Your IP :
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* This file is part of PHPUnit.
* (c) Sebastian Bergmann <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace PHPUnit\TextUI\CliArguments;
use PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration\Extension;
* @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
* @psalm-immutable
final class Configuration
* @var ?string
private $argument;
* @var ?string
private $atLeastVersion;
* @var ?bool
private $backupGlobals;
* @var ?bool
private $backupStaticAttributes;
* @var ?bool
private $beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState;
* @var ?bool
private $beStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests;
* @var ?string
private $bootstrap;
* @var ?bool
private $cacheResult;
* @var ?string
private $cacheResultFile;
* @var ?bool
private $checkVersion;
* @var ?string
private $colors;
* @var null|int|string
private $columns;
* @var ?string
private $configuration;
* @var null|string[]
private $coverageFilter;
* @var ?string
private $coverageClover;
* @var ?string
private $coverageCobertura;
* @var ?string
private $coverageCrap4J;
* @var ?string
private $coverageHtml;
* @var ?string
private $coveragePhp;
* @var ?string
private $coverageText;
* @var ?bool
private $coverageTextShowUncoveredFiles;
* @var ?bool
private $coverageTextShowOnlySummary;
* @var ?string
private $coverageXml;
* @var ?bool
private $pathCoverage;
* @var ?string
private $coverageCacheDirectory;
* @var ?bool
private $warmCoverageCache;
* @var ?bool
private $debug;
* @var ?int
private $defaultTimeLimit;
* @var ?bool
private $disableCodeCoverageIgnore;
* @var ?bool
private $disallowTestOutput;
* @var ?bool
private $disallowTodoAnnotatedTests;
* @var ?bool
private $enforceTimeLimit;
* @var null|string[]
private $excludeGroups;
* @var ?int
private $executionOrder;
* @var ?int
private $executionOrderDefects;
* @var null|Extension[]
private $extensions;
* @var null|string[]
private $unavailableExtensions;
* @var ?bool
private $failOnEmptyTestSuite;
* @var ?bool
private $failOnIncomplete;
* @var ?bool
private $failOnRisky;
* @var ?bool
private $failOnSkipped;
* @var ?bool
private $failOnWarning;
* @var ?string
private $filter;
* @var ?bool
private $generateConfiguration;
* @var ?bool
private $migrateConfiguration;
* @var null|string[]
private $groups;
* @var null|string[]
private $testsCovering;
* @var null|string[]
private $testsUsing;
* @var ?bool
private $help;
* @var ?string
private $includePath;
* @var null|string[]
private $iniSettings;
* @var ?string
private $junitLogfile;
* @var ?bool
private $listGroups;
* @var ?bool
private $listSuites;
* @var ?bool
private $listTests;
* @var ?string
private $listTestsXml;
* @var ?string
private $loader;
* @var ?bool
private $noCoverage;
* @var ?bool
private $noExtensions;
* @var ?bool
private $noInteraction;
* @var ?bool
private $noLogging;
* @var ?string
private $printer;
* @var ?bool
private $processIsolation;
* @var ?int
private $randomOrderSeed;
* @var ?int
private $repeat;
* @var ?bool
private $reportUselessTests;
* @var ?bool
private $resolveDependencies;
* @var ?bool
private $reverseList;
* @var ?bool
private $stderr;
* @var ?bool
private $strictCoverage;
* @var ?bool
private $stopOnDefect;
* @var ?bool
private $stopOnError;
* @var ?bool
private $stopOnFailure;
* @var ?bool
private $stopOnIncomplete;
* @var ?bool
private $stopOnRisky;
* @var ?bool
private $stopOnSkipped;
* @var ?bool
private $stopOnWarning;
* @var ?string
private $teamcityLogfile;
* @var null|string[]
private $testdoxExcludeGroups;
* @var null|string[]
private $testdoxGroups;
* @var ?string
private $testdoxHtmlFile;
* @var ?string
private $testdoxTextFile;
* @var ?string
private $testdoxXmlFile;
* @var null|string[]
private $testSuffixes;
* @var ?string
private $testSuite;
* @var string[]
private $unrecognizedOptions;
* @var ?string
private $unrecognizedOrderBy;
* @var ?bool
private $useDefaultConfiguration;
* @var ?bool
private $verbose;
* @var ?bool
private $version;
* @var ?string
private $xdebugFilterFile;
* @param null|int|string $columns
public function __construct(?string $argument, ?string $atLeastVersion, ?bool $backupGlobals, ?bool $backupStaticAttributes, ?bool $beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState, ?bool $beStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests, ?string $bootstrap, ?bool $cacheResult, ?string $cacheResultFile, ?bool $checkVersion, ?string $colors, $columns, ?string $configuration, ?string $coverageClover, ?string $coverageCobertura, ?string $coverageCrap4J, ?string $coverageHtml, ?string $coveragePhp, ?string $coverageText, ?bool $coverageTextShowUncoveredFiles, ?bool $coverageTextShowOnlySummary, ?string $coverageXml, ?bool $pathCoverage, ?string $coverageCacheDirectory, ?bool $warmCoverageCache, ?bool $debug, ?int $defaultTimeLimit, ?bool $disableCodeCoverageIgnore, ?bool $disallowTestOutput, ?bool $disallowTodoAnnotatedTests, ?bool $enforceTimeLimit, ?array $excludeGroups, ?int $executionOrder, ?int $executionOrderDefects, ?array $extensions, ?array $unavailableExtensions, ?bool $failOnEmptyTestSuite, ?bool $failOnIncomplete, ?bool $failOnRisky, ?bool $failOnSkipped, ?bool $failOnWarning, ?string $filter, ?bool $generateConfiguration, ?bool $migrateConfiguration, ?array $groups, ?array $testsCovering, ?array $testsUsing, ?bool $help, ?string $includePath, ?array $iniSettings, ?string $junitLogfile, ?bool $listGroups, ?bool $listSuites, ?bool $listTests, ?string $listTestsXml, ?string $loader, ?bool $noCoverage, ?bool $noExtensions, ?bool $noInteraction, ?bool $noLogging, ?string $printer, ?bool $processIsolation, ?int $randomOrderSeed, ?int $repeat, ?bool $reportUselessTests, ?bool $resolveDependencies, ?bool $reverseList, ?bool $stderr, ?bool $strictCoverage, ?bool $stopOnDefect, ?bool $stopOnError, ?bool $stopOnFailure, ?bool $stopOnIncomplete, ?bool $stopOnRisky, ?bool $stopOnSkipped, ?bool $stopOnWarning, ?string $teamcityLogfile, ?array $testdoxExcludeGroups, ?array $testdoxGroups, ?string $testdoxHtmlFile, ?string $testdoxTextFile, ?string $testdoxXmlFile, ?array $testSuffixes, ?string $testSuite, array $unrecognizedOptions, ?string $unrecognizedOrderBy, ?bool $useDefaultConfiguration, ?bool $verbose, ?bool $version, ?array $coverageFilter, ?string $xdebugFilterFile)
