be passed in at config time.
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery', 'moment'], factory);
else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node/CommonJS
factory(require('jquery'), require('moment'));
else {
// Browser globals
factory(jQuery, moment);
}(function ($, moment) {
// Namespace
var pluginName = 'clndr';
// This is the default calendar template. This can be overridden.
var clndrTemplate =
"<div class='clndr-controls'>" +
"<div class='clndr-control-button'>" +
"<span class='clndr-previous-button'>previous</span>" +
"</div>" +
"<div class='month'><%= month %> <%= year %></div>" +
"<div class='clndr-control-button rightalign'>" +
"<span class='clndr-next-button'>next</span>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
"<table class='clndr-table' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>" +
"<thead>" +
"<tr class='header-days'>" +
"<% for(var i = 0; i < daysOfTheWeek.length; i++) { %>" +
"<td class='header-day'><%= daysOfTheWeek[i] %></td>" +
"<% } %>" +
"</tr>" +
"</thead>" +
"<tbody>" +
"<% for(var i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i++){ %>" +
"<tr>" +
"<% for(var j = 0; j < 7; j++){ %>" +
"<% var d = j + i * 7; %>" +
"<td class='<%= days[d].classes %>'>" +
"<div class='day-contents'><%= days[d].day %></div>" +
"</td>" +
"<% } %>" +
"</tr>" +
"<% } %>" +
"</tbody>" +
// Defaults used throughout the application, see docs.
var defaults = {
events: [],
ready: null,
extras: null,
render: null,
moment: null,
weekOffset: 0,
constraints: null,
forceSixRows: null,
selectedDate: null,
doneRendering: null,
daysOfTheWeek: null,
multiDayEvents: null,
startWithMonth: null,
dateParameter: 'date',
template: clndrTemplate,
showAdjacentMonths: true,
trackSelectedDate: false,
adjacentDaysChangeMonth: false,
ignoreInactiveDaysInSelection: null,
lengthOfTime: {
days: null,
interval: 1,
months: null
clickEvents: {
click: null,
today: null,
nextYear: null,
nextMonth: null,
nextInterval: null,
previousYear: null,
onYearChange: null,
previousMonth: null,
onMonthChange: null,
previousInterval: null,
onIntervalChange: null
targets: {
day: 'day',
empty: 'empty',
nextButton: 'clndr-next-button',
todayButton: 'clndr-today-button',
previousButton: 'clndr-previous-button',
nextYearButton: 'clndr-next-year-button',
previousYearButton: 'clndr-previous-year-button'
classes: {
past: "past",
today: "today",
event: "event",
inactive: "inactive",
selected: "selected",
lastMonth: "last-month",
nextMonth: "next-month",
adjacentMonth: "adjacent-month"
* The actual plugin constructor.
* Parses the events and lengthOfTime options to build a calendar of day
* objects containing event information from the events array.
function Clndr(element, options) {
var dayDiff;
var constraintEnd;
var constraintStart;
this.element = element;
// Merge the default options with user-provided options
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
// Check if moment was passed in as a dependency
if (this.options.moment) {
moment = this.options.moment;
// Boolean values used to log if any contraints are met
this.constraints = {
next: true,
today: true,
previous: true,
nextYear: true,
previousYear: true
// If there are events, we should run them through our
// addMomentObjectToEvents function which will add a date object that
// we can use to make life easier. This is only necessarywhen events
// are provided on instantiation, since our setEvents function uses
// addMomentObjectToEvents.
if ( {
if (this.options.multiDayEvents) { =
} else { =
// This used to be a place where we'd figure out the current month,
// but since we want to open up support for arbitrary lengths of time
// we're going to store the current range in addition to the current
// month.
if (this.options.lengthOfTime.months || this.options.lengthOfTime.days) {
// We want to establish intervalStart and intervalEnd, which will
// keep track of our boundaries. Let's look at the possibilities...
if (this.options.lengthOfTime.months) {
// Gonna go right ahead and annihilate any chance for bugs here
this.options.lengthOfTime.days = null;
// The length is specified in months. Is there a start date?
if (this.options.lengthOfTime.startDate) {
this.intervalStart =
} else if (this.options.startWithMonth) {
this.intervalStart =
} else {
this.intervalStart = moment().startOf('month');
// Subtract a day so that we are at the end of the interval. We
// always want intervalEnd to be inclusive.
this.intervalEnd = moment(this.intervalStart)
.add(this.options.lengthOfTime.months, 'months')
.subtract(1, 'days');
this.month = this.intervalStart.clone();
else if (this.options.lengthOfTime.days) {
// The length is specified in days. Start date?
if (this.options.lengthOfTime.startDate) {
this.intervalStart =
} else {
this.intervalStart = moment().weekday(0).startOf('day');
this.intervalEnd = moment(this.intervalStart)
.add(this.options.lengthOfTime.days - 1, 'days')
this.month = this.intervalStart.clone();
// No length of time specified so we're going to default into using the
// current month as the time period.
