Your IP :
use Spatie\Ignition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\BadMethodCallSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\Ignition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\MergeConflictSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\Ignition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\UndefinedPropertySolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\DefaultDbNameSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\GenericLaravelExceptionSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\IncorrectValetDbCredentialsSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\InvalidRouteActionSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\MissingAppKeySolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\MissingColumnSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\MissingImportSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\MissingLivewireComponentSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\MissingMixManifestSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\MissingViteManifestSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\RunningLaravelDuskInProductionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\TableNotFoundSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\UndefinedViewVariableSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\UnknownValidationSolutionProvider;
use Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Solutions\SolutionProviders\ViewNotFoundSolutionProvider;
return [
| Editor
| Choose your preferred editor to use when clicking any edit button.
| Supported: "phpstorm", "vscode", "vscode-insiders", "textmate", "emacs",
| "sublime", "atom", "nova", "macvim", "idea", "netbeans",
| "xdebug"
'editor' => env('IGNITION_EDITOR', 'phpstorm'),
| Theme
| Here you may specify which theme Ignition should use.
| Supported: "light", "dark", "auto"
'theme' => env('IGNITION_THEME', 'auto'),
| Sharing
| You can share local errors with colleagues or others around the world.
| Sharing is completely free and doesn't require an account on Flare.
| If necessary, you can completely disable sharing below.
'enable_share_button' => env('IGNITION_SHARING_ENABLED', true),
| Register Ignition commands
| Ignition comes with an additional make command that lets you create
| new solution classes more easily. To keep your default Laravel
| installation clean, this command is not registered by default.
| You can enable the command registration below.
'register_commands' => env('REGISTER_IGNITION_COMMANDS', false),
| Solution Providers
| You may specify a list of solution providers (as fully qualified class
| names) that shouldn't be loaded. Ignition will ignore these classes
| and possible solutions provided by them will never be displayed.
'solution_providers' => [
// from spatie/ignition
// from spatie/laravel-ignition
| Ignored Solution Providers
| You may specify a list of solution providers (as fully qualified class
| names) that shouldn't be loaded. Ignition will ignore these classes
| and possible solutions provided by them will never be displayed.
'ignored_solution_providers' => [
| Runnable Solutions
| Some solutions that Ignition displays are runnable and can perform
| various tasks. By default, runnable solutions are enabled when your app
| has debug mode enabled. You may also fully disable this feature.
'enable_runnable_solutions' => env('IGNITION_ENABLE_RUNNABLE_SOLUTIONS', env('APP_DEBUG', false)),
| Remote Path Mapping
| If you are using a remote dev server, like Laravel Homestead, Docker, or
| even a remote VPS, it will be necessary to specify your path mapping.
| Leaving one, or both of these, empty or null will not trigger the remote
| URL changes and Ignition will treat your editor links as local files.
| "remote_sites_path" is an absolute base path for your sites or projects
| in Homestead, Vagrant, Docker, or another remote development server.
| Example value: "/home/vagrant/Code"
| "local_sites_path" is an absolute base path for your sites or projects
| on your local computer where your IDE or code editor is running on.
| Example values: "/Users/<name>/Code", "C:\Users\<name>\Documents\Code"
'remote_sites_path' => env('IGNITION_REMOTE_SITES_PATH', base_path()),
'local_sites_path' => env('IGNITION_LOCAL_SITES_PATH', ''),
| Housekeeping Endpoint Prefix
| Ignition registers a couple of routes when it is enabled. Below you may
| specify a route prefix that will be used to host all internal links.
'housekeeping_endpoint_prefix' => '_ignition',
| Settings File
| Ignition allows you to save your settings to a specific global file.
| If no path is specified, a file with settings will be saved to the user's
| home directory. The directory depends on the OS and its settings but it's
| typically `~/.ignition.json`. In this case, the settings will be applied
| to all of your projects where Ignition is used and the path is not
| specified.
| However, if you want to store your settings on a project basis, or you
| want to keep them in another directory, you can specify a path where
| the settings file will be saved. The path should be an existing directory
| with correct write access.
| For example, create a new `ignition` folder in the storage directory and
| use `storage_path('ignition')` as the `settings_file_path`.
| Default value: '' (empty string)
'settings_file_path' => '',