$this->argument = $argument;
$this->atLeastVersion = $atLeastVersion;
$this->backupGlobals = $backupGlobals;
$this->backupStaticAttributes = $backupStaticAttributes;
$this->beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState = $beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState;
$this->beStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests = $beStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests;
$this->bootstrap = $bootstrap;
$this->cacheResult = $cacheResult;
$this->cacheResultFile = $cacheResultFile;
$this->checkVersion = $checkVersion;
$this->colors = $colors;
$this->columns = $columns;
$this->configuration = $configuration;
$this->coverageFilter = $coverageFilter;
$this->coverageClover = $coverageClover;
$this->coverageCobertura = $coverageCobertura;
$this->coverageCrap4J = $coverageCrap4J;
$this->coverageHtml = $coverageHtml;
$this->coveragePhp = $coveragePhp;
$this->coverageText = $coverageText;
$this->coverageTextShowUncoveredFiles = $coverageTextShowUncoveredFiles;
$this->coverageTextShowOnlySummary = $coverageTextShowOnlySummary;
$this->coverageXml = $coverageXml;
$this->pathCoverage = $pathCoverage;
$this->coverageCacheDirectory = $coverageCacheDirectory;
$this->warmCoverageCache = $warmCoverageCache;
$this->debug = $debug;
$this->defaultTimeLimit = $defaultTimeLimit;
$this->disableCodeCoverageIgnore = $disableCodeCoverageIgnore;
$this->disallowTestOutput = $disallowTestOutput;
$this->disallowTodoAnnotatedTests = $disallowTodoAnnotatedTests;
$this->enforceTimeLimit = $enforceTimeLimit;
$this->excludeGroups = $excludeGroups;
$this->executionOrder = $executionOrder;
$this->executionOrderDefects = $executionOrderDefects;
$this->extensions = $extensions;
$this->unavailableExtensions = $unavailableExtensions;
$this->failOnEmptyTestSuite = $failOnEmptyTestSuite;
$this->failOnIncomplete = $failOnIncomplete;
$this->failOnRisky = $failOnRisky;
$this->failOnSkipped = $failOnSkipped;
$this->failOnWarning = $failOnWarning;
$this->filter = $filter;
$this->generateConfiguration = $generateConfiguration;
$this->migrateConfiguration = $migrateConfiguration;
$this->groups = $groups;
$this->testsCovering = $testsCovering;
$this->testsUsing = $testsUsing;
$this->help = $help;
$this->includePath = $includePath;
$this->iniSettings = $iniSettings;
$this->junitLogfile = $junitLogfile;
$this->listGroups = $listGroups;
$this->listSuites = $listSuites;
$this->listTests = $listTests;
$this->listTestsXml = $listTestsXml;
$this->loader = $loader;
$this->noCoverage = $noCoverage;
$this->noExtensions = $noExtensions;
$this->noInteraction = $noInteraction;
$this->noLogging = $noLogging;
$this->printer = $printer;
$this->processIsolation = $processIsolation;
$this->randomOrderSeed = $randomOrderSeed;
$this->repeat = $repeat;
$this->reportUselessTests = $reportUselessTests;
$this->resolveDependencies = $resolveDependencies;
$this->reverseList = $reverseList;
$this->stderr = $stderr;
$this->strictCoverage = $strictCoverage;
$this->stopOnDefect = $stopOnDefect;
$this->stopOnError = $stopOnError;
$this->stopOnFailure = $stopOnFailure;
$this->stopOnIncomplete = $stopOnIncomplete;
$this->stopOnRisky = $stopOnRisky;
$this->stopOnSkipped = $stopOnSkipped;
$this->stopOnWarning = $stopOnWarning;
$this->teamcityLogfile = $teamcityLogfile;
$this->testdoxExcludeGroups = $testdoxExcludeGroups;
$this->testdoxGroups = $testdoxGroups;
$this->testdoxHtmlFile = $testdoxHtmlFile;
$this->testdoxTextFile = $testdoxTextFile;
$this->testdoxXmlFile = $testdoxXmlFile;
$this->testSuffixes = $testSuffixes;
$this->testSuite = $testSuite;
$this->unrecognizedOptions = $unrecognizedOptions;
$this->unrecognizedOrderBy = $unrecognizedOrderBy;
$this->useDefaultConfiguration = $useDefaultConfiguration;
$this->verbose = $verbose;
$this->version = $version;
$this->xdebugFilterFile = $xdebugFilterFile;
public function hasArgument(): bool
return $this->argument !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function argument(): string
if ($this->argument === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->argument;
public function hasAtLeastVersion(): bool
return $this->atLeastVersion !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function atLeastVersion(): string
if ($this->atLeastVersion === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->atLeastVersion;
public function hasBackupGlobals(): bool
return $this->backupGlobals !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function backupGlobals(): bool
if ($this->backupGlobals === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->backupGlobals;
public function hasBackupStaticAttributes(): bool
return $this->backupStaticAttributes !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function backupStaticAttributes(): bool