} else {
this.month = moment().startOf('month');
this.intervalStart = moment(this.month);
this.intervalEnd = moment(this.month).endOf('month');
if (this.options.startWithMonth) {
this.month = moment(this.options.startWithMonth).startOf('month');
this.intervalStart = moment(this.month);
this.intervalEnd = (this.options.lengthOfTime.days)
? moment(this.month)
.add(this.options.lengthOfTime.days - 1, 'days')
: moment(this.month).endOf('month');
// If we've got constraints set, make sure the interval is within them.
if (this.options.constraints) {
// First check if the startDate exists & is later than now.
if (this.options.constraints.startDate) {
constraintStart = moment(this.options.constraints.startDate);
// We need to handle the constraints differently for weekly
// calendars vs. monthly calendars.
if (this.options.lengthOfTime.days) {
if (this.intervalStart.isBefore(constraintStart, 'week')) {
this.intervalStart = constraintStart.startOf('week');
// If the new interval period is less than the desired length
// of time, or before the starting interval, then correct it.
dayDiff = this.intervalStart.diff(this.intervalEnd, 'days');
if (dayDiff < this.options.lengthOfTime.days
|| this.intervalEnd.isBefore(this.intervalStart))
this.intervalEnd = moment(this.intervalStart)
.add(this.options.lengthOfTime.days - 1, 'days')
this.month = this.intervalStart.clone();
else {
if (this.intervalStart.isBefore(constraintStart, 'month')) {
// Try to preserve the date by moving only the month.
.set('month', constraintStart.month())
.set('year', constraintStart.year());
.set('month', constraintStart.month())
.set('year', constraintStart.year());
// Check if the ending interval is earlier than now.
if (this.intervalEnd.isBefore(constraintStart, 'month')) {
.set('month', constraintStart.month())
.set('year', constraintStart.year());
// Make sure the intervalEnd is before the endDate.
if (this.options.constraints.endDate) {
constraintEnd = moment(this.options.constraints.endDate);
// We need to handle the constraints differently for weekly
// calendars vs. monthly calendars.
if (this.options.lengthOfTime.days) {
// The starting interval is after our ending constraint.
if (this.intervalStart.isAfter(constraintEnd, 'week')) {
this.intervalStart = moment(constraintEnd)
.subtract(this.options.lengthOfTime.days - 1, 'days')
this.intervalEnd = moment(constraintEnd)
this.month = this.intervalStart.clone();
else {
if (this.intervalEnd.isAfter(constraintEnd, 'month')) {
.set('month', constraintEnd.month())
.set('year', constraintEnd.year());
.set('month', constraintEnd.month())
.set('year', constraintEnd.year());
// Check if the starting interval is later than the ending.
if (this.intervalStart.isAfter(constraintEnd, 'month')) {
.set('month', constraintEnd.month())
.set('year', constraintEnd.year());
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
// Some first-time initialization -> day of the week offset, template
// compiling, making and storing some elements we'll need later, and
// event handling for the controller.
* Calendar initialization.
* Sets up the days of the week, the rendering function, binds all of the
* events to the rendered calendar, and then stores the node locally.
Clndr.prototype.init = function () {
// Create the days of the week using moment's current language setting
this.daysOfTheWeek = this.options.daysOfTheWeek || [];
if (!this.options.daysOfTheWeek) {
this.daysOfTheWeek = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
// Shuffle the week if there's an offset
if (this.options.weekOffset) {
this.daysOfTheWeek = this.shiftWeekdayLabels(this.options.weekOffset);
// Quick and dirty test to make sure rendering is possible.
if (!$.isFunction(this.options.render)) {
this.options.render = null;
if (typeof _ === 'undefined') {
throw new Error(
"Underscore was not found. Please include underscore.js " +
"OR provide a custom render function.");
} else {
// We're just going ahead and using underscore here if no
// render method has been supplied.
this.compiledClndrTemplate = _.template(this.options.template);
// Create the parent element that will hold the plugin and save it
// for later
$(this.element).html("<div class='clndr'></div>");
this.calendarContainer = $('.clndr', this.element);
// Attach event handlers for clicks on buttons/cells
// Do a normal render of the calendar template
// If a ready callback has been provided, call it.
if (this.options.ready) {
this.options.ready.apply(this, []);
Clndr.prototype.shiftWeekdayLabels = function (offset) {
var days = this.daysOfTheWeek;
for (var i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
return days;
* This is where the magic happens. Given a starting date and ending date,
* an array of calendarDay objects is constructed that contains appropriate
* events and classes depending on the circumstance.
