Your IP :
* Date picker for pickadate.js v3.6.4
(function ( factory ) {
// AMD.
if ( typeof define == 'function' && define.amd )
define( ['./picker', 'jquery'], factory )
// Node.js/browserify.
else if ( typeof exports == 'object' )
module.exports = factory( require('./picker.js'), require('jquery') )
// Browser globals.
else factory( Picker, jQuery )
}(function( Picker, $ ) {
* Globals and constants
var DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7,
_ = Picker._
* The date picker constructor
function DatePicker( picker, settings ) {
var calendar = this,
element = picker.$node[ 0 ],
elementValue = element.value,
elementDataValue = picker.$ 'value' ),
valueString = elementDataValue || elementValue,
formatString = elementDataValue ? settings.formatSubmit : settings.format,
isRTL = function() {
return element.currentStyle ?
// For IE.
element.currentStyle.direction == 'rtl' :
// For normal browsers.
getComputedStyle( picker.$root[0] ).direction == 'rtl'
calendar.settings = settings
calendar.$node = picker.$node
// The queue of methods that will be used to build item objects.
calendar.queue = {
min: 'measure create',
max: 'measure create',
now: 'now create',
select: 'parse create validate',
highlight: 'parse navigate create validate',
view: 'parse create validate viewset',
disable: 'deactivate',
enable: 'activate'
// The component's item object.
calendar.item = {}
calendar.item.clear = null
calendar.item.disable = ( settings.disable || [] ).slice( 0 )
calendar.item.enable = -(function( collectionDisabled ) {
return collectionDisabled[ 0 ] === true ? collectionDisabled.shift() : -1
})( calendar.item.disable )
set( 'min', settings.min ).
set( 'max', settings.max ).
set( 'now' )
// When there’s a value, set the `select`, which in turn
// also sets the `highlight` and `view`.
if ( valueString ) {
calendar.set( 'select', valueString, {
format: formatString,
defaultValue: true
// If there’s no value, default to highlighting “today”.
else {
set( 'select', null ).
set( 'highlight', )
// The keycode to movement mapping.
calendar.key = {
40: 7, // Down
38: -7, // Up
39: function() { return isRTL() ? -1 : 1 }, // Right
37: function() { return isRTL() ? 1 : -1 }, // Left
go: function( timeChange ) {
var highlightedObject = calendar.item.highlight,
targetDate = new Date( highlightedObject.year, highlightedObject.month, + timeChange )
{ interval: timeChange }
// Bind some picker events.
on( 'render', function() {
picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectMonth ).on( 'change', function() {
var value = this.value
if ( value ) {
picker.set( 'highlight', [ picker.get( 'view' ).year, value, picker.get( 'highlight' ).date ] )
picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectMonth ).trigger( 'focus' )
picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectYear ).on( 'change', function() {
var value = this.value
if ( value ) {
picker.set( 'highlight', [ value, picker.get( 'view' ).month, picker.get( 'highlight' ).date ] )
picker.$root.find( '.' + settings.klass.selectYear ).trigger( 'focus' )
}, 1 ).
on( 'open', function() {
var includeToday = ''
if ( calendar.disabled( calendar.get('now') ) ) {
includeToday = ':not(.' + settings.klass.buttonToday + ')'
picker.$root.find( 'button' + includeToday + ', select' ).attr( 'disabled', false )
}, 1 ).
on( 'close', function() {
picker.$root.find( 'button, select' ).attr( 'disabled', true )
}, 1 )
} //DatePicker
* Set a datepicker item object.
DatePicker.prototype.set = function( type, value, options ) {
var calendar = this,
calendarItem = calendar.item
// If the value is `null` just set it immediately.
if ( value === null ) {
if ( type == 'clear' ) type = 'select'
calendarItem[ type ] = value
return calendar
// Otherwise go through the queue of methods, and invoke the functions.
// Update this as the time unit, and set the final value as this item.
// * In the case of `enable`, keep the queue but set `disable` instead.
// And in the case of `flip`, keep the queue but set `enable` instead.
calendarItem[ ( type == 'enable' ? 'disable' : type == 'flip' ? 'enable' : type ) ] = calendar.queue[ type ].split( ' ' ).map( function( method ) {
value = calendar[ method ]( type, value, options )
return value
// Check if we need to cascade through more updates.
if ( type == 'select' ) {
calendar.set( 'highlight',, options )
else if ( type == 'highlight' ) {
calendar.set( 'view', calendarItem.highlight, options )
else if ( type.match( /^(flip|min|max|disable|enable)$/ ) ) {
if ( && calendar.disabled( ) ) {
calendar.set( 'select',, options )
if ( calendarItem.highlight && calendar.disabled( calendarItem.highlight ) ) {
calendar.set( 'highlight', calendarItem.highlight, options )
return calendar
} //DatePicker.prototype.set
* Get a datepicker item object.