if ($this->backupStaticAttributes === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->backupStaticAttributes;
public function hasBeStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState(): bool
return $this->beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState(): bool
if ($this->beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->beStrictAboutChangesToGlobalState;
public function hasBeStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests(): bool
return $this->beStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function beStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests(): bool
if ($this->beStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->beStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests;
public function hasBootstrap(): bool
return $this->bootstrap !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function bootstrap(): string
if ($this->bootstrap === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->bootstrap;
public function hasCacheResult(): bool
return $this->cacheResult !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function cacheResult(): bool
if ($this->cacheResult === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->cacheResult;
public function hasCacheResultFile(): bool
return $this->cacheResultFile !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function cacheResultFile(): string
if ($this->cacheResultFile === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->cacheResultFile;
public function hasCheckVersion(): bool
return $this->checkVersion !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function checkVersion(): bool
if ($this->checkVersion === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->checkVersion;
public function hasColors(): bool
return $this->colors !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function colors(): string
if ($this->colors === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->colors;
public function hasColumns(): bool
return $this->columns !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function columns()
if ($this->columns === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->columns;
public function hasConfiguration(): bool
return $this->configuration !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function configuration(): string
if ($this->configuration === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->configuration;
public function hasCoverageFilter(): bool
return $this->coverageFilter !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coverageFilter(): array
if ($this->coverageFilter === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coverageFilter;
public function hasCoverageClover(): bool
return $this->coverageClover !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coverageClover(): string
if ($this->coverageClover === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coverageClover;
public function hasCoverageCobertura(): bool
return $this->coverageCobertura !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coverageCobertura(): string
if ($this->coverageCobertura === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coverageCobertura;
public function hasCoverageCrap4J(): bool
return $this->coverageCrap4J !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coverageCrap4J(): string
if ($this->coverageCrap4J === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coverageCrap4J;
public function hasCoverageHtml(): bool
return $this->coverageHtml !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coverageHtml(): string
if ($this->coverageHtml === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coverageHtml;
public function hasCoveragePhp(): bool
return $this->coveragePhp !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coveragePhp(): string
if ($this->coveragePhp === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coveragePhp;
public function hasCoverageText(): bool
return $this->coverageText !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coverageText(): string
if ($this->coverageText === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coverageText;
public function hasCoverageTextShowUncoveredFiles(): bool
return $this->coverageTextShowUncoveredFiles !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coverageTextShowUncoveredFiles(): bool
if ($this->coverageTextShowUncoveredFiles === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coverageTextShowUncoveredFiles;
public function hasCoverageTextShowOnlySummary(): bool
return $this->coverageTextShowOnlySummary !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coverageTextShowOnlySummary(): bool
if ($this->coverageTextShowOnlySummary === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coverageTextShowOnlySummary;
public function hasCoverageXml(): bool
return $this->coverageXml !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coverageXml(): string
if ($this->coverageXml === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coverageXml;
public function hasPathCoverage(): bool
return $this->pathCoverage !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function pathCoverage(): bool
if ($this->pathCoverage === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->pathCoverage;
public function hasCoverageCacheDirectory(): bool
return $this->coverageCacheDirectory !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function coverageCacheDirectory(): string
if ($this->coverageCacheDirectory === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->coverageCacheDirectory;