Clndr.prototype.createDaysObject = function (startDate, endDate) {
// This array will hold numbers for the entire grid (even the blank
// spaces).
var daysArray = [],
date = startDate.clone(),
lengthOfInterval = endDate.diff(startDate, 'days'),
startOfLastMonth, endOfLastMonth, startOfNextMonth,
endOfNextMonth, diff, dateIterator;
// This is a helper object so that days can resolve their classes
// correctly. Don't use it for anything please.
this._currentIntervalStart = startDate.clone();
// Filter the events list (if it exists) to events that are happening
// last month, this month and next month (within the current grid view).
this.eventsLastMonth = [];
this.eventsNextMonth = [];
this.eventsThisInterval = [];
// Event parsing
if ( {
// Here are the only two cases where we don't get an event in our
// interval:
// startDate | endDate | e.start | e.end
// e.start | e.end | startDate | endDate
this.eventsThisInterval = $(
function () {
var afterEnd = this._clndrStartDateObject.isAfter(endDate),
beforeStart = this._clndrEndDateObject.isBefore(startDate);
if (beforeStart || afterEnd) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (this.options.showAdjacentMonths) {
startOfLastMonth = startDate.clone()
.subtract(1, 'months')
endOfLastMonth = startOfLastMonth.clone().endOf('month');
startOfNextMonth = endDate.clone()
.add(1, 'months')
endOfNextMonth = startOfNextMonth.clone().endOf('month');
this.eventsLastMonth = $(
function () {
var beforeStart = this._clndrEndDateObject
var afterEnd = this._clndrStartDateObject
if (beforeStart || afterEnd) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
this.eventsNextMonth = $(
function () {
var beforeStart = this._clndrEndDateObject
var afterEnd = this._clndrStartDateObject
if (beforeStart || afterEnd) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// If diff is greater than 0, we'll have to fill in last days of the
// previous month to account for the empty boxes in the grid. We also
// need to take into account the weekOffset parameter. None of this
// needs to happen if the interval is being specified in days rather
// than months.
if (!this.options.lengthOfTime.days) {
diff = date.weekday() - this.options.weekOffset;
if (diff < 0) {
diff += 7;
if (this.options.showAdjacentMonths) {
for (var i = 1; i <= diff; i++) {
var day = moment([
]).subtract(diff, 'days');
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
classes: this.options.targets.empty +
" " + this.options.classes.lastMonth
// Now we push all of the days in the interval
dateIterator = startDate.clone();
while (dateIterator.isBefore(endDate) || dateIterator.isSame(endDate, 'day')) {
dateIterator.add(1, 'days');
// ...and if there are any trailing blank boxes, fill those in with the
// next month first days. Again, we can ignore this if the interval is
// specified in days.
if (!this.options.lengthOfTime.days) {
while (daysArray.length % 7 !== 0) {
if (this.options.showAdjacentMonths) {
} else {
classes: this.options.targets.empty + " " +
dateIterator.add(1, 'days');
// If we want to force six rows of calendar, now's our Last Chance to
// add another row. If the 42 seems explicit it's because we're
// creating a 7-row grid and 6 rows of 7 is always 42!
if (this.options.forceSixRows && daysArray.length !== 42) {
while (daysArray.length < 42) {
if (this.options.showAdjacentMonths) {
dateIterator.add(1, 'days');
} else {
classes: this.options.targets.empty + " " +
return daysArray;
Clndr.prototype.createDayObject = function (day, monthEvents) {
var j = 0,
self = this,
now = moment(),
eventsToday = [],
extraClasses = "",
properties = {
isToday: false,
isInactive: false,
isAdjacentMonth: false
startMoment, endMoment, selectedMoment;
// Validate moment date
if (!day.isValid() && day.hasOwnProperty('_d') && day._d != undefined) {
day = moment(day._d);
for (j; j < monthEvents.length; j++) {
// Keep in mind that the events here already passed the month/year
// test. Now all we have to compare is the, which
// returns the day of the month.
var start = monthEvents[j]._clndrStartDateObject,
end = monthEvents[j]._clndrEndDateObject;
// If today is the same day as start or is after the start, and
// if today is the same day as the end or before the end ...
// woohoo semantics!