DatePicker.prototype.get = function( type ) {
return this.item[ type ]
} //DatePicker.prototype.get
* Create a picker date object.
DatePicker.prototype.create = function( type, value, options ) {
var isInfiniteValue,
calendar = this
// If there’s no value, use the type as the value.
value = value === undefined ? type : value
// If it’s infinity, update the value.
if ( value == -Infinity || value == Infinity ) {
isInfiniteValue = value
// If it’s an object, use the native date object.
else if ( $.isPlainObject( value ) && _.isInteger( value.pick ) ) {
value = value.obj
// If it’s an array, convert it into a date and make sure
// that it’s a valid date – otherwise default to today.
else if ( $.isArray( value ) ) {
value = new Date( value[ 0 ], value[ 1 ], value[ 2 ] )
value = _.isDate( value ) ? value : calendar.create().obj
// If it’s a number or date object, make a normalized date.
else if ( _.isInteger( value ) || _.isDate( value ) ) {
value = calendar.normalize( new Date( value ), options )
// If it’s a literal true or any other case, set it to now.
else /*if ( value === true )*/ {
value = type, value, options )
// Return the compiled object.
return {
year: isInfiniteValue || value.getFullYear(),
month: isInfiniteValue || value.getMonth(),
date: isInfiniteValue || value.getDate(),
day: isInfiniteValue || value.getDay(),
obj: isInfiniteValue || value,
pick: isInfiniteValue || value.getTime()
} //DatePicker.prototype.create
* Create a range limit object using an array, date object,
* literal “true”, or integer relative to another time.
DatePicker.prototype.createRange = function( from, to ) {
var calendar = this,
createDate = function( date ) {
if ( date === true || $.isArray( date ) || _.isDate( date ) ) {
return calendar.create( date )
return date
// Create objects if possible.
if ( !_.isInteger( from ) ) {
from = createDate( from )
if ( !_.isInteger( to ) ) {
to = createDate( to )
// Create relative dates.
if ( _.isInteger( from ) && $.isPlainObject( to ) ) {
from = [ to.year, to.month, + from ];
else if ( _.isInteger( to ) && $.isPlainObject( from ) ) {
to = [ from.year, from.month, + to ];
return {
from: createDate( from ),
to: createDate( to )
} //DatePicker.prototype.createRange
* Check if a date unit falls within a date range object.
DatePicker.prototype.withinRange = function( range, dateUnit ) {
range = this.createRange(range.from,
return dateUnit.pick >= range.from.pick && dateUnit.pick <=
* Check if two date range objects overlap.
DatePicker.prototype.overlapRanges = function( one, two ) {
var calendar = this
// Convert the ranges into comparable dates.
one = calendar.createRange( one.from, )
two = calendar.createRange( two.from, )
return calendar.withinRange( one, two.from ) || calendar.withinRange( one, ) ||
calendar.withinRange( two, one.from ) || calendar.withinRange( two, )
* Get the date today.
*/ = function( type, value, options ) {
value = new Date()
if ( options && options.rel ) {
value.setDate( value.getDate() + options.rel )
return this.normalize( value, options )
* Navigate to next/prev month.
DatePicker.prototype.navigate = function( type, value, options ) {
var targetDateObject,
isTargetArray = $.isArray( value ),
isTargetObject = $.isPlainObject( value ),
viewsetObject = this.item.view/*,
safety = 100*/
if ( isTargetArray || isTargetObject ) {
if ( isTargetObject ) {
targetYear = value.year
targetMonth = value.month
targetDate =
else {
targetYear = +value[0]
targetMonth = +value[1]
targetDate = +value[2]
// If we’re navigating months but the view is in a different
// month, navigate to the view’s year and month.
if ( options && options.nav && viewsetObject && viewsetObject.month !== targetMonth ) {
targetYear = viewsetObject.year
targetMonth = viewsetObject.month
// Figure out the expected target year and month.
targetDateObject = new Date( targetYear, targetMonth + ( options && options.nav ? options.nav : 0 ), 1 )
targetYear = targetDateObject.getFullYear()
targetMonth = targetDateObject.getMonth()
// If the month we’re going to doesn’t have enough days,
// keep decreasing the date until we reach the month’s last date.
while ( /*safety &&*/ new Date( targetYear, targetMonth, targetDate ).getMonth() !== targetMonth ) {
targetDate -= 1
/*safety -= 1
if ( !safety ) {
throw 'Fell into an infinite loop while navigating to ' + new Date( targetYear, targetMonth, targetDate ) + '.'
value = [ targetYear, targetMonth, targetDate ]
return value
} //DatePicker.prototype.navigate
* Normalize a date by setting the hours to midnight.