public function hasWarmCoverageCache(): bool
return $this->warmCoverageCache !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function warmCoverageCache(): bool
if ($this->warmCoverageCache === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->warmCoverageCache;
public function hasDebug(): bool
return $this->debug !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function debug(): bool
if ($this->debug === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->debug;
public function hasDefaultTimeLimit(): bool
return $this->defaultTimeLimit !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function defaultTimeLimit(): int
if ($this->defaultTimeLimit === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->defaultTimeLimit;
public function hasDisableCodeCoverageIgnore(): bool
return $this->disableCodeCoverageIgnore !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function disableCodeCoverageIgnore(): bool
if ($this->disableCodeCoverageIgnore === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->disableCodeCoverageIgnore;
public function hasDisallowTestOutput(): bool
return $this->disallowTestOutput !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function disallowTestOutput(): bool
if ($this->disallowTestOutput === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->disallowTestOutput;
public function hasDisallowTodoAnnotatedTests(): bool
return $this->disallowTodoAnnotatedTests !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function disallowTodoAnnotatedTests(): bool
if ($this->disallowTodoAnnotatedTests === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->disallowTodoAnnotatedTests;
public function hasEnforceTimeLimit(): bool
return $this->enforceTimeLimit !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function enforceTimeLimit(): bool
if ($this->enforceTimeLimit === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->enforceTimeLimit;
public function hasExcludeGroups(): bool
return $this->excludeGroups !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function excludeGroups(): array
if ($this->excludeGroups === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->excludeGroups;
public function hasExecutionOrder(): bool
return $this->executionOrder !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function executionOrder(): int
if ($this->executionOrder === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->executionOrder;
public function hasExecutionOrderDefects(): bool
return $this->executionOrderDefects !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function executionOrderDefects(): int
if ($this->executionOrderDefects === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->executionOrderDefects;
public function hasFailOnEmptyTestSuite(): bool
return $this->failOnEmptyTestSuite !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function failOnEmptyTestSuite(): bool
if ($this->failOnEmptyTestSuite === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->failOnEmptyTestSuite;
public function hasFailOnIncomplete(): bool
return $this->failOnIncomplete !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function failOnIncomplete(): bool
if ($this->failOnIncomplete === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->failOnIncomplete;
public function hasFailOnRisky(): bool
return $this->failOnRisky !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function failOnRisky(): bool
if ($this->failOnRisky === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->failOnRisky;
public function hasFailOnSkipped(): bool
return $this->failOnSkipped !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function failOnSkipped(): bool
if ($this->failOnSkipped === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->failOnSkipped;
public function hasFailOnWarning(): bool
return $this->failOnWarning !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function failOnWarning(): bool
if ($this->failOnWarning === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->failOnWarning;
public function hasFilter(): bool
return $this->filter !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function filter(): string
if ($this->filter === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->filter;
public function hasGenerateConfiguration(): bool
return $this->generateConfiguration !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function generateConfiguration(): bool
if ($this->generateConfiguration === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->generateConfiguration;
public function hasMigrateConfiguration(): bool
return $this->migrateConfiguration !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function migrateConfiguration(): bool
if ($this->migrateConfiguration === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->migrateConfiguration;
public function hasGroups(): bool
return $this->groups !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function groups(): array
if ($this->groups === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->groups;
public function hasTestsCovering(): bool
return $this->testsCovering !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function testsCovering(): array
if ($this->testsCovering === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->testsCovering;
public function hasTestsUsing(): bool
return $this->testsUsing !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function testsUsing(): array
if ($this->testsUsing === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->testsUsing;