if ( (day.isSame(start, 'day') || day.isAfter(start, 'day'))
&& (day.isSame(end, 'day') || day.isBefore(end, 'day')) )
eventsToday.push( monthEvents[j] );
if (now.format("YYYY-MM-DD") == day.format("YYYY-MM-DD")) {
extraClasses += (" " +;
properties.isToday = true;
if (day.isBefore(now, 'day')) {
extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.past);
if (eventsToday.length) {
extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.event);
if (!this.options.lengthOfTime.days) {
if (this._currentIntervalStart.month() > day.month()) {
extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.adjacentMonth);
properties.isAdjacentMonth = true;
this._currentIntervalStart.year() === day.year()
? extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.lastMonth)
: extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.nextMonth);
else if (this._currentIntervalStart.month() < day.month()) {
extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.adjacentMonth);
properties.isAdjacentMonth = true;
this._currentIntervalStart.year() === day.year()
? extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.nextMonth)
: extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.lastMonth);
// If there are constraints, we need to add the inactive class to the
// days outside of them
if (this.options.constraints) {
endMoment = moment(this.options.constraints.endDate);
startMoment = moment(this.options.constraints.startDate);
if (this.options.constraints.startDate && day.isBefore(startMoment)) {
extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.inactive);
properties.isInactive = true;
if (this.options.constraints.endDate && day.isAfter(endMoment)) {
extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.inactive);
properties.isInactive = true;
// Validate moment date
if (!day.isValid() && day.hasOwnProperty('_d') && day._d != undefined) {
day = moment(day._d);
// Check whether the day is "selected"
selectedMoment = moment(this.options.selectedDate);
if (this.options.selectedDate && day.isSame(selectedMoment, 'day')) {
extraClasses += (" " + this.options.classes.selected);
// We're moving away from using IDs in favor of classes, since when
// using multiple calendars on a page we are technically violating the
// uniqueness of IDs.
extraClasses += " calendar-day-" + day.format("YYYY-MM-DD");
// Day of week
extraClasses += " calendar-dow-" + day.weekday();
return this.calendarDay({
date: day,
events: eventsToday,
properties: properties,
classes: + extraClasses
Clndr.prototype.render = function () {
// Get rid of the previous set of calendar parts. This should handle garbage
// collection according to jQuery's docs:
// To avoid memory leaks, jQuery removes other constructs such as
// data and event handlers from the child elements before removing
// the elements themselves.
var data = {},
end = null,
start = null,
oneYearFromEnd = this.intervalEnd.clone().add(1, 'years'),
oneYearAgo = this.intervalStart.clone().subtract(1, 'years'),
days, months, currentMonth, eventsThisInterval,
if (this.options.lengthOfTime.days) {
days = this.createDaysObject(
data = {
days: days,
months: [],
year: null,
month: null,
eventsLastMonth: [],
eventsNextMonth: [],
eventsThisMonth: [],
extras: this.options.extras,
daysOfTheWeek: this.daysOfTheWeek,
intervalEnd: this.intervalEnd.clone(),
numberOfRows: Math.ceil(days.length / 7),
intervalStart: this.intervalStart.clone(),
eventsThisInterval: this.eventsThisInterval
else if (this.options.lengthOfTime.months) {
months = [];
numberOfRows = 0;
eventsThisInterval = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.options.lengthOfTime.months; i++) {
var currentIntervalStart = this.intervalStart
.add(i, 'months');
var currentIntervalEnd = currentIntervalStart
var days = this.createDaysObject(
// Save events processed for each month into a master array of
// events for this interval
days: days,
month: currentIntervalStart
// Get the total number of rows across all months
for (i = 0; i < months.length; i++) {
numberOfRows += Math.ceil(months[i].days.length / 7);
data = {
days: [],
year: null,
month: null,
months: months,
eventsThisMonth: [],
numberOfRows: numberOfRows,
extras: this.options.extras,
intervalEnd: this.intervalEnd,
intervalStart: this.intervalStart,
daysOfTheWeek: this.daysOfTheWeek,
eventsLastMonth: this.eventsLastMonth,
eventsNextMonth: this.eventsNextMonth,
eventsThisInterval: eventsThisInterval,
else {
// Get an array of days and blank spaces
days = this.createDaysObject(
// This is to prevent a scope/naming issue between this.month and
// data.month
currentMonth = this.month;
data = {
days: days,
months: [],
intervalEnd: null,
intervalStart: null,
year: this.month.year(),
eventsThisInterval: null,
extras: this.options.extras,
month: this.month.format('MMMM'),
daysOfTheWeek: this.daysOfTheWeek,
eventsLastMonth: this.eventsLastMonth,
eventsNextMonth: this.eventsNextMonth,
numberOfRows: Math.ceil(days.length / 7),
eventsThisMonth: this.eventsThisInterval
// Render the calendar with the data above & bind events to its
// elements
if ( !this.options.render) {
} else {
this.options.render.apply(this, [data]));
// If there are constraints, we need to add the 'inactive' class to
// the controls.
if (this.options.constraints) {
// In the interest of clarity we're just going to remove all
// inactive classes and re-apply them each render.
for (var target in this.options.targets) {
if (target != {
this.element.find('.' + this.options.targets[target])
// Just like the classes we'll set this internal state to true and
// handle the disabling below.
for (var i in this.constraints) {
this.constraints[i] = true;
if (this.options.constraints.startDate) {
start = moment(this.options.constraints.startDate);
if (this.options.constraints.endDate) {
end = moment(this.options.constraints.endDate);
// Deal with the month controls first. Do we have room to go back?