DatePicker.prototype.normalize = function( value/*, options*/ ) {
value.setHours( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
return value
* Measure the range of dates.
DatePicker.prototype.measure = function( type, value/*, options*/ ) {
var calendar = this
// If it's an integer, get a date relative to today.
if ( _.isInteger( value ) ) {
value = type, value, { rel: value } )
// If it’s anything false-y, remove the limits.
else if ( !value ) {
value = type == 'min' ? -Infinity : Infinity
// If it’s a string, parse it.
else if ( typeof value == 'string' ) {
value = calendar.parse( type, value )
return value
} ///DatePicker.prototype.measure
* Create a viewset object based on navigation.
DatePicker.prototype.viewset = function( type, dateObject/*, options*/ ) {
return this.create([ dateObject.year, dateObject.month, 1 ])
* Validate a date as enabled and shift if needed.
DatePicker.prototype.validate = function( type, dateObject, options ) {
var calendar = this,
// Keep a reference to the original date.
originalDateObject = dateObject,
// Make sure we have an interval.
interval = options && options.interval ? options.interval : 1,
// Check if the calendar enabled dates are inverted.
isFlippedBase = calendar.item.enable === -1,
// Check if we have any enabled dates after/before now.
hasEnabledBeforeTarget, hasEnabledAfterTarget,
// The min & max limits.
minLimitObject = calendar.item.min,
maxLimitObject = calendar.item.max,
// Check if we’ve reached the limit during shifting.
reachedMin, reachedMax,
// Check if the calendar is inverted and at least one weekday is enabled.
hasEnabledWeekdays = isFlippedBase && calendar.item.disable.filter( function( value ) {
// If there’s a date, check where it is relative to the target.
if ( $.isArray( value ) ) {
var dateTime = calendar.create( value ).pick
if ( dateTime < dateObject.pick ) hasEnabledBeforeTarget = true
else if ( dateTime > dateObject.pick ) hasEnabledAfterTarget = true
// Return only integers for enabled weekdays.
return _.isInteger( value )
safety = 100*/
// Cases to validate for:
// [1] Not inverted and date disabled.
// [2] Inverted and some dates enabled.
// [3] Not inverted and out of range.
// Cases to **not** validate for:
// • Navigating months.
// • Not inverted and date enabled.
// • Inverted and all dates disabled.
// • ..and anything else.
if ( !options || (!options.nav && !options.defaultValue) ) if (
/* 1 */ ( !isFlippedBase && calendar.disabled( dateObject ) ) ||
/* 2 */ ( isFlippedBase && calendar.disabled( dateObject ) && ( hasEnabledWeekdays || hasEnabledBeforeTarget || hasEnabledAfterTarget ) ) ||
/* 3 */ ( !isFlippedBase && (dateObject.pick <= minLimitObject.pick || dateObject.pick >= maxLimitObject.pick) )
) {
// When inverted, flip the direction if there aren’t any enabled weekdays
// and there are no enabled dates in the direction of the interval.
if ( isFlippedBase && !hasEnabledWeekdays && ( ( !hasEnabledAfterTarget && interval > 0 ) || ( !hasEnabledBeforeTarget && interval < 0 ) ) ) {
interval *= -1
// Keep looping until we reach an enabled date.
while ( /*safety &&*/ calendar.disabled( dateObject ) ) {
/*safety -= 1
if ( !safety ) {
throw 'Fell into an infinite loop while validating ' + dateObject.obj + '.'