public function hasHelp(): bool
return $this->help !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function help(): bool
if ($this->help === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->help;
public function hasIncludePath(): bool
return $this->includePath !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function includePath(): string
if ($this->includePath === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->includePath;
public function hasIniSettings(): bool
return $this->iniSettings !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function iniSettings(): array
if ($this->iniSettings === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->iniSettings;
public function hasJunitLogfile(): bool
return $this->junitLogfile !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function junitLogfile(): string
if ($this->junitLogfile === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->junitLogfile;
public function hasListGroups(): bool
return $this->listGroups !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function listGroups(): bool
if ($this->listGroups === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->listGroups;
public function hasListSuites(): bool
return $this->listSuites !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function listSuites(): bool
if ($this->listSuites === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->listSuites;
public function hasListTests(): bool
return $this->listTests !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function listTests(): bool
if ($this->listTests === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->listTests;
public function hasListTestsXml(): bool
return $this->listTestsXml !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function listTestsXml(): string
if ($this->listTestsXml === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->listTestsXml;
public function hasLoader(): bool
return $this->loader !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function loader(): string
if ($this->loader === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->loader;
public function hasNoCoverage(): bool
return $this->noCoverage !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function noCoverage(): bool
if ($this->noCoverage === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->noCoverage;
public function hasNoExtensions(): bool
return $this->noExtensions !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function noExtensions(): bool
if ($this->noExtensions === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->noExtensions;
public function hasExtensions(): bool
return $this->extensions !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function extensions(): array
if ($this->extensions === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->extensions;
public function hasUnavailableExtensions(): bool
return $this->unavailableExtensions !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function unavailableExtensions(): array
if ($this->unavailableExtensions === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->unavailableExtensions;
public function hasNoInteraction(): bool
return $this->noInteraction !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function noInteraction(): bool
if ($this->noInteraction === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->noInteraction;
public function hasNoLogging(): bool
return $this->noLogging !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function noLogging(): bool
if ($this->noLogging === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->noLogging;
public function hasPrinter(): bool
return $this->printer !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function printer(): string
if ($this->printer === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->printer;
public function hasProcessIsolation(): bool
return $this->processIsolation !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function processIsolation(): bool
if ($this->processIsolation === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->processIsolation;
public function hasRandomOrderSeed(): bool
return $this->randomOrderSeed !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function randomOrderSeed(): int
if ($this->randomOrderSeed === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->randomOrderSeed;
public function hasRepeat(): bool
return $this->repeat !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function repeat(): int
if ($this->repeat === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->repeat;
public function hasReportUselessTests(): bool
return $this->reportUselessTests !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function reportUselessTests(): bool
if ($this->reportUselessTests === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->reportUselessTests;
public function hasResolveDependencies(): bool
return $this->resolveDependencies !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function resolveDependencies(): bool
if ($this->resolveDependencies === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->resolveDependencies;
public function hasReverseList(): bool
return $this->reverseList !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function reverseList(): bool
if ($this->reverseList === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->reverseList;
public function hasStderr(): bool
return $this->stderr !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function stderr(): bool