if (start
&& (start.isAfter(this.intervalStart)
|| start.isSame(this.intervalStart, 'day')))
this.element.find('.' + this.options.targets.previousButton)
.toggleClass(this.options.classes.inactive, true);
this.constraints.previous = !this.constraints.previous;
// Do we have room to go forward?
if (end
&& (end.isBefore(this.intervalEnd)
|| end.isSame(this.intervalEnd, 'day')))
this.element.find('.' + this.options.targets.nextButton)
.toggleClass(this.options.classes.inactive, true); = !;
// What's last year looking like?
if (start && start.isAfter(oneYearAgo)) {
this.element.find('.' + this.options.targets.previousYearButton)
.toggleClass(this.options.classes.inactive, true);
this.constraints.previousYear = !this.constraints.previousYear;
// How about next year?
if (end && end.isBefore(oneYearFromEnd)) {
this.element.find('.' + this.options.targets.nextYearButton)
.toggleClass(this.options.classes.inactive, true);
this.constraints.nextYear = !this.constraints.nextYear;
// Today? We could put this in init(), but we want to support the
// user changing the constraints on a living instance.
if ( (start && start.isAfter( moment(), 'month' ))
|| (end && end.isBefore( moment(), 'month' )) )
this.element.find('.' +
.toggleClass(this.options.classes.inactive, true); = !;
if (this.options.doneRendering) {
this.options.doneRendering.apply(this, []);
Clndr.prototype.bindEvents = function () {
var data = {},
self = this,
$container = $(this.element),
targets = this.options.targets,
classes = self.options.classes,
eventType = (this.options.useTouchEvents === true)
? 'touchstart'
: 'click',
eventName = eventType + '.clndr';
// Make sure we don't already have events
.off(eventName, '.' +
.off(eventName, '.' + targets.empty)
.off(eventName, '.' + targets.nextButton)
.off(eventName, '.' + targets.todayButton)
.off(eventName, '.' + targets.previousButton)
.off(eventName, '.' + targets.nextYearButton)
.off(eventName, '.' + targets.previousYearButton);
// Target the day elements and give them click events
$container.on(eventName, '.' +, function (event) {
var target,
$currentTarget = $(event.currentTarget);
if ( {
target = self.buildTargetObject(event.currentTarget, true);, [target]);
// If adjacentDaysChangeMonth is on, we need to change the
// month here.
if (self.options.adjacentDaysChangeMonth) {
if ($'.' + classes.lastMonth)) {
else if ($'.' + classes.nextMonth)) {
// if trackSelectedDate is on, we need to handle click on a new day
if (self.options.trackSelectedDate) {
if (self.options.ignoreInactiveDaysInSelection
&& $currentTarget.hasClass(classes.inactive))
// Remember new selected date
self.options.selectedDate =
// Handle "selected" class. This handles more complex templates
// that may have the selected elements nested.
$container.find('.' + classes.selected)
// Target the empty calendar boxes as well
$container.on(eventName, '.' + targets.empty, function (event) {
var target,
$eventTarget = $(event.currentTarget);
if ( {
target = self.buildTargetObject(event.currentTarget, false);, [target]);
if (self.options.adjacentDaysChangeMonth) {
if ($'.' + classes.lastMonth)) {
else if ($'.' + classes.nextMonth)) {
// Bind the previous, next and today buttons. We pass the current
// context along with the event so that it can update this instance.
data = {
context: this
.on(eventName, '.' + targets.todayButton, data, this.todayAction)
.on(eventName, '.' + targets.nextButton, data, this.forwardAction)
.on(eventName, '.' + targets.previousButton, data, this.backAction)
.on(eventName, '.' + targets.nextYearButton, data, this.nextYearAction)
.on(eventName, '.' + targets.previousYearButton, data, this.previousYearAction);
* If the user provided a click callback we'd like to give them something
* nice to work with. buildTargetObject takes the DOM element that was
* clicked and returns an object with the DOM element, events, and the date
* (if the latter two exist). Currently it is based on the id, however it'd
* be nice to use a data- attribute in the future.
Clndr.prototype.buildTargetObject = function (currentTarget, targetWasDay) {
// This is our default target object, assuming we hit an empty day
// with no events.
var target = {
date: null,
events: [],
element: currentTarget
var dateString, filterFn;
// Did we click on a day or just an empty box?
if (targetWasDay) {
dateString = this.getTargetDateString(currentTarget); = (dateString)
? moment(dateString)
: null;
// Do we have events?
if ( {
// Are any of the events happening today?
if (this.options.multiDayEvents) {
filterFn = function () {
var isSameStart =
var isAfterStart =
var isSameEnd =
var isBeforeEnd =
return (isSameStart || isAfterStart)
&& (isSameEnd || isBeforeEnd);
else {
filterFn = function () {
var startString = this._clndrStartDateObject
return startString == dateString;
// Filter the dates down to the ones that match. = $.makeArray(
return target;
* Get moment date object of the date associated with the given target.