// If we’ve looped into the next/prev month with a large interval, return to the original date and flatten the interval.
if ( Math.abs( interval ) > 1 && ( dateObject.month < originalDateObject.month || dateObject.month > originalDateObject.month ) ) {
dateObject = originalDateObject
interval = interval > 0 ? 1 : -1
// If we’ve reached the min/max limit, reverse the direction, flatten the interval and set it to the limit.
if ( dateObject.pick <= minLimitObject.pick ) {
reachedMin = true
interval = 1
dateObject = calendar.create([
minLimitObject.month, + (dateObject.pick === minLimitObject.pick ? 0 : -1)
else if ( dateObject.pick >= maxLimitObject.pick ) {
reachedMax = true
interval = -1
dateObject = calendar.create([
maxLimitObject.month, + (dateObject.pick === maxLimitObject.pick ? 0 : 1)
// If we’ve reached both limits, just break out of the loop.
if ( reachedMin && reachedMax ) {
// Finally, create the shifted date using the interval and keep looping.
dateObject = calendar.create([ dateObject.year, dateObject.month, + interval ])
} //endif
// Return the date object settled on.
return dateObject
} //DatePicker.prototype.validate
* Check if a date is disabled.
DatePicker.prototype.disabled = function( dateToVerify ) {
calendar = this,
// Filter through the disabled dates to check if this is one.
isDisabledMatch = calendar.item.disable.filter( function( dateToDisable ) {
// If the date is a number, match the weekday with 0index and `firstDay` check.
if ( _.isInteger( dateToDisable ) ) {
return === ( calendar.settings.firstDay ? dateToDisable : dateToDisable - 1 ) % 7
// If it’s an array or a native JS date, create and match the exact date.
if ( $.isArray( dateToDisable ) || _.isDate( dateToDisable ) ) {
return dateToVerify.pick === calendar.create( dateToDisable ).pick
// If it’s an object, match a date within the “from” and “to” range.
if ( $.isPlainObject( dateToDisable ) ) {
return calendar.withinRange( dateToDisable, dateToVerify )
// If this date matches a disabled date, confirm it’s not inverted.
isDisabledMatch = isDisabledMatch.length && !isDisabledMatch.filter(function( dateToDisable ) {
return $.isArray( dateToDisable ) && dateToDisable[3] == 'inverted' ||
$.isPlainObject( dateToDisable ) && dateToDisable.inverted
// Check the calendar “enabled” flag and respectively flip the
// disabled state. Then also check if it’s beyond the min/max limits.
return calendar.item.enable === -1 ? !isDisabledMatch : isDisabledMatch ||
dateToVerify.pick < calendar.item.min.pick ||
dateToVerify.pick > calendar.item.max.pick
} //DatePicker.prototype.disabled
* Parse a string into a usable type.
DatePicker.prototype.parse = function( type, value, options ) {
var calendar = this,
parsingObject = {}
// If it’s already parsed, we’re good.
if ( !value || typeof value != 'string' ) {
return value
// We need a `.format` to parse the value with.
if ( !( options && options.format ) ) {
options = options || {}
options.format = calendar.settings.format
// Convert the format into an array and then map through it.
calendar.formats.toArray( options.format ).map( function( label ) {
// Grab the formatting label.
formattingLabel = calendar.formats[ label ],
// The format length is from the formatting label function or the
// label length without the escaping exclamation (!) mark.
formatLength = formattingLabel ? _.trigger( formattingLabel, calendar, [ value, parsingObject ] ) : label.replace( /^!/, '' ).length
// If there's a format label, split the value up to the format length.
// Then add it to the parsing object with appropriate label.
if ( formattingLabel ) {
parsingObject[ label ] = value.substr( 0, formatLength )
// Update the value as the substring from format length to end.
value = value.substr( formatLength )
// Compensate for month 0index.
return [
parsingObject.yyyy || parsingObject.yy,
+( || parsingObject.m ) - 1,
parsingObject.dd || parsingObject.d
} //DatePicker.prototype.parse
* Various formats to display the object in.
DatePicker.prototype.formats = (function() {
// Return the length of the first word in a collection.
function getWordLengthFromCollection( string, collection, dateObject ) {
// Grab the first word from the string.
// Regex pattern from
var word = string.match( /[^\x00-\x7F]+|[a-zA-Z0-9_\u0080-\u00FF]+/ )[ 0 ]
// If there's no month index, add it to the date object
if ( ! && !dateObject.m ) {
dateObject.m = collection.indexOf( word ) + 1
// Return the length of the word.
return word.length
// Get the length of the first word in a string.
function getFirstWordLength( string ) {
return string.match( /[a-zA-Z0-9_\u0080-\u00FF]+/ )[ 0 ].length
return {
d: function( string, dateObject ) {
// If there's string, then get the digits length.
// Otherwise return the selected date.
return string ? _.digits( string ) :
dd: function( string, dateObject ) {
// If there's a string, then the length is always 2.