if ($this->stderr === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->stderr;
public function hasStrictCoverage(): bool
return $this->strictCoverage !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function strictCoverage(): bool
if ($this->strictCoverage === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->strictCoverage;
public function hasStopOnDefect(): bool
return $this->stopOnDefect !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function stopOnDefect(): bool
if ($this->stopOnDefect === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->stopOnDefect;
public function hasStopOnError(): bool
return $this->stopOnError !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function stopOnError(): bool
if ($this->stopOnError === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->stopOnError;
public function hasStopOnFailure(): bool
return $this->stopOnFailure !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function stopOnFailure(): bool
if ($this->stopOnFailure === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->stopOnFailure;
public function hasStopOnIncomplete(): bool
return $this->stopOnIncomplete !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function stopOnIncomplete(): bool
if ($this->stopOnIncomplete === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->stopOnIncomplete;
public function hasStopOnRisky(): bool
return $this->stopOnRisky !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function stopOnRisky(): bool
if ($this->stopOnRisky === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->stopOnRisky;
public function hasStopOnSkipped(): bool
return $this->stopOnSkipped !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function stopOnSkipped(): bool
if ($this->stopOnSkipped === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->stopOnSkipped;
public function hasStopOnWarning(): bool
return $this->stopOnWarning !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function stopOnWarning(): bool
if ($this->stopOnWarning === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->stopOnWarning;
public function hasTeamcityLogfile(): bool
return $this->teamcityLogfile !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function teamcityLogfile(): string
if ($this->teamcityLogfile === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->teamcityLogfile;
public function hasTestdoxExcludeGroups(): bool
return $this->testdoxExcludeGroups !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function testdoxExcludeGroups(): array
if ($this->testdoxExcludeGroups === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->testdoxExcludeGroups;
public function hasTestdoxGroups(): bool
return $this->testdoxGroups !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function testdoxGroups(): array
if ($this->testdoxGroups === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->testdoxGroups;
public function hasTestdoxHtmlFile(): bool
return $this->testdoxHtmlFile !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function testdoxHtmlFile(): string
if ($this->testdoxHtmlFile === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->testdoxHtmlFile;
public function hasTestdoxTextFile(): bool
return $this->testdoxTextFile !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function testdoxTextFile(): string
if ($this->testdoxTextFile === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->testdoxTextFile;
public function hasTestdoxXmlFile(): bool
return $this->testdoxXmlFile !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function testdoxXmlFile(): string
if ($this->testdoxXmlFile === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->testdoxXmlFile;
public function hasTestSuffixes(): bool
return $this->testSuffixes !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function testSuffixes(): array
if ($this->testSuffixes === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->testSuffixes;
public function hasTestSuite(): bool
return $this->testSuite !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function testSuite(): string
if ($this->testSuite === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->testSuite;
public function unrecognizedOptions(): array
return $this->unrecognizedOptions;
public function hasUnrecognizedOrderBy(): bool
return $this->unrecognizedOrderBy !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function unrecognizedOrderBy(): string
if ($this->unrecognizedOrderBy === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->unrecognizedOrderBy;
public function hasUseDefaultConfiguration(): bool
return $this->useDefaultConfiguration !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function useDefaultConfiguration(): bool
if ($this->useDefaultConfiguration === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->useDefaultConfiguration;
public function hasVerbose(): bool
return $this->verbose !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function verbose(): bool
if ($this->verbose === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->verbose;
public function hasVersion(): bool
return $this->version !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function version(): bool
if ($this->version === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->version;
public function hasXdebugFilterFile(): bool
return $this->xdebugFilterFile !== null;
* @throws Exception
public function xdebugFilterFile(): string
if ($this->xdebugFilterFile === null) {
throw new Exception;
return $this->xdebugFilterFile;