* This method is meant to be called on ".day" elements.
Clndr.prototype.getTargetDateString = function (target) {
// Our identifier is in the list of classNames. Find it!
var classNameIndex = target.className.indexOf('calendar-day-');
if (classNameIndex !== -1) {
// Our unique identifier is always 23 characters long.
// If this feels a little wonky, that's probably because it is.
// Open to suggestions on how to improve this guy.
return target.className.substring(
classNameIndex + 13,
classNameIndex + 23);
return null;
* Triggers any applicable events given a change in the calendar's start
* and end dates. ctx contains the current (changed) start and end date,
* orig contains the original start and end dates.
Clndr.prototype.triggerEvents = function (ctx, orig) {
var timeOpt = ctx.options.lengthOfTime,
eventsOpt = ctx.options.clickEvents,
newInt = {
end: ctx.intervalEnd,
start: ctx.intervalStart
intervalArg = [
monthArg = [moment(ctx.month)],
nextYear, prevYear, yearChanged,
nextMonth, prevMonth, monthChanged,
nextInterval, prevInterval, intervalChanged;
// We want to determine if any of the change conditions have been
// hit and then trigger our events based off that.
nextMonth = newInt.start.isAfter( orig.start )
&& (Math.abs(newInt.start.month() - orig.start.month()) == 1
|| orig.start.month() === 11 && newInt.start.month() === 0);
prevMonth = newInt.start.isBefore( orig.start )
&& (Math.abs(orig.start.month() - newInt.start.month()) == 1
|| orig.start.month() === 0 && newInt.start.month() === 11);
monthChanged = newInt.start.month() !== orig.start.month()
|| newInt.start.year() !== orig.start.year();
nextYear = newInt.start.year() - orig.start.year() === 1
|| newInt.end.year() - orig.end.year() === 1;
prevYear = orig.start.year() - newInt.start.year() === 1
|| orig.end.year() - newInt.end.year() === 1;
yearChanged = newInt.start.year() !== orig.start.year();
// Only configs with a time period will get the interval change event
if (timeOpt.days || timeOpt.months) {
nextInterval = newInt.start.isAfter(orig.start);
prevInterval = newInt.start.isBefore(orig.start);
intervalChanged = nextInterval || prevInterval;
if (nextInterval && eventsOpt.nextInterval) {
eventsOpt.nextInterval.apply(ctx, intervalArg);
if (prevInterval && eventsOpt.previousInterval) {
eventsOpt.previousInterval.apply(ctx, intervalArg);
if (intervalChanged && eventsOpt.onIntervalChange) {
eventsOpt.onIntervalChange.apply(ctx, intervalArg);
// @V2-todo see
else {
if (nextMonth && eventsOpt.nextMonth) {
eventsOpt.nextMonth.apply(ctx, monthArg);
if (prevMonth && eventsOpt.previousMonth) {
eventsOpt.previousMonth.apply(ctx, monthArg);
if (monthChanged && eventsOpt.onMonthChange) {
eventsOpt.onMonthChange.apply(ctx, monthArg);
if (nextYear && eventsOpt.nextYear) {
eventsOpt.nextYear.apply(ctx, monthArg);
if (prevYear && eventsOpt.previousYear) {
eventsOpt.previousYear.apply(ctx, monthArg);
if (yearChanged && eventsOpt.onYearChange) {
eventsOpt.onYearChange.apply(ctx, monthArg);
* Main action to go backward one period. Other methods call these, like
* backAction which proxies jQuery events, and backActionWithContext which
* is an internal method that this library uses.
Clndr.prototype.back = function (options /*, ctx */) {
var yearChanged = null,
ctx = (arguments.length > 1)
? arguments[ 1 ]
: this,
timeOpt = ctx.options.lengthOfTime,
defaults = {
withCallbacks: false
orig = {
end: ctx.intervalEnd.clone(),
start: ctx.intervalStart.clone()
// Extend any options
options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
// Before we do anything, check if any constraints are limiting this
if (!ctx.constraints.previous) {
return ctx;
if (!timeOpt.days) {
// Shift the interval by a month (or several months)
.subtract(timeOpt.interval, 'months')
ctx.intervalEnd = ctx.intervalStart.clone()
.add(timeOpt.months || timeOpt.interval, 'months')
.subtract(1, 'days')
ctx.month = ctx.intervalStart.clone();
else {
// Shift the interval in days
.subtract(timeOpt.interval, 'days')
ctx.intervalEnd = ctx.intervalStart.clone()
.add(timeOpt.days - 1, 'days')
// @V2-todo Useless, but consistent with API
ctx.month = ctx.intervalStart.clone();
if (options.withCallbacks) {
ctx.triggerEvents(ctx, orig);
return ctx;
Clndr.prototype.backAction = function (event) {
var ctx =;
Clndr.prototype.backActionWithContext = function (ctx) {
withCallbacks: true
}, ctx);
Clndr.prototype.previous = function (options) {
// Alias
return this.back(options);
* Main action to go forward one period. Other methods call these, like
* forwardAction which proxies jQuery events, and backActionWithContext
* which is an internal method that this library uses.