// Otherwise return the selected date with a leading zero.
return string ? 2 : _.lead( )
ddd: function( string, dateObject ) {
// If there's a string, then get the length of the first word.
// Otherwise return the short selected weekday.
return string ? getFirstWordLength( string ) : this.settings.weekdaysShort[ ]
dddd: function( string, dateObject ) {
// If there's a string, then get the length of the first word.
// Otherwise return the full selected weekday.
return string ? getFirstWordLength( string ) : this.settings.weekdaysFull[ ]
m: function( string, dateObject ) {
// If there's a string, then get the length of the digits
// Otherwise return the selected month with 0index compensation.
return string ? _.digits( string ) : dateObject.month + 1
mm: function( string, dateObject ) {
// If there's a string, then the length is always 2.
// Otherwise return the selected month with 0index and leading zero.
return string ? 2 : _.lead( dateObject.month + 1 )
mmm: function( string, dateObject ) {
var collection = this.settings.monthsShort
// If there's a string, get length of the relevant month from the short
// months collection. Otherwise return the selected month from that collection.
return string ? getWordLengthFromCollection( string, collection, dateObject ) : collection[ dateObject.month ]
mmmm: function( string, dateObject ) {
var collection = this.settings.monthsFull
// If there's a string, get length of the relevant month from the full
// months collection. Otherwise return the selected month from that collection.
return string ? getWordLengthFromCollection( string, collection, dateObject ) : collection[ dateObject.month ]
yy: function( string, dateObject ) {
// If there's a string, then the length is always 2.
// Otherwise return the selected year by slicing out the first 2 digits.
return string ? 2 : ( '' + dateObject.year ).slice( 2 )
yyyy: function( string, dateObject ) {
// If there's a string, then the length is always 4.
// Otherwise return the selected year.
return string ? 4 : dateObject.year
// Create an array by splitting the formatting string passed.
toArray: function( formatString ) { return formatString.split( /(d{1,4}|m{1,4}|y{4}|yy|!.)/g ) },
// Format an object into a string using the formatting options.
toString: function ( formatString, itemObject ) {
var calendar = this
return calendar.formats.toArray( formatString ).map( function( label ) {
return _.trigger( calendar.formats[ label ], calendar, [ 0, itemObject ] ) || label.replace( /^!/, '' )
}).join( '' )
})() //DatePicker.prototype.formats
* Check if two date units are the exact.
DatePicker.prototype.isDateExact = function( one, two ) {
var calendar = this
// When we’re working with weekdays, do a direct comparison.
if (
( _.isInteger( one ) && _.isInteger( two ) ) ||
( typeof one == 'boolean' && typeof two == 'boolean' )
) {
return one === two
// When we’re working with date representations, compare the “pick” value.
if (
( _.isDate( one ) || $.isArray( one ) ) &&
( _.isDate( two ) || $.isArray( two ) )
) {
return calendar.create( one ).pick === calendar.create( two ).pick
// When we’re working with range objects, compare the “from” and “to”.
if ( $.isPlainObject( one ) && $.isPlainObject( two ) ) {
return calendar.isDateExact( one.from, two.from ) && calendar.isDateExact(, )
return false
* Check if two date units overlap.
DatePicker.prototype.isDateOverlap = function( one, two ) {
var calendar = this,
firstDay = calendar.settings.firstDay ? 1 : 0
// When we’re working with a weekday index, compare the days.
if ( _.isInteger( one ) && ( _.isDate( two ) || $.isArray( two ) ) ) {
one = one % 7 + firstDay
return one === calendar.create( two ).day + 1
if ( _.isInteger( two ) && ( _.isDate( one ) || $.isArray( one ) ) ) {
two = two % 7 + firstDay
return two === calendar.create( one ).day + 1
// When we’re working with range objects, check if the ranges overlap.
if ( $.isPlainObject( one ) && $.isPlainObject( two ) ) {
return calendar.overlapRanges( one, two )
return false
* Flip the “enabled” state.
DatePicker.prototype.flipEnable = function(val) {
var itemObject = this.item
itemObject.enable = val || (itemObject.enable == -1 ? 1 : -1)
* Mark a collection of dates as “disabled”.
DatePicker.prototype.deactivate = function( type, datesToDisable ) {
var calendar = this,
disabledItems = calendar.item.disable.slice(0)
// If we’re flipping, that’s all we need to do.
if ( datesToDisable == 'flip' ) {
else if ( datesToDisable === false ) {
disabledItems = []
else if ( datesToDisable === true ) {
disabledItems = []
// Otherwise go through the dates to disable.
else { unitToDisable ) {
var matchFound
// When we have disabled items, check for matches.
// If something is matched, immediately break out.
for ( var index = 0; index < disabledItems.length; index += 1 ) {
if ( calendar.isDateExact( unitToDisable, disabledItems[index] ) ) {
matchFound = true
// If nothing was found, add the validated unit to the collection.
if ( !matchFound ) {
if (
_.isInteger( unitToDisable ) ||
_.isDate( unitToDisable ) ||
$.isArray( unitToDisable ) ||
( $.isPlainObject( unitToDisable ) && unitToDisable.from && )
) {
disabledItems.push( unitToDisable )
// Return the updated collection.
return disabledItems
} //DatePicker.prototype.deactivate
* Mark a collection of dates as “enabled”.
DatePicker.prototype.activate = function( type, datesToEnable ) {
var calendar = this,
disabledItems = calendar.item.disable,
disabledItemsCount = disabledItems.length
// If we’re flipping, that’s all we need to do.
if ( datesToEnable == 'flip' ) {
else if ( datesToEnable === true ) {
disabledItems = []
else if ( datesToEnable === false ) {
disabledItems = []
// Otherwise go through the disabled dates.
else { unitToEnable ) {
var matchFound,
// Go through the disabled items and try to find a match.
for ( index = 0; index < disabledItemsCount; index += 1 ) {
disabledUnit = disabledItems[index]
// When an exact match is found, remove it from the collection.
if ( calendar.isDateExact( disabledUnit, unitToEnable ) ) {
matchFound = disabledItems[index] = null
isExactRange = true
// When an overlapped match is found, add the “inverted” state to it.
else if ( calendar.isDateOverlap( disabledUnit, unitToEnable ) ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( unitToEnable ) ) {
unitToEnable.inverted = true
matchFound = unitToEnable
else if ( $.isArray( unitToEnable ) ) {
matchFound = unitToEnable
if ( !matchFound[3] ) matchFound.push( 'inverted' )
else if ( _.isDate( unitToEnable ) ) {
matchFound = [ unitToEnable.getFullYear(), unitToEnable.getMonth(), unitToEnable.getDate(), 'inverted' ]
// If a match was found, remove a previous duplicate entry.
if ( matchFound ) for ( index = 0; index < disabledItemsCount; index += 1 ) {
if ( calendar.isDateExact( disabledItems[index], unitToEnable ) ) {
disabledItems[index] = null
// In the event that we’re dealing with an exact range of dates,
// make sure there are no “inverted” dates because of it.
if ( isExactRange ) for ( index = 0; index < disabledItemsCount; index += 1 ) {
if ( calendar.isDateOverlap( disabledItems[index], unitToEnable ) ) {
disabledItems[index] = null
// If something is still matched, add it into the collection.
if ( matchFound ) {
disabledItems.push( matchFound )
// Return the updated collection.
return disabledItems.filter(function( val ) { return val != null })
} //DatePicker.prototype.activate
* Create a string for the nodes in the picker.
DatePicker.prototype.nodes = function( isOpen ) {
calendar = this,
settings = calendar.settings,
calendarItem = calendar.item,
nowObject =,
selectedObject =,
highlightedObject = calendarItem.highlight,
viewsetObject = calendarItem.view,
disabledCollection = calendarItem.disable,
minLimitObject = calendarItem.min,
maxLimitObject = calendarItem.max,
// Create the calendar table head using a copy of weekday labels collection.
// * We do a copy so we don't mutate the original array.
tableHead = (function( collection, fullCollection ) {
// If the first day should be Monday, move Sunday to the end.
if ( settings.firstDay ) {
collection.push( collection.shift() )
fullCollection.push( fullCollection.shift() )
// Create and return the table head group.
return _.node(
min: 0,
max: DAYS_IN_WEEK - 1,
i: 1,
node: 'th',
item: function( counter ) {
return [
collection[ counter ],
'scope=col title="' + fullCollection[ counter ] + '"'
) //endreturn
})( ( settings.showWeekdaysFull ? settings.weekdaysFull : settings.weekdaysShort ).slice( 0 ), settings.weekdaysFull.slice( 0 ) ), //tableHead
// Create the nav for next/prev month.
createMonthNav = function( next ) {
// Otherwise, return the created month tag.
return _.node(
' ',
settings.klass[ 'nav' + ( next ? 'Next' : 'Prev' ) ] + (
// If the focused month is outside the range, disabled the button.