Clndr.prototype.forward = function (options /*, ctx */) {
var ctx = (arguments.length > 1)
? arguments[1]
: this,
timeOpt = ctx.options.lengthOfTime,
defaults = {
withCallbacks: false
orig = {
end: ctx.intervalEnd.clone(),
start: ctx.intervalStart.clone()
// Extend any options
options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
// Before we do anything, check if any constraints are limiting this
if (! {
return ctx;
if (ctx.options.lengthOfTime.days) {
// Shift the interval in days
.add(timeOpt.interval, 'days')
ctx.intervalEnd = ctx.intervalStart.clone()
.add(timeOpt.days - 1, 'days')
// @V2-todo Useless, but consistent with API
ctx.month = ctx.intervalStart.clone();
else {
// Shift the interval by a month (or several months)
.add(timeOpt.interval, 'months')
ctx.intervalEnd = ctx.intervalStart.clone()
.add(timeOpt.months || timeOpt.interval, 'months')
.subtract(1, 'days')
ctx.month = ctx.intervalStart.clone();
if (options.withCallbacks) {
ctx.triggerEvents(ctx, orig);
return ctx;
Clndr.prototype.forwardAction = function (event) {
var ctx =;
Clndr.prototype.forwardActionWithContext = function (ctx) {
withCallbacks: true
}, ctx);
}; = function (options) {
// Alias
return this.forward(options);
* Main action to go back one year.
Clndr.prototype.previousYear = function (options /*, ctx */) {
var ctx = (arguments.length > 1)
? arguments[1]
: this,
defaults = {
withCallbacks: false
orig = {
end: ctx.intervalEnd.clone(),
start: ctx.intervalStart.clone()
// Extend any options
options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
// Before we do anything, check if any constraints are limiting this
if (!ctx.constraints.previousYear) {
return ctx;
ctx.month.subtract(1, 'year');
ctx.intervalStart.subtract(1, 'year');
ctx.intervalEnd.subtract(1, 'year');
if (options.withCallbacks) {
ctx.triggerEvents(ctx, orig);
return ctx;
Clndr.prototype.previousYearAction = function (event) {
var ctx =;
withCallbacks: true
}, ctx);
* Main action to go forward one year.
Clndr.prototype.nextYear = function (options /*, ctx */) {
var ctx = (arguments.length > 1)
? arguments[1]
: this,
defaults = {
withCallbacks: false
orig = {
end: ctx.intervalEnd.clone(),
start: ctx.intervalStart.clone()
// Extend any options
options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
// Before we do anything, check if any constraints are limiting this
if (!ctx.constraints.nextYear) {
return ctx;
ctx.month.add(1, 'year');
ctx.intervalStart.add(1, 'year');
ctx.intervalEnd.add(1, 'year');
if (options.withCallbacks) {
ctx.triggerEvents(ctx, orig);
return ctx;
Clndr.prototype.nextYearAction = function (event) {
var ctx =;
withCallbacks: true
}, ctx);
}; = function (options /*, ctx */) {
var ctx = (arguments.length > 1)
? arguments[1]
: this,
timeOpt = ctx.options.lengthOfTime,
defaults = {
withCallbacks: false
orig = {
end: ctx.intervalEnd.clone(),
start: ctx.intervalStart.clone()
// Extend any options
options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options);
// @V2-todo Only used for legacy month view
ctx.month = moment().startOf('month');
if (timeOpt.days) {
// If there was a startDate specified, we should figure out what
// the weekday is and use that as the starting point of our
// interval. If not, go to today.weekday(0).
if (timeOpt.startDate) {
ctx.intervalStart = moment()
} else {
ctx.intervalStart = moment().weekday(0).startOf('day');
ctx.intervalEnd = ctx.intervalStart.clone()
.add(timeOpt.days - 1, 'days')
else {
// Set the intervalStart to this month.
ctx.intervalStart = moment().startOf('month');
ctx.intervalEnd = ctx.intervalStart.clone()
.add(timeOpt.months || timeOpt.interval, 'months')
.subtract(1, 'days')
// No need to re-render if we didn't change months.
if (!ctx.intervalStart.isSame(orig.start)
|| !ctx.intervalEnd.isSame(orig.end))
// Fire the today event handler regardless of any change
if (options.withCallbacks) {
if ( {, [moment(ctx.month)]);
ctx.triggerEvents(ctx, orig);
Clndr.prototype.todayAction = function (event) {
var ctx =;{
withCallbacks: true
}, ctx);
* Changes the month. Accepts 0-11 or a full/partial month name e.g. "Jan",
* "February", "Mar", etc.