( next && viewsetObject.year >= maxLimitObject.year && viewsetObject.month >= maxLimitObject.month ) ||
( !next && viewsetObject.year <= minLimitObject.year && viewsetObject.month <= minLimitObject.month ) ?
' ' + settings.klass.navDisabled : ''
'data-nav=' + ( next || -1 ) + ' ' + 'tabindex="0" ' +
role: 'button',
controls: calendar.$node[0].id + '_table'
}) + ' ' +
'title="' + (next ? settings.labelMonthNext : settings.labelMonthPrev ) + '"'
) //endreturn
}, //createMonthNav
// Create the month label.
createMonthLabel = function() {
var monthsCollection = settings.showMonthsShort ? settings.monthsShort : settings.monthsFull
// If there are months to select, add a dropdown menu.
if ( settings.selectMonths ) {
return _.node( 'select',{
min: 0,
max: 11,
i: 1,
node: 'option',
item: function( loopedMonth ) {
return [
// The looped month and no classes.
monthsCollection[ loopedMonth ], 0,
// Set the value and selected index.
'value=' + loopedMonth +
( viewsetObject.month == loopedMonth ? ' selected' : '' ) +
( viewsetObject.year == minLimitObject.year && loopedMonth < minLimitObject.month ) ||
( viewsetObject.year == maxLimitObject.year && loopedMonth > maxLimitObject.month )
) ?
' disabled' : ''
( isOpen ? '' : 'disabled' ) + ' ' +
_.ariaAttr({ controls: calendar.$node[0].id + '_table' }) + ' ' +
'title="' + settings.labelMonthSelect + '"'
// If there's a need for a month selector
return _.node( 'div', monthsCollection[ viewsetObject.month ], settings.klass.month )
}, //createMonthLabel
// Create the year label.
createYearLabel = function() {
var focusedYear = viewsetObject.year,
// If years selector is set to a literal "true", set it to 5. Otherwise
// divide in half to get half before and half after focused year.
numberYears = settings.selectYears === true ? 5 : ~~( settings.selectYears / 2 )
// If there are years to select, add a dropdown menu.
if ( numberYears ) {
minYear = minLimitObject.year,
maxYear = maxLimitObject.year,
lowestYear = focusedYear - numberYears,
highestYear = focusedYear + numberYears
// If the min year is greater than the lowest year, increase the highest year
// by the difference and set the lowest year to the min year.
if ( minYear > lowestYear ) {
highestYear += minYear - lowestYear
lowestYear = minYear
// If the max year is less than the highest year, decrease the lowest year
// by the lower of the two: available and needed years. Then set the
// highest year to the max year.
if ( maxYear < highestYear ) {
var availableYears = lowestYear - minYear,
neededYears = highestYear - maxYear
lowestYear -= availableYears > neededYears ? neededYears : availableYears
highestYear = maxYear
return _.node( 'select',{
min: lowestYear,
max: highestYear,
i: 1,
node: 'option',
item: function( loopedYear ) {
return [
// The looped year and no classes.
loopedYear, 0,
// Set the value and selected index.
'value=' + loopedYear + ( focusedYear == loopedYear ? ' selected' : '' )
( isOpen ? '' : 'disabled' ) + ' ' + _.ariaAttr({ controls: calendar.$node[0].id + '_table' }) + ' ' +
'title="' + settings.labelYearSelect + '"'
// Otherwise just return the year focused
return _.node( 'div', focusedYear, settings.klass.year )
} //createYearLabel
// Create and return the entire calendar.
return _.node(
( settings.selectYears ? createYearLabel() + createMonthLabel() : createMonthLabel() + createYearLabel() ) +
createMonthNav() + createMonthNav( 1 ),
) + _.node(
tableHead +
min: 0,
i: 1,
node: 'tr',
item: function( rowCounter ) {
// If Monday is the first day and the month starts on Sunday, shift the date back a week.
var shiftDateBy = settings.firstDay && calendar.create([ viewsetObject.year, viewsetObject.month, 1 ]).day === 0 ? -7 : 0
return [{
min: DAYS_IN_WEEK * rowCounter - + shiftDateBy + 1, // Add 1 for weekday 0index
max: function() {
return this.min + DAYS_IN_WEEK - 1
i: 1,
node: 'td',
item: function( targetDate ) {
// Convert the time date from a relative date to a target date.
targetDate = calendar.create([ viewsetObject.year, viewsetObject.month, targetDate + ( settings.firstDay ? 1 : 0 ) ])
var isSelected = selectedObject && selectedObject.pick == targetDate.pick,
isHighlighted = highlightedObject && highlightedObject.pick == targetDate.pick,
isDisabled = disabledCollection && calendar.disabled( targetDate ) || targetDate.pick < minLimitObject.pick || targetDate.pick > maxLimitObject.pick,
formattedDate = _.trigger( calendar.formats.toString, calendar, [ settings.format, targetDate ] ),
calendarNodeUniqueId = + '_' + targetDate.pick
return [
(function( klasses ) {
// Add the `infocus` or `outfocus` classes based on month in view.
klasses.push( viewsetObject.month == targetDate.month ? settings.klass.infocus : settings.klass.outfocus )
// Add the `today` class if needed.
if ( nowObject.pick == targetDate.pick ) {
klasses.push( )
// Add the `selected` class if something's selected and the time matches.
if ( isSelected ) {
klasses.push( settings.klass.selected )
// Add the `highlighted` class if something's highlighted and the time matches.
if ( isHighlighted ) {
klasses.push( settings.klass.highlighted )
// Add the `disabled` class if something's disabled and the object matches.
if ( isDisabled ) {
klasses.push( settings.klass.disabled )
return klasses.join( ' ' )
})([ ]),
'data-pick=' + targetDate.pick + ' id=' + calendarNodeUniqueId + ' tabindex="0" ' + _.ariaAttr({
role: 'gridcell',
label: formattedDate,
selected: isSelected && calendar.$node.val() === formattedDate ? true : null,
activedescendant: isHighlighted ? targetDate.pick : null,
disabled: isDisabled ? true : null
] //endreturn
] //endreturn
'id="' + calendar.$node[0].id + '_table' + '" ' + _.ariaAttr({
role: 'grid',
controls: calendar.$node[0].id,
readonly: true
) +
// * For Firefox forms to submit, make sure to set the buttons’ `type` attributes as “button”.
_.node( 'button',, settings.klass.buttonToday,
'type=button data-pick=' + nowObject.pick +
( isOpen && !calendar.disabled(nowObject) ? '' : ' disabled' ) + ' ' +
_.ariaAttr({ controls: calendar.$node[0].id }) ) +
_.node( 'button', settings.clear, settings.klass.buttonClear,
'type=button data-clear=1' +
( isOpen ? '' : ' disabled' ) + ' ' +
_.ariaAttr({ controls: calendar.$node[0].id }) ) +
_.node('button', settings.close, settings.klass.buttonClose,
'type=button data-close=true ' +
( isOpen ? '' : ' disabled' ) + ' ' +
_.ariaAttr({ controls: calendar.$node[0].id }) ),
) //endreturn
} //DatePicker.prototype.nodes
* The date picker defaults.
DatePicker.defaults = (function( prefix ) {
return {
// The title label to use for the month nav buttons
labelMonthNext: 'Next month',
labelMonthPrev: 'Previous month',
// The title label to use for the dropdown selectors
labelMonthSelect: 'Select a month',
labelYearSelect: 'Select a year',
// Months and weekdays
monthsFull: [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ],
monthsShort: [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ],
weekdaysFull: [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ],
weekdaysShort: [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
// Today and clear
today: 'Today',
clear: 'Clear',
close: 'Close',
// Picker close behavior
closeOnSelect: true,
closeOnClear: true,
// Update input value on select/clear
updateInput: true,
// The format to show on the `input` element
format: 'd mmmm, yyyy',
// Classes
klass: {
table: prefix + 'table',
header: prefix + 'header',
navPrev: prefix + 'nav--prev',
navNext: prefix + 'nav--next',
navDisabled: prefix + 'nav--disabled',
month: prefix + 'month',
year: prefix + 'year',
selectMonth: prefix + 'select--month',
selectYear: prefix + 'select--year',
weekdays: prefix + 'weekday',
day: prefix + 'day',
disabled: prefix + 'day--disabled',
selected: prefix + 'day--selected',
highlighted: prefix + 'day--highlighted',
now: prefix + 'day--today',
infocus: prefix + 'day--infocus',
outfocus: prefix + 'day--outfocus',
footer: prefix + 'footer',
buttonClear: prefix + 'button--clear',
buttonToday: prefix + 'button--today',
buttonClose: prefix + 'button--close'
})( Picker.klasses().picker + '__' )
* Extend the picker to add the date picker.
Picker.extend( 'pickadate', DatePicker )
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