Clndr.prototype.setMonth = function (newMonth, options) {
var timeOpt = this.options.lengthOfTime,
orig = {
end: this.intervalEnd.clone(),
start: this.intervalStart.clone()
if (timeOpt.days || timeOpt.months) {
'You are using a custom date interval. Use ' +
'Clndr.setIntervalStart(startDate) instead.');
return this;
this.intervalStart = this.month.clone().startOf('month');
this.intervalEnd = this.intervalStart.clone().endOf('month');
if (options && options.withCallbacks) {
this.triggerEvents(this, orig);
return this;
Clndr.prototype.setYear = function (newYear, options) {
var orig = {
end: this.intervalEnd.clone(),
start: this.intervalStart.clone()
if (options && options.withCallbacks) {
this.triggerEvents(this, orig);
return this;
* Sets the start of the time period according to newDate. newDate can be
* a string or a moment object.
Clndr.prototype.setIntervalStart = function (newDate, options) {
var timeOpt = this.options.lengthOfTime,
orig = {
end: this.intervalEnd.clone(),
start: this.intervalStart.clone()
if (!timeOpt.days && !timeOpt.months) {
'You are using a custom date interval. Use ' +
'Clndr.setIntervalStart(startDate) instead.');
return this;
if (timeOpt.days) {
this.intervalStart = moment(newDate).startOf('day');
this.intervalEnd = this.intervalStart.clone()
.add(timeOpt - 1, 'days')
} else {
this.intervalStart = moment(newDate).startOf('month');
this.intervalEnd = this.intervalStart.clone()
.add(timeOpt.months || timeOpt.interval, 'months')
.subtract(1, 'days')
this.month = this.intervalStart.clone();
if (options && options.withCallbacks) {
this.triggerEvents(this, orig);
return this;
* Overwrites extras in the calendar and triggers a render.
Clndr.prototype.setExtras = function (extras) {
this.options.extras = extras;
return this;
* Overwrites events in the calendar and triggers a render.
Clndr.prototype.setEvents = function (events) {
// Go through each event and add a moment object
if (this.options.multiDayEvents) { = this.addMultiDayMomentObjectsToEvents(events);
} else { = this.addMomentObjectToEvents(events);
return this;
* Adds additional events to the calendar and triggers a render.
Clndr.prototype.addEvents = function (events /*, reRender*/) {
var reRender = (arguments.length > 1)
? arguments[1]
: true;
// Go through each event and add a moment object
if (this.options.multiDayEvents) { = $.merge(,
} else { = $.merge(,
if (reRender) {
return this;
* Passes all events through a matching function. Any that pass a truth
* test will be removed from the calendar's events. This triggers a render.
Clndr.prototype.removeEvents = function (matchingFn) {
for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (matchingFn([i]) == true) {, 1);
return this;
Clndr.prototype.addMomentObjectToEvents = function (events) {
var i = 0,
self = this;
for (i; i < events.length; i++) {
// Add the date as both start and end, since it's a single-day
// event by default
events[i]._clndrStartDateObject =
events[i]._clndrEndDateObject =
return events;
Clndr.prototype.addMultiDayMomentObjectsToEvents = function (events) {
var i = 0,
self = this,
multiEvents = self.options.multiDayEvents;
for (i; i < events.length; i++) {
var end = events[i][multiEvents.endDate],
start = events[i][multiEvents.startDate];
// If we don't find the startDate OR endDate fields, look for
// singleDay
if (!end && !start) {
events[i]._clndrEndDateObject =
events[i]._clndrStartDateObject =
// Otherwise use startDate and endDate, or whichever one is present
else {
events[i]._clndrEndDateObject = moment(end || start);
events[i]._clndrStartDateObject = moment(start || end);
return events;
Clndr.prototype.calendarDay = function (options) {
var defaults = {
day: "",
date: null,
events: [],
classes: this.options.targets.empty
return $.extend({}, defaults, options);
Clndr.prototype.destroy = function () {
var $container = $(this.calendarContainer);
$container.parent().data('plugin_clndr', null);
this.options = defaults;
this.element = null;
$.fn.clndr = function (options) {
var clndrInstance;
if (this.length > 1) {
throw new Error(
"CLNDR does not support multiple elements yet. Make sure " +
"your clndr selector returns only one element.");
if (!this.length) {
throw new Error(
"CLNDR cannot be instantiated on an empty selector.");
if (!'plugin_clndr')) {
clndrInstance = new Clndr(this, options);'plugin_clndr', clndrInstance);
return clndrInstance;